Try Try and Try again

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Jungkook glared at the six who stood before him. He had been trying, and consequently failing miserably to his consternation, at getting them to agree to allow him to attend school. He wanted to go, and they were totally against it. According to them, they needed to be careful with who figured out they were breaking the rules, but going to school so soon was a no-no on their list. Jungkook doubted that it would do him any good not going to school and simply waiting it out. He needed to address the populace of the school, and the best way to do that was going to the bloody school class. Yet, the others seemed to have a very different idea, and they were not at all fond of him going to classes by himself. 

"Guys, it is not like I am an invalid. I can get to and from classes." Jin sighed heavily, as Jungkook once more pointed a deep and penetrating glare at them. 

"Perhaps, but we just care for you, and we do not wish for you to get hurt. I know you want to go to the classes today, but I just do not think that it is a good idea." Jungkook growled low in his chest.

"I cannot possibly be bad. Not as bad as it could be. I want to at least manage to graduate somehow. I am stuck here, and that means I will get to my classes. I do not care whether or not you want me to or..." Jungkook's voice failed him as Taehyung finally stood up.

Taehyung's action of standing seemed to render the entire room of seven to utter silence. It was...disconcerting. Fearful, they watched taehyung carefully as he slowly made his way towards Jungkook. Jungkook, for his self-preservation, began to slowly move backwards, somewhat worried. He was incredibly worried. Worried now because Taehyung had made an active move. 
Perhaps he was more worried about why Taehyung had stayed utterly silent, until now. Now, all of a sudden, he was making a conscious move and Jungkook was worried he had angered the other to a massive degree. 

Taehyung made no attempt to say something, nor did he address anything as he moved towards Jungkook, moving forwards with an air of total confidence, just as the youth was moving backwards nervously. Taehyung, once he got Jungkook back far enough, trapped him against the wall with his hands, and cocked his head mockingly at the young boy. 

"Jungkookie, baby," He said in a low purring voice. Jungkook swallowed and bit his lower lip nervously. 

"Y-Yes, Tae-TaeHyungie?" He asked, unable to really help the slight catch in his voice that had occurred with his attempt to answer the elder. 

"Why do you want to go to classes so badly?" He asked, soft, as though the mere idea did not strike anger and jealousy into his heart. Jungkook looked away, unable to hold the gaze which Taehyung was penetrating him with, unable to look into the eyes of the other, too scared of what he may see there. 

"I-I-I..." Jungkook stuttered over his words horribly, too nervous to say anything more. He fell silent, deeming it best to simply say nothing rather than attempting to say something and probably failing miserably to make any decent point. 

"You what?" Taehyung pressed gently. Jungkook sighed heavily. He stared into the eyes of the other and carefully thought about his options. If he admitted the real reason, he would probably get into trouble with all of them. But if he refused to say anything than it was likely that they would simply not allow him to go at all. And he really did want to go to class.

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