-Chapter 14: Harper-

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I hated seeing Maple like that, every time we got closer she would flinch. Jack or Bailey was trying his best to keep her calm. He explained who we was and eventually she let us hug her.

We was all in a group hug that was until Baileys adoptive parents came running in, "Oh my god Jack! Are you hurt?" His mother asked pulling him in a hug, she looked at Maple, "you girl! This is your fault!" She let go of her 'son' and Slapped Maple.

I stood up and slapped her back, "don't touch my girlfriend!" I yelled. Bailey backed me up thankfully.

"You aren't my mom and I'm not your son now leave me the hell alone!" He yelled. The women looked at Bailey and walked out the house with her husband. The car left the house.

I grabbed my phone and I called my dad explaining what happened, he said he would come and pick us all up. And that's what he did. He came to the house and he wrapped a jacket around Maple. We all got into his car and he drove us all back to mine.

We all helped Maple into the house, she was tired and covered in bruises cuts and blood. She fell asleep a few times but we managed to keep her awake.

I took her upstairs and helped her get washed. I washed the blood out of her hair and I cleaned all the cuts. She lay in the water that had turned a transparent red colour. I sighed and helped her out of the bath and got her dry and dressed. She thanked me and went to bed.

There was no point in stopping her from sleeping even if it was still morning. She was in pain and needed to rest. I went down to the others and we all had a conversation.

"Bailey can stay in my room with me!" Jason said, my dad nodded and I saw Bailey smirk.

"And Maple is going to be with me.." I said. They all looked at me differently, Jason and my dad knew why but Bailey looked at me as if to tell me the first time I hurt her I will be dead.

Shivers ran down my spine, "alright I'm gonna go to bed-" I said as I headed up the stairs.

"Don't hurt my sister or I swear to god that you won't see daylight again" Bailey said under his breath.

I ran up the rest of the stairs and got changed into one of Maple's hoodie's and just some sweat pants. I got into my bed next to my sleeping girlfriend and turned on the TV on a low volume. I looked at Maple and she looked so adorable I couldn't stop myself, I took a picture of her and continued to watch the film.

I fell asleep half way through the film and when I woke up Maple had gone, I started panicking so I ran down the stairs to see if I could find Maple but I didn't, "Where's Maple?!" I asked out of breath everyone looked at me, specifically behind me. I felt two arms on my waist and I got turned around, someone's lips crashed against mine gently. It took me a minute or two to realise that Maple was the one kissing me. She slowly pulled away, "Happy birthday m'lady" She said bowing.

I was so confused, "What day is it?" I asked confused.

"Well you and Maple was asleep all day yesterday and non of us could wake you up" Jason explained, "The date is 18th October" Bailey added.

I looked at the date and it was in fact my birthday I smiled, "Thank you Maple"

"Happy birthday" The others said, I thanked them too and we had my favourite blueberry pancakes for breakfast.

"What are we gonna do?" I asked them.

"Erm we haven't planned that far- but we got you presents!" Maple exclaimed happily. I smiled and I followed her into the living room. She passed me a small present. I opened it and it was a small black box, inside was a locket, one side was me and the other side was her.

"Sorry it's not much.." She said looking down.

"Baby, it doesnt matter if it's not much.. it's the thought of the present and this means a lot to me" I said putting the necklace on. She looked at me and gave me a small soft smile.

Jason gave me his present and it was a new phone, I wasn't surprised since we both came from wealthy families.

"Thanks Jason" he gave me a giggle, I looked at him confused. Normally, he would write some sort of note or something. I opened the box and there was no note but the phone. I tried looking for the note clearly Jason could tell since he was holding in laughter. Bailey and Maple were confused too.

I turned on the phone and on the screen was 'happy birthday you idiot' it was a picture of me and Jason. I laughed and looked at Jason.

"Thanks dude" I said smiling at him. He nodded his head in thanks and then Baily gave me his present. I ripped off the wrapping paper and opened the box, inside was a big stone that had been carved with all four of us on.

I smiled brightly, "thank you Bailey" I put all the present to the side, I hugged all three of them, I gave Maple the longest hug and gave her a kiss. When I pulled away her face was bright red with a cute smile on it.

"Alright love birds-" Jason started but soon got cut off by Bailey, "stop kissing my sister" her practically growled. Maple rolled her eyes.

"Calm down Bailey" Maple said. Bailey looked at her sharply, she put her hands up defensively, "Bailey it's just a kiss-" she explained.

"Still-!" He yelled.

Maple looked at me then back at her brother, "Don't you dare" he said.

Maple smirk and she pulled me in for another kiss.

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