To Taehyungie

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Jimin thanked Jungkook what seemed to be a thousand times over, but he doubted that he would ever really be able to repay the boy for helping Taehyung, even if he had known he would probably do it. Hobi just stared at the boy. Unsure about the entire situation. Unsure if Jimin was doing something right this time.

Hobi had not known what to think when Jimin had said that he was running off to get a BOY instead of helping Taehyung. Whenever one of them had said that Tae had gone red he had always rushed to the help of Jin, who normally was the one trying to calm him down. It was well known among the group that of all of them, Jimin and Jin were the only ones really able to calm Taehyung down from a rage. Now, instead of running to Jin's aid and getting Taehyung to calm down before the Guards noticed something amok, and realized that Tae had gone into a rage once more and locked him up, he was going to get a kid? It was so confusing and, even though Hobi had willingly aided Jimin in trying to find this boy, he could not understand what the other was doing, running to seek this other kid out instead. He could barely comprehend when Jimin had tried to tell him, his mind running circles around itself trying to solve the mystery.

Not only then, but Jimin was actively, and hastily, trying to find him. There was no small measure of maybe find the kid but if all else fails go help Jin. No, it seemed as though Jimin was of the belief that this boy would help them no matter what, and if he did not, they were simply screwed. Hobi...He could not really make sense of that. It was something that had never happened before. Confusion wrapped its ugly claws in Hobi's mind, and Jimin was far too distracted to accurately explain what he was doing. He did not like it. It was a nightmare. Hobi had a feeling that Jimin was going to be experiencing some major guilt and let down this time.

When they had finally reached the boy, Hobi had been rather confused. He was small. Not small as in young-though he noticed that was true as well-but small as in little. He was thin, it was obvious that he had not been eating well where-ever he had been before, something that triggered some type of untapped anger in Hobi. He was not sure why he was feeling so mad that the youth had not eaten, but he was. Despite his skinny stature, there was no denying the boy was beautiful, handsome, lovely even. He had dark hair, with bangs that covered the boys eyes, and probably were constantly moved to the side to allow him to see, and his eyes, so beautiful when they looked at Jiminie. Dark, orbs of midnight beauty. It was as though one could see the depths of the earth in those sparkly gems. Crystalized orbs of onyx stone. He was stunning. Not Jin stunning, or Taehyung stunning, or even Jiminie stunning, a different type of beauty seemed to wave off of the kid in copious amounts. Some sort of, innocence, a true innocence though. Not the sort of innocence that Jiminie can copy. A kind real, undeniable, innocence. it was slightly worrying.

When the boy spoke, his voice was harsh. He seemed to be on the verge of tears, something that ripped Hobi to pieces. If this boy was the cause of Taehyung anger, it would undoubtedly be something that another had done to him, as Hobi could not ever comprehend someone getting mad enough to harm this poor innocent being. He was so, sweet. Hobi could not understand his reaction to a kid in this sort of school. He had to have done something quite awful to land up here.

Hobi ripped himself from his thoughts when he heard Jiminie sniffle. What had happened exactly? Hobi was not quite sure, then again, he had sort of been lost in his own mind for a while. But it was when the boy spoke again, that it had carried a different sort of tone to the harsh, tearful tone it had earlier been given. It was soft, caring, bright. Something entirely different and so opposite that it struck him dumb for a few moments. Hobi was not even able to quite process what the boy was saying, too focused of the enigma that was the kid himself. Whatever was said, however, obviously cheered his Jiminie up, because the youth brightened drastically, and thanked the boy continuously.

Now, headed down to where Taehyung was last seen, and Hobi desperately hoping that they were not too late, they rushed. It could be any time the guards actually decided to step up and do their job, and try to figure out the source of anger and wrath that was flying through the atmosphere of the school. Anywhere you go, it seemed palpably felt. Then again, whenever Taehyung was in a rage, everyone felt it.

Hobi grabbed Jiminie and by contrast Jiminie grabbed Jungkook, and ran down the stairs, rushed through the halls, and burst into the area where he had last seen Taehyung. Mentally sighing in relief as he saw Tae was still in the same area, and the guards were no where to be seen. They still had time, at least. They were not too late this time.

Hobi glanced around to Jin, who seemed hopelessly lost as to what to do, and sporting a...

Bruise? Around his...eye? A black eye? Jin had a black eye? But that meant that Taehyung would have attacked Jin. Taehyung had never attacked any of them, even if he was in a wrathful, vengeful rage. Hobi shook with the new development. They had all known that Jin and Jiminie had difficulty subduing Taehyung when he was in one of his beserker rages, but never had the younger ever tried to attack them whilst in a rage before. If this was the case, they were slowly loosing the ability to help Taehyung in his rages. To calm him down. This...This was not good, and something would need to be done about this. He knew Jin wanted to create his own Mafia within the school, so that when they got out of the school, they could take over the city, but if Taehyung grew too hard to control, they were all unlikely to even make it out of the school. Especially if the younger was now using violence against them. Something that none of them had had to worry about before.

Suga snatched Jimin from Hobi.

"Where have you been?" He asked, eyes flaring in anger. He had had to see Taehyung actually attack Jin when he had tried to get close enough to calm him down. Since then, all of them had kept their distance, but circled the youth, to try and control the situation a bit better. He could not understand what had taken Hobi so long to get Jimin.

"Well, we...there was a...I..." Hobi stuttered, not quite able to get the words out, still confused himself with what had happened, and what was currently happening.

Taehyung, in the center of the circle, was rage in its fullest form. His eyes were dark with malice and his body was trembling in anger. A slew of injured kids radiated from him. He was the center of a destructive force. It was terrifying.

Jungkook looked upon his Hyung with wide eyes. Wide, innocent, doe-like eyes.

"Taehyungie?" He said softly, having pushed himself to the edge of the circle barricade. Taehyung's gaze was ripped towards him. His eyes, seeming to gain a bit of their sanity back.

"TaeTaehyung? W-What's w-wrong?" Jungkook asked, stutter unable to be helped in this situation.

Taehyung, before any could stop him, leapt towards Jungkook, causing Suga, Jin, Jimin, Hobi, and Namjoon to scream, and several of the kids in the circle to back off quickly. Taehyung grabbed Jungkook and drug him to the center of the circle. Everyone, saying their last prayers for the new kid.

"Tae-Taehyung!" Jungkook giggled, laughing. Surprised, everyone noticed, Taehyung was not beating the kid, but rather, protecting him?


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