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Key sighed petulantly at the reminder of his meeting. He turned baleful eyes on the other, but Jungkook could only laugh at the other lightly. He knew how to direct attention off of him, it was something that Taemin was able to notice quite a bit because Jungkook did it...a lot. He was not entirely sure whether that was a good thing or not, but he understood his use to BangTan now at the very least. The boy would be an expert spy, or at least infiltrator, should he be trained enough for it. Even without Taehyung's obvious obsession with the boy, Taemin seemed to sometimes be guilty of forgetting that they were all in this school for a reason. Jungkook had entered this school, and while sure he was a lot nicer than the majority of them, he was still in the school for a reason despite it all. 

"Meeting?" OneW asked, turning towards Key with slightly betrayed eyes. "You went to one of the meetings without me?" Jungkook glanced back towards Taemin who was staring at the two with a muddled look on his face. He turned to look at both of them, still confused at what was going on. He turned to see Jungkook giving him a small smirk and realized instantly what had been going on. Kookie you sly little...He could not deny it was a good tactic. Key always had meetings all of the time, and while he usually took OneW Jungkook must have realized somehow that this was one of the few times that Key had not informed OneW. It confused him, really, why the other would even want to go to those stupid meetings. They were dull and boring but more power to Jinki if he really wanted to. It meant that Taemin did not have to take his place, and he would never be upset about that. 

"I just..." Key glanced towards Jungkook, giving him a dirty look which Jungkook just smirked at, happy that he had successfully managed to revert the conversation to something else. Aiya Kookie, eventually you are going to get Key so exasperated that he is going to be difficult to handle. Taemin thought with a laugh, but otherwise did not go further into the situation within his thoughts or otherwise. He watched carefully, his Hyungs as they were sparced about the dorm room. Key and OneW where speaking softly with each other, probably arguing or or JinKi refusing to let the a chance go to wile information from Key about what was going on in the meeting that he had attended by using the ever so useful guilt tactic. MinHo was leaning against the bed and napping, or at least, he seemed to be from what Taemin could gather. Jungkook's words, Taeming just realized, had not left the notice of Jonghyun who was watching the situation unfold before him with curious eyes. 

Jonghyun has always been cautious with Jungkook around. Taemin thought to himself with a sad sigh. Despite the fact that we are now friends, despite the fact that MinHo Hyung has vouched for him more than once. I suppose in some ways, it makes sense. Jungkook has the marks of BangTan and of V born on his body, but at the same time, a part of me hurts because of it. I just wish that they would be more amicable with each other, or that at least Jonghyun would stop acting so back and forth all of the time. There are times where he acts as though Jungkook is a friend, and then doubles back, and it is horribly agitating to see. 

"Hyungie!" Taemin leaped forwards, deciding that he had enough, and took matters into his own hands. I am typically not so bold, but...Taemin smiled as Jonghyun let a soft look enter his eyes as he gazed on the maknae. Taemin walked closer, dragging Jungkook with him and flopping down on the bed that Jonghyun was occupying and he smiled. Deliberately ignoring the tense atmosphere that prevaded the room he continued to talk to JongHyun, as Jungkook fled into his side. 

"Hello Taemin-ah, how was school?" 

"It was okay," Taemin admitted, a smile on his lips. "I am glad that Jungkookie got to come with me today. It was a lot more fun then usual. Since you guys are all higher than me." Jonghyun gave a bittersweet smile, having become a bit more strained at the mention of Jungkook and Taemin's light shove of the youngest person in the room. 

"Well, I am glad that he was there to help then," JongHyun said with a reluctant sigh. Finally, getting somewhere. Taemin thought with a victorious sigh. "Ah, did...you're...Hyung's end up actually showing up?" 

"T-Two of th-them did." Jungkook ventured carefully, giving Jonghyun a small smile. Despite Hyung's nicer nature to Jungkook, I am sure that Kookie can tell that he is still on edge around him. I suppose, Jungkook is a lot more observant than many give him credit for. Then again, he would not have gotten into this school for some simple petty theft or something like that. Observant natures is an important thing to have. 

"Oh?" Jonghyun tilted his head, interested. "And which would those be?" 

"T-Taehyungie, and Jimin Hyung," Jungkook whispered, almost flinching as he spoke, as though he expected Jonghyun to lash out. Taemin had to admit, he sort of expected it as well, but Jonghyun did nothing like that only nodded slowly, as though digesting the information with great care. 

"Be cautious." Jonghyun began, noticing Jungkook's swift intake of air and he frowned at it. "I..." The other lower his shoulders with a sigh. "I know I haven't been the most...welcoming person, but Taemin does care a lot about you, and I suppose you are not so cruel to be around. Besides that, I don't want to see you get yourself entangled in something you cannot handle." 

"I can handle my Hyungs just fine." Jungkook defended, his brows furrowing angrily. 

"I am not saying you can't!" Jonghyun quickly amended, leaving both of the two shocked. The dark look in Jungkook's eyes is one of the very few moments that I have seen him act so...Taemin shook the thought from his mind. "I am just saying, please be cautious. Try and keep your distance if you can. They will probably try and approach you again." 

"I..." Jungkook pouted. "I know Jonghyun-Ssi, thank you for your words of advice." Jungkook said softly. Jonghyun rolled his eyes. 

"I just...know how that group works. I know you can handle yourself, to some extent, but you also don't know them as well as I do." Jungkook furrowed his brows, confusion entering his mind. 

They obviously have bad blood between each other. That much had been obvious from the beginning, but this seems a little bit more...personal than the others. I wonder what problem he has with them...at least that it would prevade throughout even to me...a beginner in the group, and clearly what is an outsider. 

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