-Chapter 8: Harper-

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"I was holding your daughters wrist because it's my natural instinct, I was abused since 3 years of age, started self harming at the age of 9 which I still do occassionally, raped at 11 and when someone calls me 'hot' 'cute' or anything along those lines it reminds me of my brother. My twin brother said he'd protect me but he died with my parents. I killed my eldest brother after he left marks all over my body, and when Harper was going to move hair out of my face I got scared which is why I was holding your daughters wrist." Bianca explained. I felt my heart drop. She had been through hell and she still wanted to be a bodyguard.

"I wanted to become a bodyguard to stop other people being victims of what I have been through"

I slowly walked towards her and placed my hand on her cheek, she tried to pull away but I kept her face still by holding her jaw with my ring finger and pinkie finger, "Why didn't you tell me?" I asked.

"Because it's not important"

"Bianca... Babe it's important to me..." I said holding back tears, "You told me last night when I found out that you had stopped self harming so where are you doing it now?"

"Why do you think I have bandages wrapped around my arms Harper?" She asked me, I heard the shakiness in her voice but the others didn't.

I took both of her arms and kissed the bandages, I pulled her in for a hug wrapping my arms around her torso, I could feel her shaking. She wrapped her arms around me hugging me back.

"You're going to get blood on you" She told me.

"It's blood it'll wash off all that matters is that you're ok"

"That reminds me, I have something I need to finish" she said unwarapping her arms from around me and gently pushing me back into Bella. Bianca walked a few steps forward at a slow place towards Lily before she turned around and started walking away.

"Pathetic" Lily said.

Bianca turned around punching Lily in the nose instantly kicking her in the side of the leg afterwards.

"Don't underestemate me, you're a year older and I can still beat you in a fight" She said. I knew where this was going to go so I decided to stop it before they killed each other.

"STOP IT! Both of you" I yelled looking at them both, "We have school and if we are late because of you both I will end our relationship and  friendship" I wouldn't really end the relationship with Bianca but I would end my 'friendship' with Lily.

"You love me too much to dump me" Bianca said with a smirk on her face, I saw Lily pull out a knife and went to stab Bianca with it. Bianca did a front flip kicking Lily in the chin as her feet left the ground, the knife was flung into the air and as Bianca landed she caught the knife sidways in her mouth.

"Bianca I'm so so so sorry please forgive me" My father begged, which was unusual because normally when he says something that's how it goes.

"It's alrght boss, you were looking out for your daughter which is good of you" She replied with a smile.

We all looked to turn at Lily who was laying on the floor unconscious, "oops" we heard Bianca say. She went to the girl on the floor, stabbed her in the side and checked her pulse, she froze.

"Lily get up... stop playing alright?" She said but it was more of a question. I was confused and So I went to them. I checked Lily's pulse but there was nothing.

"Finally at least I don't have to deal with her nonsense now" I said glad that the crazy kid was gone. Bianca looked at me confused.

"I just killed her and you're... happy?"

"WHAT?!" The others called from behind us.

"Yes I'm happy 'cause she can't hurt us anymore which means you don't have to fight her anymore!"

Bianca smiled at my explanation and hugged me, "thanks Harper" I smiled and kissed her on the head, "you should tell your dad about us"

"I can guess" My dad said, "You two are dating?" I gave a small nod to my dad. Bianca was starting to fall asleep again.

"Don't you dare fall asleep- we have school" I said to her, she let out a groan, "leave me aloneeeeee" she joked.

"No I will not leave you alone because we need to go" I answered.

She rolled her eyes and got up, "maybe you've forgotten that I was fired which means I can stay and sleep"

"Don't think so Bianca" my dad said.

Bianca's face lit up but she tried to act annoyed, "there goes my sleep" she  joked and started walking away. I looked at Bella and we both followed her holding in laughter as she stuck her middle finger up at every tree.

Bella was still shocked about Bianca's small life story, I felt bad that's her went through it but she's a strong kid. She will be an amazing mom I can already tell.

We took the usual 7 minute walk to school, I watched Bianca the entire time, she bumped into someone who started yelling at her, I tried to stop the old man but Bella held my arm so I couldn't go anywhere, she kicked him in the shin, "Shut up Mark" we heard her say. He raised his old wrinkeld hand and slapped her harshly.

"It's Grandpa to you" He spat at her through gritted teeth.

She didn't even bat an eye-lid when he hit her, "That'll be 5 weeks in your room girl" He spat once again.

"Will it really?" She asked, he slapped her again.


She kicked him in the shin and as soon as he bent down to hold it she pushed him onto the floor and punched him. She casually walked away after that not caring that people were watching. I didn't blame her, it was self defense and if I were in her shoes I'd do the same.

Harper's Bodyguard GirlfriendWhere stories live. Discover now