Perhaps, not so innocent?

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Chapt. 2

Many could not believe that he was the culprit. How could he have been the one to do it? For some, the accusations were still false, despite the heavy weight of evidence, the justice lacked one thing. Motive. Why would he do this? They still couldn't get that, and they had been given their allotted time. So Jungkook, he was to be sent to Big Hit High School for Unfortunate Youth immediately. He could not say that he was thoroughly excited, but he was certainly desperate to get out of the town. He had heard the rumors of Big Hit High, and while he was certain that the school did for sure hold the worst of the worst, and was a survival ground, he knew he could survive that survival ground just as well as he had survived his home survival ground. He would push through, if it was the last thing he did. Hopefully it wasn't. Though he could not discount the possibility.

Jungkook was not that scary, and it was mostly because of his shy, timid, and scared demeanor that caused others to doubt his guilt in the beating and torture of those classmates of his. There were other, far more likely targets. He was smaller than average for his age, and though he had a black belt in Taekwondo, not many knew that part of him. He had black hair, with a few dark brown streaks. His skin was pale, and clear, and his eyes were big and sparkly, and innocent looking. He had been told he looked like a dear before. Innocent, vulnerable, with a need to be protected, and that combined with his quiet, shy, timid self? It was a practical suicide sentence at Big Hit High School for Unfortunate Youth.

His mother had cried at the verdict, his father screaming that all of this was nonsense. Though Jungkook knew that they knew, that he knew that they were not outraged or upset on his behalf, but on behalf of what the community would think of such a powerful and wealthy families youngest child going to such a school. It was one thing that he was spitefully excited for. The fact that he had ruined their so-called pristine image in society. It was a wonderful feeling, and one he would be sure to relish in far more times than simply on the ride to the dreaded school.

Jungkook watched as they approached the school. He already knew what was going to happen. Well, he thought he did. After all, being shy, and abnormally smart was never a good combination in any school, he doubted the same could be said for this school. Either way, the official school year did not start for about a week at the least, from what he had overheard. So, he had that going for him.

Jungkook jerked back with wide, scared eyes as he felt a person's hand on them. It took all of his self-control not to pound the person whom was connected with said hand. That would be a very, very unwise decision, considering it was the guard who was on the bus with him. The guard coughed a bit nervously, and released his hand, after which Jungkook promptly sighed softly in relief.

The guard shook his head in disbelief. Who could possibly believe that this boy had beat a group of classmates older, bigger, and stronger than him? It was simply idiotic. The guard sighed heavily, he wished he could do something to help the kid, but unfortunately he was only able to give him advice.

"Hey, kid." The boy looked up at him as they reached the principal's office. The kid had clear, kind eyes. It somewhat broke the guard's heart to know that that would not be for very long. "Whatever you do, stay away from BangTan."
IT was the best advice he could give the kid. He may survive this school intact, unlikely, but possible, unless he caught the sights of BangTan, then he was permanently screwed. He did not want to have to come pick up the body of this boy before the end of the year.

"Yes, Sir," Jungkook said softly, with the nicest tone that he could muster. The man was trying to help him after all, and while he may not exactly like the guy, he was respectful to his elders (mostly). The man smiled sadly at him. Jungkook walked into the office of the principal, but before he left the elder man's control and supervision completely, he looked over his shoulder and smirked.

"Don't worry about me, Sir, I will be perrrfectly fine." He said smiling, eyes sparkling, before turning and continuing into the office, leaving the guard stunned a bit.

"So, Jungkook." The principal began. "You are very intelligent. I doubt I need to tell you the rules." Jungkook stared at the principal and tilted his head. He furrowed his browed a bit.

"But...I dunno the rules. Just because I am smarter than the average person does not mean that I can read minds you know." He huffed, crossing his arms over his chest and pouting a bit. The principal sighed heavily. He did not like this one bit, but per his agreement with Seokjin and Namjoon, the boy had to room with Taehyung, the last joined recruit. He did not want to risk angering the BangTan either, that was simply suicide to any who tried.

"Very well,"

Jungkook was left alone once all the rules were said, all of the expectations shared, and his dorm room number and wing given to him. He blinked a bit, a little dazed. He was expected to what? Find his room alone, by himself, in a huge ass school, when he barely knew where the front doors were? Seriously. Jungkook growled angrily, but no....

He couldn't loose it here. He had to find the dorm, he didn't want to stay out here all day and night. And according to the Dean he was expected to be in his rooms by seven pm. He didn't want to get into trouble on his first night.

So he decided to wander around. It was the best idea that he could come up with considering that he was not given a map, he did not really want to ask directions from anyone-not that there was anyone in sight even if he did want to-and he had no idea where to go, there was not even a directory, he was hopeless in this situation. But he refused to give up. He was far too competitive for that.

So Jungkook, sitting on a plastic chair in a lone hall bit his lower lip, clutching his paper, trying to figure out what he should do. It was then that he heard footsteps, lots of them. He glanced up, through his black fringe, to note a group of three, maybe four kids running after another kid. One that was running as fast as possible, but the boy was small. Short legs, which could barely out run the others. Jungkook stood up, cocking his head to the side. When they reached him, he stepped in-between the boy and the group. He glanced up at the group of kids before him, the other boy continued running, barely sparing a few second glance back at Jungkook. Not that Jungkook cared much, but he was slightly miffed. Here he was metaphorically putting his life on the line for that piece of ungrateful swine. It was fine, he target were those in front of him, not the pathetic coward behind him.

Jungkook looked at them, silently assessing them with curious eyes.

"Who are you, punk?" One of the kids asked him, stepping forwards. Jungkook stepped back with wide eyes.

"What are you doing in this hall? Don't you know this hall belongs to us?" another snarled. Jungkook stared at them, blinking with owlish eyes.

"How would I possibly know that?"

"Everyone knows that idiot!!" The last grumbled lunging forwards, but Jungkook side-stepped him, cocking his head a bit to the side again, showing his confusion.

"I just got here a few minutes ago, I wouldn't know about that." The others stared at him.

"Woah dude seriously?"

"Why would I lie about that? Pretty stupid thing to lie about if you ask me." Jungkook stared at them a moment longer. "I wouldn't be here-well I may not be here-but I got lost." He shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly when they asked why in a slightly defensive tone. "I was not given a map, obviously I would get lost. I didn't want to just stay standing outside of the principal's office either, but I have no idea where the dorm I am supposed to be in is." He looked up at the other's, ensuring the use of his puppy eyes. Wide, innocent, sparkling. "Do you know where this room is?" He asked, curiously, handing out the paper for the lead to take, which he did rather roughly.

"Yeah, kid, we know where it is." Jungkook stared at them again.

"Will you show me? I don't really want to get lost again." Jungkook sighed heavily, playing with the hem of his shirt. Shy, vulnerable, nervous. Picture perfect.

"Fine," The lead growled. The other boys made noises of objection, but the lead shut them up with a glance.

"What is your name kid?"

"Kook," He said simply, he was not about to give them his full name, not yet. 

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