Taemin's Advice

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Jungkook was not entirely too sure what to make of this Taemin character. It was because of him that he was allowed to come back, something that he was rather grateful for, even if he would not admit it. He had nowhere else he could go without running into the other members. He shared a room with Taehyung, and he knew that they were probably looking for him right now, still. He did not think that Taehyung would be all too pleased at his running off the way that he had, but he also found that he really was not...he did not really have it in him to care all that much. Of course, he cared about Taehyung. He cared about all of the boys, but the reality was that he also had an education he wanted. He wanted to go to school, he wanted to learn, he also wanted to see his brother. Granted, his older brother was the one who offered to take the fall, and what was he going to say? No? In all honesty he probably should have given the hatred that his parents showed him for ages afterwards. Then again they had hated him from the start so, there was not much to be done about that. 

He just...there was no way that he would be able to hide from BangTan for too long, and nobody truly knew that he had met MinHo in the first place. He could only hope that he would be able to stay for the day, maybe two. He did not want to get these people mixed up in his drama with the lead gang. He knew these people were trying to stage some sort of interference. They wanted to tip the balance of power in their favor. He knew that, and he knew that once they had figured out that he was a member of BangTan one of two things was bound to happen. They would throw him out, which they did, fearing that he was spying on them, although it could be for other reasons as well, he was not that oblivious. Or, they would welcome him in, trying to sugar him up so that he would release some information that could be used against Taehyung and the others. IT was their best opportunity and not one that any intelligent person would give up. They had done the first, and Jungkook figured that Minho would have spoken with them, and they would have realized how stupid that they were, and rushed to correct their mistake any way how. 

Honestly, he was doubting that the reason he was let in was because of Taemin, but he also knew that there was no way to prove it. One thing that he was fully aware of at the moment was that he would have to be careful. He was not one to give away information, especially not on Taehyung. Sure, he was angry at BangTan, and he was furious with Taehyung, but he was not going to betray them. Jungkook mindlessly traced the branded V that he had done. There was no way that he would do something like that. For all that he was angry with them, and hurt that they would willingly do something like leave him so easily, he was not one to give away secrets that could harm them. He cared about them. Perhaps that was where he would fall. He did not really know but the fact remained that for good or for worse he did care for them. He was a member of their group, their gang, though he figured that perhaps these boys did not know that part.

Then again, who knew what a gang knew? They could know so much and yet miss the most obvious things. As of right now, they felt that Taehyung was toying with him, and was something that he would discard soon. Perhaps he was. Nobody lasted for very long, and eventually Taehyung would get bored with him. It was not a question of if he would get bored, but how long he would last before he did. It was a dreaded thought, in all honesty. Wondering how long  it was going to be before someone got bored of you and decided that you were no longer worth their time...or their effort, that you were a bit too much to handle and they did not want to do that anymore? That was...painful. Jungkook knew that it would happen soon enough, but he did not really want to think about that. 

For now, the other was obsessed with him. He was not innocent either. He was just as obsessed, though perhaps a little less...obviously. Jungkook was not someone who would do things right out unless there was no other option. While he could be very straight forwards at times, there were times when that simply did not suit him. He got the feeling that Taehyung believed him ignorant to the manipulations that were being piled upon him, but it was not that he was ignorant persay, more that he found he did not care. It was apathy. Or perhaps it was simply he cared too much. Jungkook liked to think that he would be able to leave Taehyung should he ever need to, or desire to, but he was not entirely certain that he could. Even now, after such betrayal, he was still going to go back, he just needed space. Space that he knew would only last a day or two if he was lucky. After all...BangTan ruled the school. 

"What are you thinking about?" Taemin asked gently. Jungkook startled, staring at the other man with wide eyes. 

"Oh, nothing much." he said softly. Jungkook did not really know if he should answer Taemin. This was a groupmate that was a part of another gang. Really, Jungkook was wondering if it had been wise to seek aid from MInho. Well, he supposed he did not really do the seeking, more like Minho had stumbled upon him and offered help.

"Ah, come on, I know that look." Taemin said tilting his head to the side a bit. "Something is bothering you." Jungkook sighed in defeat, knowing the other would not stop until he gave him the information that he wanted. 

"I just don't really know what I was thinking. Running away like that." Jungkook admitted softly, and Taemin just gave him a pitiful look.

"You were emotional. It is understandable. Sometimes, so many things happen and you need a bit of space to clear your head." 

"Tell that to Taehyung," Taeming seemed to laugh at Jungkook's reply. 

"Look, I don't know about any of the others, but it is obvious that you like him, for whatever reason, and he likes you, though perhaps in a more...possessive way then is technically healthy, but really just let yourself figure out what you need. Either way, eventually you two will reunite. Just give it time."

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