-Chapter 1: Bianca-

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"You better stop running right now Bianca unless you want to be in your room for 4 weeks!" I heard them yell. I was running away, away from them. I didn't and couldn't be near those toxic 'family members' any longer. My grandparents were always strict, they never let me leave the house, I had no friends and if I made a small mistake then I'd be locked in my room for days maybe weeks without food. Occasionally, they would give me a piece of bread or a small slice of apple and a cup of water, they would let me out of my room to go to the toilet then I'd be locked back in there. My bedroom was meant to be a place where I sleep not where I got locked up, it's meant to be a place of peace not a place of hell, it's meant to be my room not a prison cell.

I didn't look back. I kept running, ignoring all of the threats they spat at me. I took a few more steps until I was out of their sight. I ran at a slow pace through the busy streets of Padstow in wales. People were huddled together like penguins, I had to push through crowds of people, not caring if they yelled at me. I was running faster than I ever had before, the wind was blowing through my fluffy brown hair. I finally felt free.

I bumped into three girls but I didn't care, I continued running, I looked back to apologise but they were chasing me, "Uh-oh" I muttered under my breath.

"Get her Bella!" One of the girls called out. I sighed and continued running, I tripped and ended up falling down a hill. I let out a hiss of pain when I finally stopped and stood up. I looked to see that the girls were a few feet away from me. I ran for a little more and I found a tunnel to hide in, I crawled inside and covered my mouth to muffle my heavy breathing and to stop myself from swearing under my breath.

I took off my back pack and I took out my phone, it was on 15% and I had nothing to charge it with. I moved my hand from my mouth and found my portable charger but with my luck it had died. I heared shuffles in the leaves and bushes ahead of me. I peaked my head out of the tunnel and in the distance were the three girls slowly getting closer to where I was hiding. Quickly, I brought my head back inside of my hiding place, I crawled further back and curled myself up into a tight ball, my knees up to my chest wrapping my arms around them hugging them tightly. I heard voices getting closer and closer to the tunnel.

The tunnel was damp but I didn't care I was too busy praying they wouldn't find me and beat me up or something like that.

"Bella you go that way, Harper you go that way and I'll go this way" One of them said who I presumed was the 'boss' of the 3 of them. They all walked away, the rustling of the leaves got fainter and fainter with every step they took. I let out a sigh of relief, I relaxed my body and started to look around the tunnel for any signs of movement. I stood up and started walking around, The tunnel was long and it seemed like it was never ending. Eventually, I made it to the end where an old wooden door was standing covered in vines and rust.

I heard the girls voices again and I had no time to investigate whatever was behind the door, I ran back to the place I was sitting and grabbed the bag. I sprinted out of the tunnel further into the woods. Luckily, the girls didn't see me but I could still see and hear them, "It's ok Lily we'll get her tomorrow" said the girl with dirty blonde hair that went down to her mid-thighs.

The 'boss' sighed, "It's not fine Harper so shut you damn mouth!" She growled through gritted teeth which made the poor girl, Harper, stop talking. Part of me felt slightly bad for her but I quicly shook that feeling away, after all, she was still trying to hunt me down and I have a feeling that they will physically hurt me when they catch me.

I had no plan on where I was going, I was just roaming around in the woods. I knew that I had left Padstow but wasn't sure where I was. I was probably in Newquay after all I had left around 3 pm and was currently 7 pm, I had spent 4 hours running away from 'home' and my new bullies.

I exited the woods onto the quiet streets, I saw a sign that was rusty but still standing (somehow). It said, 'Welcome to Newquay'.

The roads were quiet considering it was a Saturday. I was out of energy to run so I just walked instead. Occasionally, a car or 2 went past, I tried to put my arm out for them to stop and take me somewhere but it didn't work.

People either just kept on driving or opened their windows to throw rubbish at me or insult me. I continued to walk down the roads taking no notice of anything. I wanted to go home. Not to my grandparents house but my home. I wanted my parents. I missed them so much. I always thought I was alone but I had people around. Now I am alone. I have no one. No where to go. No one to look after me. I'm a 13 year old girl who has ran away.

My mind kept telling me to go back to the tunnel but I knew if I did the bullies would probably catch me. I needed a plan, and I needed one quickly.

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