-Chapter 7: Bella-

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I woke up still in my friend's house. I'm not sure why I was still there since I'm pretty sure I left, but I was laying on the couch. When I woke up no one was downstairs which most likely meant everyone was still asleep. I yawned and sat up, I looked around the room when I heard people walking around then coming dow the stairs. It was David Clark and Alexa Clark.

"Goodmorning Mr and Mrs Clark" I smiled as I said goodmorning to Harper's parents.

"Goodmorning sweetheart" Alexa replied, David just gave a small nod to me. I smiled and headed up the stairs towards Harper's room. The door was slightly open so I peaked my head inside. I saw Harper sitting up awake with someone curled up on her lap.

"Yolo!" I yelled.

"Please be quiet Bella" Harper told me as she slowly got up and went into her bathroom to get ready.

"Bianca wake up" I said trying to wake her up whilst gently shaking her."There's no point she won't wake up" Harper told me, walking out of the bathroom. I huffed and stopped trying to wake her up.

I watched as Harper went to Bianca and kissed her cheek, "babe wake up" she whispered in her ear a little too loud since I could hear her. Bianca instantly shot up blushing like crazy, Harper let out a small laugh as Bianca rolled herself up in the blanket like a burrito and tried to go back to sleep.

"You need to wake up Bianca- you have your job to do" my friend said feeling bad that her girlfriend still had to work for her. I rolled my eyes at them.

"Alright love-birds time for school" I said breaking them up. Bianca went to her room and came back a few minutes later, the school got rid of the uniform so Bianca was wearing a black shirt with a black and white checkered shirt that was unbuttoned with the sleeves rolled up, she had bandages wrapped around both of her hands up to her elbow, leggings and black combat boots.

I looked her up and down and just to annoy Harper I smirked and said, "Damn you look hot" However, I did not think it through.

Bianca pulled her fist back, I put my hands up defensively, "Ok right Bianca calm down" Harper said.

"I don't trust her Harper" She said blankly. Her face was emotionless. Cold. Stern. And... scared.

"Why not?!" Harper argued. Haper always had had my back against anything and eveyone.

"She's just like him" She said, neither of us knew what she meant.

"What do you mean Bianca?" Harper asked, trying to move a piece of Bianca's hair from her face but she graped Harpers hand.

"Don't touch me" She said, I saw tears in her eyes as Harper struggled to get free.

Mr Clark walked in, "Bianca my office NOW!" He yelled causing Bianca to flinch and let go of his daughter immediately. She looked at the floor as she walked out to his office.

"Dad don't hur-" Harper started but before she could finish her sentence her dad started talking, "I'm going to teach her a lesson no one touchs my daughter and gets away with it" He turned around and walked out of the door closing it behind him.

"Harper I'm sorry I didn't mean to I wanted to see your reaction" I said, guilt was the only thing I felt.

"No it's fine... I just want to know who 'he' is and what 'he' did to her" She replied rubbing her wrist. I gently pulled her in for a hug.

"She's a strong girl Harper, shel'll be ok" Harper hugged me back as I rubbed comforting circles on her back.

We both went down and we saw Harper's dad dragging Bianca by the arm to the door, "Take yourself out of my damn house this instant and you are fired!" He spat at the poor girl before slapping her.

I vould see in Bianca's eyes she was frightened but didn't show it within her body language. She didn't move she stayed where she was. I saw her look at me then Harper then back at Mr Clark. She didn't say anything and just walked out of the house. I saw tears rolling down Harper's face, I wasn't surprise, she had just seen her girlfriend get slapped by her own father.

Harper ran out the house after Bianca, I gave Mr Clark a dirty look as I followed my friend out of the house. I finally caught up to Harper. We stood side by side as we watched Bianca puck a tree continuously. I spotted Lily not so far away, she started running towards Bianca.

Bianca saw her and looked her dead in the eyes. She calmly walked towards her holding her arms out to the side of her, "Go ahead Lily... Beat me up do what you want to me" She said as Lily came to a stop in front of her.

Lily smirked and collided her fist with Bianca's stomach. Bianca didn't move she just let it happen. Lily kicked her in the shin, punched her until she was coughing up blood. But Bianca still didn't move. "Just die already it's not that hard" Lily told Bianca.

Bianca smiled, "I was going to after your little beat up session... The only difference is that I wasn't going to kill me... I was going to kill you" She replied as she walked closer to Lily.

She pulled her fist back ready to punch Lily then once again Mr Clark came out shouting at her, "BIANCA I TOLD YOU I FIRED YOU! GET OFF OF THIS PROPERTY NOW!" Bianca flinched not even trying to hide it.

She wiped away the blood that was still pouring from her mouth and turned around to look at Mr Clark.

"I was holding your daughters wrist because it's my natural instinct, I was abused since 3 years of age, started self harming at the age of 9 which I still do occassionally, raped at 11 and when someone calls me 'hot' 'cute' or anything along those lines it reminds me of my eldest brother. My twin brother promised he'd protect me but he died with my parents. I killed my eldest brother after he left marks all over my body, and when Harper was going to move hair out of my face I got scared which is why I was holding your daughters wrist."

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