-Chapter 9: Bella-

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Bianca had hit an old man in front of loads of people. Harper had a smirk on her face, as she walked past the man she gave him the middle finger. I was confused. Maybe he said something?

"What was that about?" I asked as I caught up with the others.

"That was Mark Smith" Harper replied.

"As in the one who murdered Daniel and Ella Smith?"

Bianca and Harper turned around, "Mark killed them?" Bianca asked.

I nodded my head 'yes'

"The car crash wasn't an accident. Unfortunately, Ella and Daniel Smith died but luckily their 6-month-old child made it and ended up living with Clair and Mark Smith her twin brother got adopted by his baby sitter since the grandparents didn't want the son" I explained.

Bianca and Harper looked at each other, "I don't think I've introduced myself..." Bianca said slightly looking down.

"What do you mean?" I asked confused.

Bianca looked back up, "I'm Bianca..." she paused for a moment, "Bianca Smith" I looked at her, my mouth was hanging open. I remembered her telling me but I thought she was joking.

Without thinking I took a step back, Harper my best friend was dating a murderers granddaughter. Bianca was also my friend.

For one moment I thought I had a better friend than lily, but now I know Bianca is part of a murderers family.

"Harper.. get away from her..!" I stuttered.

Bianca looked at Harper with sad eyes. I saw her nod a little and Harper walked towards me. I hugged her to make she was ok. Bianca turned back around and started walking. Harper started following her.

"Harper what are you doing?" I hissed quietly.

"Bel she isn't a bad person, she won't hurt you" Harper told me calmly. I let out a shaky sigh and nodded my head. We both followed Bianca to school. People looked over at her and both female and male people formed a massive circle around her. I guess they all fell in love with her at once.

I looked at Harper who was clearly jealous, I rolled my eyes and went to her, "why you so jealous?" I asked.

"Because that's my girlfriend and there are already like 25 kids that are already drooling over her." She told me clearly annoyed.

I laughed at her response.

"BACK AWAY ALL OF YOU I'M TAKEN" we heard a yell from the middle of the huddle. We both knew it was Bianca. The huddle hesitated but they all went back to what they were doing. Bianca came to us, "just cause I'm not wearing the school uniform now they all notice me?" She said but it sounded more of a question.

Me and Harper looked at each other and let small laughs escape, "It's not funny" Bianca hissed at us. We tried to stop laughing but it didn't work. She rolled her eyes at us.

"Welp I'll just go find my class alone" she said as she began walking backwards, she tripped and someone caught her. We both stopped laughing as Jack caught her. He was the biggest bully ever. I always thought Lily was bad but Jack is 20x worse.

"Why hello there princess~"he said. Bianca looked like she could throw up.

"Yeah no my names not 'Princess' and I never will be your princess" she said trying to hide her anger.

"Why not? You gay or somet?" He asked. He was the biggest jerk ever. He was also homophobic but I think he's secretly gay himself.

"Yes I am" Bianca stated, Jack instantly dropped her.

"Ew! Gay freak!" He yelled as Bianca stood up, with a blink of an eye Jack was holding his nose that was bleeding and looked broke. Bianca had a smirk on her face.

"Don't insult me alright?" She told him.

Jack was ignoring her and kept on throwing insults at her, "Hahaha! What are you? Apart of the Smith family?" Bianca hummed a yes 'mhm' and Jack laughed even more, "no wonder why your parents left you with your grandparents"

I froze in my place as I saw Bianca's eyes fill with rage, she punched him in the stomach and as he doubled over in pain she kicked him in the balls. He fell on the floor as Bianca kept kicking and hitting him. We all knew what she was doing was wrong but part of me knew why she did it.


She stepped back from Jack and looked down, her arms by her side with clenched fists. She started crying and we all heard small sobs coming from her.

"My grandparents killed them... I was left alone with them. I was 6-months-old. I've been abused ever since I could walk, started cutting at 9 and got raped at 11. Age of 12 came out gay to my grandparents and they would physically abuse me and lock me up for weeks in my room until a few months ago I ran away and found the most perfect girl ever and she's changed my life so much within those few months so shut your damn mouth..." she explained then walked back to me and Harper.

Harper instantly wrapped her arms around her girlfriend and I did the same making it a group hug. Bianca was in tears in between us. I felt bad for her. She got humiliated in front of the entire school and she explained her problems.

"Can we go home...? Please...?" She asked quietly, Harper of course agreed and I followed them back home. I stuck my middle finger up at Jack as we left, "SCREW YOU JACK" I yelled causing people to laugh.

I jogged to catch up to the others, "it'll be ok B.. I promise" I said, I used the nickname B I don't know why it just slipped out my mouth.

"B?" She asked.

"Yeah like a nickname I know it's only the first letter of your name but you know. You're B I'm Bel and Harper is Harp" I explained, she nodded her head in understanding as she leaned into Harper's side. Harper wrapped her arms around her.

I smiled at the couple and realised how single I was.

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