Remembering the Past Part 1

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Teamin knew that Jungkook was a worrier, it was obvious from the beginning, and he knew that it was hard for a worrier to understand that things were not always going to go the way that you wanted. They liked to be as prepared as possible, despite the futility of such things. He wanted to help Jungkook as best as he could, that was partially why he had fought to keep Jungkook here. He was not sure what Jungkook had done to get here, but it was clearly not what everyone thought it was. or at least, he was sure there was more to the story. Then again, nobody really knew why Jungkook was put in here, if anyone were to know, it was probably that bastard Taehyung. So far though, no leaks have come from Bangtan's end.

It was strange, that much his group could attest to. In the past, things like this had not happened often, there was only a history of it happening once, and that was with Jimin, and look where Jimin was now? He was unhealthily attached to Taehyung. Taehyung was not exactly the kindest person on this piece of land, and in fact many would argue that he was the cruelest by far. Taemin had been there when Jimin got recruited.

His recruitment was actually rather interesting, because at first nobody particularly cared. Hoseok was the one who had chosen Jimin. Prior to that, Yoongi had chosen Hobi, and then Hobi got chosen by NamJoon and NamJoon by Jin. Everyone knew that at least. Well, anyone with any degree of desire to survive the school. One never wanted to piss them off, and knowing who chose who in the Bangtan group was rather important as it had become rather obvious that the members were extremely protective, particularly of the one that they had chosen. Jimin having come into the school at first was incredibly overlooked, he had even made it past the customary meet and greet with the members of Bangtan that were current at the time.

Taemin remembered Jimin, he had been friends with Jimin...once upon at time, but it would seem that every once upon at had a time limit, because Taemin had not been close with him for long before Bangtan had stolen him.


Taemin scoffed as he saw the crowded halls. It only ever got this way when they got some idiot newbie that was stupid enough to get caught and land themselves here. He glanced towards the side of him, even Minho was super excited about it. He wanted to roll his eyes. It was bad enough that they had to deal with the people here, his bestie getting super excited over some new person that got caught and landed themselves in hell was not what he had anticipated for the day.

"What is up with you?" Taemin scoffed, rolling his eyes once Minho gave him an offended look. Really it was all one could do, Minho was always offended, at one thing or another, it was always something. Key normally managed to keep him in line, but right now Key had gotten caught smuggling forbidden items into teh school, goodness only knows how the principal found out. Taemin suspected it was that new group that seemed to be steadily rising playing a power play. Bangtan. Taemin did not know much about them, but the four member group was formidable, that he did know. He did not have to know much about them to be wary of them at best.

"What do you mean what is up with me? I've been bored!" Minho whined. Taemin grit his teeth but did not say anything. Of course the other had been...what did he say...bored. His partner in crime was Key, and guess what had happened to Key, he had gotten caught. Taemin shook his head in exasperation but Minho did not see it, craning his neck over the crowded halls to see the newcomer. "This is the newest thing lately. It is something to keep me not bored, even if it is just for a little bit." Taemin could not really argue with that. He leaned against the wall of the hall, not bothering to get into this more with Minho.

The bus that dropped off the newbie recruits to the school slowly stopped in the front lot. Everyone was getting more and more excited and Taemin just...well, it was not that he did not care, particularly. Of course he did. Especially since Bangtan had taken to doing these so called interviews with each individual that passed through. Nobody really knew what they were looking for, and Taemin did not care to know. he just knew that they had been close to taking him, had he not vehemently refused and Jonghyun backed him. It was on them, for not knowing he had backup. He had gotten lucky, really, and that was all that it had been. He was careful to try not to cross paths with them again, but it was not always that easy. They had hunted for him for a while before he managed to get away from them. Even now, outside of classes, he hung out at his Hyung's dorm, not daring to touch his own. He did not know what sort of things that Bangtan might crook up trying to get at him. Bangtan did not seem to take lightly to being told no. In fact, hardly anyone in this god foresaken school took lightly to being told no.

The bus did drop off their little newbie. and, well, little they were. However, Taemin knew that glint in their eyes. This boy was no more or less dangerous than anyone else in this school, although if he was smart he would use his status to his advantage. At least, whilst he copuld considering he would not doubt that the BTS members would want to meet wtih him soon enough. 

"What do you think BTS is going to do with him?" Taemin heard some of the boys around them whispered. Taemin rolled his eyes at the rather loud whispers. The interest that these people were showing in BTS was...wise in some regard, but at the same time, it was kind of frustrating as they seemed to breathe the atmosphere now.

"I don't know, and why do you care?" Taemin growled, his eyes narrowing.

"BTS has sort of taken over the school by now, haven't you been keeping up?" One of the students questioned with an eye roll. Another boy rolled up linking his arm over his shoulder. Taemin stiffened at the contact but did not shove them off, there was information to obtain there.

"They have sort of bribed their way through the principal." The strange boy said simply, turning to look at Taemin, before paling slightly at the dark look that Jonghyun was giving him, another hand having laid themselves on the shoulder of the youngest group member.

"Excuse you," Jonghyun said simply, his eyes dark. "If you would get your filthy paws off of my toys, I would appreciate it." The idiot's brows furrowing confused, but he hastily snatched his fingers back when he realized what it was that he was talking about. Rapid eyes blinked between Taemin and Jonghyun, a nervous laugh on their lips.

"S-Sorry about that. I was just answering a question."

"Yes, well, next time, answer it without touching my things." Jonghyun said simply, pulling Taemin into him.

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