-Chapter 21: Jason-

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                                                                 A Few Years Later

I woke up to the sound of Baileys new stupid alarm clock that he had brought when we visited London (the capitol of England). I groaned as I tried to reach it but I failed. I got up and turned off the annoying little device.

I don't understand ehy anyone would want one of those devilish things. I gently shook Bailey to try and awaken him but he just let out a huff as he rolled on to his other side. I rolled my eyes and lay back down. I fell asleep soon after but I was woken again by the girls with pans and spoons.

I threw a pillow at them to try and stop them but they continued, I used my second pillow to put over my ears to muffle the noise. I didn't understand how Bailey slept through it all. Eventually, I got restless and couldn't sleep so I just got up.

I went into the bathroom and got washed, ready and btushed my teeth and fluffed my hair a little. I went back into the room and Bailey was still asleep, I sighed and rolled my eyes. I grabbed the side of the msttress I sleep on and lifted it causing Bailey to roll off of the mattress onto the floor. He landed with a thud and an annoyed groan. He sat up and looked at me with anger in his eyes.

I lowered the matress back onto the frame and slowly walked out of the room, I went into the girls' room to lecture them.

"Never do that again or else I will kill you"

"Good luck with that, I'm a bodyguard and my brother will protect me" Maple said slyly.

"My brother will too" Harper smiled cheekily at me. I glared at them both and walked down the stairs before I went full beast mode and yelled at them or something along those lines.

Harpers dad had once again made all of us breakfast before he went to work. Since we all had dropped out of school a few weeks ago, we had nothing to do, which is why I don't understand the logic in having an annoying, loud alarm clock (that isn't even mine!) to wake me up at stupid o'clock every damn morning.

The girls came down hand in hand already dressed for the day, "And what are we doing today?" I asked them. They both looked at me clueless.



We spent most of the day playing sports games whilst Maple trained to become even stronger. Harper and I went to check on her whilst Bailey went to the shops to get some things. Harper was practically drooling at the sight of her girlfriend in a sports bra and gym leggings.

Maple got up from doing her press-ups and came to us, she brushed her hand through her hair that was wet due to the sweat which made it stay 'combed' back. She grabbed a towel and put it around her neck and grabbed her water which she happily gulped down in a few seconds.

Harper looked Maple up and down, I saw Maple smirk,  "I wouldn't Maple, your brother wont be happy"

Both of their eyes travelled to me (but Harper would take quick glances of Maple before looking back).

"Just one round" Maple said smuggly. Harper must have caught on since her face went ruby red but her eyes were filled with excitment.

"I guess I can't control you" I sighed giving in to the two girls. The instantly ran up the stairs.

I grabbed my headphones and my phone, I turned the volume up to max and played 'Yellow' by Coldplay. I sat on the couch with my legs crossed listening to my music and reading my book called 'It's ok to be yourself'

It was a good book. It was about this girl (or should I say boy?) who was trans and gay (Female to Male) and one day he came out to his parents. His mom told him 'It's just a phase you'll grow out of it' but his dad supported him. When he was old enough his dad took him for his surgery, when he came home his mother yelled there was another man in the house that him nor his father knew. His mother had an affair.

I was too busy reading and listening to my music that I didn't hear Bailey come in, he came behind me and took my headphones off, "Hello!"

I screamed and stood up, he put his arms up defensively, "Sorry Bailey"

"It's ok, why is your music turned up all the way?"

"Erm lets just say, Harper wont be able to walk tomorrow-"

"Oh- right ok" He paused, "Well I think they are done, it's pretty quiet not gonna lie"

I hummed in agreement and he smiled. He kissed my head and started to make dinner. About 2 and a half hours later, Maple came down the stairs with a smirk.

"Did you-?" Bailey asked.

"Yup" his sister replied, "And us Smiths are always tops" she winked at her brother and he just rolled his eyes.

"Did you at least go easy on her?" I asked.

"I hope so, I don't want her to be hurt all I know is that she is currently asleep and probably wont be able to walk for a few days"

Me and Bailey sat on the couch and watch the TV whilst Maple was pacing back and forth behind us thinking about something, suddenly, we heard her laughing which made us both jump.

"What's so funny?" Bailey asked slightly concerned.

"I just thought-" She laughed for a second, "Imagine if someone died because they were kissing someone for too long and couldn't breathe?" She continued to laugh as me and Bailey shared concerned and shocked faces. We looked at each other for a second then I shook my head and l continued to watch the TV.

Maple was behind the couch still laughing, I'm surprised she didn't wet her self.

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