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Once Taehyung had truly calmed down, and moved down from his Beserker self, he blushed deep red at the things that he had done while in his rage. He did not regret them though. It would seem, however, some of his fellow Bangtan members were having difficulties truly believing that Jungkook was going to be in the group. Taehyung knew that he was right, that his decision was the right one, now he just had to convince everyone else about that.

Jungkook himself, well, he had been a bit...unnerved when Taehyung had claimed him so openly in front of so many people. He would say that they were friends, of course, and there could be no denial that the other was incredibly attractive. Then again, Jungkook did not really understand why he was making it such a huge deal. Sure, the other had 'claimed' him, but he was simply in the middle of rage form. There was no way that he would keep to it now that he was more clear headed. As much as it hurt, Jungkook knew this, and acknowledged it. It would seem some of the others in Taehyung's friend group did not understand this, however, and so he was now stuck in a room of potentially lethal human beings, and alone as Taehyung had decided to go get something from the room.

Jungkook did not know what the other was thinking, as the moment that Taehyung left, all eyes turned straight to him. He could do nothing more than shake his head and sigh.

"What?" He asked them.

"Do you even know what Taehyung-ah has done?" Suga asked tersely through his teeth.

"Yeah, so? It is not as though he meant it. For crying out loud. I thought you were going to be smart, or at least have common sense." Jungkook shook his head, deeply disappointed. "From the warning the guards gave me about you guys, I sort of assumed you would have at the very least that going for you, but, perhaps I was wrong."

"Excuse you?" Namjoon asked, more than a bit ticked off at the youngest's doubt of their character, and intelligence.

"Taehyung probably did not mean anything. He was so angry, I doubt he was thinking clearly." Jungkook said simply, with an easy shrug of his shoulders. "Flattered and all, sure, but think about it. Why me? I literally, have nothing going fro me."

Other than the fact that you managed to get him out of his headspace so easily. That was the thought on many of the group's minds. It was unheard or seen of to have someone so easily calm the other down, and so quickly too. Jin and Jimin were actually jealous because of the younger one's ability to calm Taehyung down.

"Why would he want to claim you in the first place?" Namjoon asked, arms crossed against his chest. Jungkook sighed heavily. He had no idea why Taehyung would want to choose him to join this group. Especially if even half the rumors were true. These guys were the elites of the elite.

"Truth be told, No idea. I mean, sure we had a nice several hour conversation, but, who knows. He probably wants to just keep me around until I loose my worth." Jungkook said softly. It was something that was unavoidable. Nobody stayed. He was aware of that. Nobody cared, even if they said that they did. Actions spoke louder than words, and why would someone care about him.

"Jungkook," Jimin spoke up this time, voice steel. "I know you and I got off on the wrong end, but I know Taehyung, and he does not just go around claiming people, whether he is in a rage, or not. You have to have something that he sees, for him to have done that." Jungkook rolled his eyes.

"Sure, Jimin-ssi..." The way Jungkook said it was almost mocking. He was simply too tired out and exhausted to be polite. If the way the mouths of the others gaped, it was clear that they had noticed his turn around. "Even if he does see something in me, which I doubt, it won't be long before he leaves. Everyone does, the only question is how long will they stay before they go." The younger clearly had not had the best life.

"Look, Jungkook-ah," Jin began. "I do not care how you see the world, if you so much as lay a finger on Taehyung...I will rip you apart piece by piece." Jungkook stared straight into Jin's eyes. His own eyes turning from soft, innocent, doey brown, to harsh orbs of cold fury instantly.

"I would never hurt Taehyung. Nor am I afraid of you. I see through you, SeokJin-ssi. So desperate for approval. For love, as if it was real?" Jungkook scoffed. He did not know what was getting to him, but he was tired, and it had been a long week, and he certainly did not need people looking down on him, for unknown reasons. "Always so desperate for the attention of your family only to be ignored over and over again? How that make you feel? Sad, alone, cold? Here you are now, making a 'name' for yourself. Or trying to. What happens when you leave here? Huh? you will not be the 'king on top' anymore, no. You will go back to what you always were. Sad. Lonely. Pathetic. Always seeking the praise from another, only to never gain it. No glances from dear old dad, or mum, before they left. left you to rot. here. Did not even notice something was wrong, until it was too late, poor chaps. Do you ever feel bad, guilty? Sad? Ever feel remorse for what you did? I wouldn't. Even after all of that you still cannot get the craving of praise you desired. Not even among the worst of the worst." Jungkook just withdrew into himself, and SeokJin was stuck, standing, stunned, and a bit scared. It was as though Jungkook had pulled back the curtains and seen through the dark. It scared him. he was rarely scared, but nobody had been able to get to him like that.

Perhaps Taehyung had a point when he said Jungkook was his.

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