Never like THIS

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Storming out of the room, leaving Jimin staring at him in shock and confusion, he prowled around the hallways, annoyed, and beyond frustrated with the situation at hand. It was a total 180 from the night before, when he was calm, collected, and joking around. When Taehyung had been with Jungkook, it was as though he were perfectly calm, happy, joking around, being funny, acting silly. Jungkook brought out the best parts of him, and-quite possibly, the worst parts as well. What was worse, Taehyung simply could not stand Jimin's rude behavior towards the bunny boy that he had decided to protect and nurture to the dark side of the road. Though, the boy clearly had some dark things in his past, and if given the answer to some of the questions Taehyung had asked last night, it only ever came out rarely. But Taehyung knew that with a bit of development, a bit of coaxing, and a lot of nurture and care, Jungkook could be their secret weapon within BangTan. But Jimin just...It was the first time Taehyung had felt such undeniable anger towards his friend. It sort of shocked and scared him, but for some reason Taehyung simply could not stop the fury running through his veins at the memory of Jungkook's broken, sad, and distraught face. It lit him up like a ball of fire. One that burned far too hot, and struck way too heavy.

He could barely even see properly, with the sheer strength of his wrath. It was as though something had possessed him, and brought out the worst bit of violent rage that he had felt in a long time. The first person he saw in the hallway-well, let's just say Taehyung pounced.

Jimin stared in confusion, with wide, blank eyes, at Taehyung's retreating figure. What had he done? Sure, he had tore the boy down a bit, but to see Taehyung in such fury over such a small thing? He had never cared when Jimin had done these things before. Why now? He was confused, unable to think properly at this neverending set of questions in his mind. Why was Taehyung so sensitive over this? What had that boy done to get Taehyung so...emotional? Even more so, the anger was directed at Jimin. Something Jimin had done, something he had created, and caused. He was the root of Taehyung's anger, and it was something that Jimin, he simply was not used to. Jimin was used to being the one who calmed Taehyung down when other people pissed him off, but this was not the case at the moment. Right now, he was the root of the anger, he was the reason that Taehyung had stormed off with such violent intent, and it scared Jimin. It scared him because for once, Jimin realized that neither he nor Jin would be able to do anything to bring Taehyung down from this. The only chance lay with the boy whom Jimin had laid into like a freight train. Jimin, he didn't like that thought, or even the potential of it. There had to be another way besides getting that...that...boy involved, but what else could he possibly do?

Well, there was not enough time to really think it through. J-Hope came running through the doors, hair wild, eyes wide and unnerved, panting-showing that he had run as fast as he could to get there for whatever reason-and a sheen of sweat lining the outer of his arms and neck. He was, to put it simply, panicked.

"Hobi-Hyung, what..." Jimin was cut off by Hobi's urgent reply.

"Jimin-ah, you must hurry. Taehyung just went off. I don't even know what happened. He just...flew into some type of gigantic ball of anger. He isn't responding to anything, or anyone. He just-anger, and that's it. None of us know how to stop him, he is pounding on anyone who gets close to him. Put two seniors in the nurse's office already!" Hobi's breath was quick and fast. It was clear that even he had never seen Taehyung like this. Jimin licked his lower lip nervously. He did not have any other choice. They had to find that boy. If Taehyung was so angry because of that boy, it was possible-of course there was always the chance that Jimin was wrong-that the very same boy would be able to get through to him. Jimin had his doubts, nobody was really able to get through to Taehyung in general when he started on his sadistic sprees, but especially not when he was like this was certainly worth the shot.

"Come on, follow me." Jimin said, and rushed out of the room.

"Wait, where are you going?" Hobi shouted, voice going up a few octives in his panic.

"TO FIND A BOY!!" Jimin shouted back, Hobi sprinting after him.

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