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Taemin sighed out a low thank you to Jonghyun. As much as the other was more possessive than was possibly healthy, there were times that it came in handy, times like this where Taemin was not one to step in for himself, but the other had no issue in doing so. It was something he was grateful for, in the end, because he knew that these sorts of people were dangerous. Taemin was dangerous in his own right, of course, and he was not about to let anyone fail to forget that, but he also had these sorts of things...wanting to know as much information as possible. Some habits, some habits were just hard to break, despite Jonghyun being adamant about it. He was still glad that Jonghyun was still working with him on it, though he would figure he was about to get into trouble regarding the issue.

"What was that, exactly?" Jonghyun questioned, having pulled Taemin into one of the less populated hallways. Taemin sighed out. He had known that he was going to be interrogated about that situation, it was simply too much to expect him to wait until they got to the dorm to question him. It was a thing that he loved and disliked about Jonghyun at the same time. He always addressed things effectively immediately. It had its positives and its negatives. One of the negatives was things like this, where they were addressed immediately and as soon as possible, but not within the safety of the dorm. "And what is this fuss about? Minho has been complaining of boredom for the last few hours before he suddenly rushes out of the dorm here."

"There is a few newbies. Specifically one, I think, that everyone is curious about. You know how it is when we get new kids. They always end up being the centre of attention. It isn't common for us to get new people, after all, let alone more than one." Taemin said with a shrug. "Besides, Minho is a still a bit upset about Key. It is not exactly surprising that he has been overly bored. I think he is unsure what to do now that Key is currently in detention at the moment." Taemin was stalling, and they both knew that. "I am rather shocked he has not gone to break him out yet."

"Taeminnie, come on now, we both are well aware that is not what I was asking about." Jonghyun scolded softly. The fact that he did not shout, get angry, or even yell, in Taemin's opinion, made everything so much worse. Taemin could not help it but...anger he knew how to handle. Jonghyun's silent disapproval, that was a different thing entirely, and Taemin still was uncertain how to really deal with that. Before he could, or would, say anything in response Jonghyun continued on with his statement. "I want to know what that boy was doing, before I do something to them."

"I was just trying to get information from them. I did not think they would wrap their arms around me. It was horribly uncomfortable, and I suppose I just sort of froze in the moment." Taemin said nervously, the lie not entirely lying, but a slight deception never really harmed him in the long run. Barring that, he was not sure he wanted Jonghyun to know the full story. That he had let the boy's arm stay around his shoulder. That would put him in quite a bit of trouble that was easily avoided.

""Just..." Jonghyun sighed. "It is fine, this time, should it happen again, I shall not be so lenient." Taemin gave a small sigh of relief, gratefulness clear in his eyes as he gazed up at Jonghyun. This was good.

"Thank you,"

"Did you see that newbie?" Jonghyun wondered, tilting his head slightly as he looked towards Taemin. The latter nodded slowly.

"He has the same glint in his eyes as me, he will fit in, if be a bit unassuming at first."

"We will see what happens. Bangtan will be assessing him."

"So you heard about that too?" Taemin wondered. Jonghyun rolled his eyes, leaning against the wall and crossing his arms over his chest as he looked towards Taemin. Taemin repressed a shudder. Those eyes...sometimes Taemin felt as though they knew so much more than what they needed. It left him feeling wrong footed at the best of times.

"Bangtan is slowly and steadily rising through the ranks. Or at least, they were. However, with the addition of Hoseok...well..." Jonghyun sighed. "Things got rather...swift in their take over. When it was just Jin and NamJoon, things proceeded slowly, but anyone could tell they were easily making their way through the ranks, and then Yoongi came in, but with the addition of Hoseok, I am not sure what it is, but they have managed to get one up on the Principal. I do not know what they did, or what they have on them, but it is obvious that whatever it is clearly has some value." Jonghyun leaned his head against the wall, eyes staring up at nothing. "They definitely made some changes for the better with their information, but they are beginning to rise into quite the threat. We will have to tread carefully. However, we will not have nearly as much trouble as NCT will, so I would not fret too much about it."

"I see, so if that newbie doesn't interest them...what is going to happen to them?" Taemin asked curiously. Jonghyun's eyes flicked back to his sharply.

"Caring for the newbie boy are we?" Jonghyun questioned, an eyebrow lifting as he questioned Taemin, his voice serious and now had an added cold tinge to it. Taemin realized that he was treading thin ice at the moment.

"I am just curious. As much as they are assessing new people, they don't seem to really care for any of them."

"Well, if they do not interest them, they will be moved to a different dorm. Now, that does not mean that that they won't eventually take some interest in him, though, Taemin, so be careful not to get too attached. It would do no good for either you or the group." Taemin shrugged.

"Its fine Hyung, I was just curious." Jonghyun hummed, clearly not quite believing him, but also not wanting to question him further as he grabbed Taemin by the shoulder and moved him back to the quickly dispersing cloud.

"We need to find MinHo, and figure out a way to get Key out of the detentions." He said simply in way of an answer. 

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