-Chapter 16: Maple-

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Me and Harper headed off to bed holding hands quietly laughing. We got into the room, I moved my clothes from my room since I gave it to Bailey and Jason.

Harper went and got changed in the bathroom so I just got changed in the room. By the time she had came out I was laying on the bed with the quilt over me keeping me warm. It was a cold autumn night and I was happy that I would have someone to cuddle and keep warm.

Harper got in the bed next to me and I wrapped my arms around her sharing my body heat. She curled up in a ball, I turned on the heating only on low to keep the room nice and warm. It reminded me of sitting watching the fire except there was no fire so I decided to turn on the TV and go on to youtube and put on a crackling fire.

We both lay there in comfortable silence. Harper's head resting on my chest, she was holding my hand occasionally playing with my fingers like a baby. It didn't take long for Harper to fall asleep. Her beautiful eyes closed, her long ginger hair in a messy bun so it didn't kill us, her pink pale lips slightly parted.

I looked around the room taking in every detail. The tall oak wardrobe, the books next to the bed with plastic pumpkins on and next to them, autumn decor around the room and the LED lights that I didn't notice before.

The wind outside was whistling wildly but calmly, the trees spoke every time the wind blew the branches, the crickets outside singing their songs. I never knew how calm this place was until now.

I heard footsteps coming up the stairs, a few seconds later the door opened and someone's head looked around the door, "night you two" it was Kyle.

"Night Kyle" I whispered not waking up Harper, he smiled and closed the door. The sound of his footsteps descended as Kyle went to his room. It was another 30 minutes before the door opened again and Harper's parents came in to say 'night' after that I was left in the dark room again.

I was glad to be here. These people were my family. They are the ones I love. Trust. Protect. I'll protect them no matter the cost. No one can be better than these people. I'd love to marry Harper one day but we just need to stay as a couple for a few more years before we are both old enough to marry.

I eventually fell asleep listening to the worlds wonderful sounds. My chest raising calmly and slowly going back down as I breathed.

I woke up to Harper laying on me fully still asleep. I silently giggled at her. I carefully wrapped my arms around her and rolled onto my side so I could get out of bed and get ready.

Harper was still asleep so I decided to head downstairs, no one was awake so I wrote a note and decided to go for a run.

It was cold out but I had a jacket in so I was fine. It was still dark and the moon was out it was almost full and it was the gemini moon. I smiled and continued on with my run admiring all of the nature around me.

There was an owl in the distance that could be heard, the crickets were still singing but it started to fade, the street lamps started to turn off as the sun slowly raised into the dark blue sky. Cars started going past as people were going on holiday. I took it as a sign to head back. It took me 30 minutes to get back.

I walked in the house and went into the kitchen, I grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge.

"Where were you?" I heard a voice from behind me, I flinched causing the water to spill down me. I shivered as the cold water hit my skin.

"Just went for a run" I turned around to see Mr Clark, "sorry sir"

He smiled at me and patted my shoulder, "it's alright just making sure you was safe" I nodded my head and went into the garage where I had recently made a training room. There was a combat robot that I had made and I turned it on by the remote.

After getting hit a few times with bruises and blood on my face, sides and stomach I managed to win. I silently praised myself and hugged the rest of my water.

I next went onto the treadmill. I had made this my daily routine but no one knew. They always thought I was out or something, that was until Harper walked into the garage whilst I was clearly over working myself.

"Maple!" She called worriedly. I looked at her, sweat dripping from my forehead, my face pale and my breathing heavy. She came to me and stopped the machine, "how long have you been doing this?" She asked concerned.

"Every morning, for about 2 hours"

"2 hours?!" She yelled then sighed, "you're over working you need to stop"

I shook my head, "no I need to train"

I never knew someone that trained like me and at my old school I was always the weird one because of it. They never tried to hit me though since they knew what I could do. But they did say that I shouldn't have abs and muscles because I'm a girl and it's 'not normal' but I just pushed them away.

I didn't care if it 'wasn't normal' just because it's a 'boys' thing it doesn't mean that girls can't do it too.

I let Harper take me to the kitchen and get me another drink which I happily gulped down. She took out her phone and called someone, I don't know who it was but I couldn't care less.

"I called a professional bodybuilder and fighter for you" as soon as I heard her say that I spat my water everywhere.


A few second later I ran to the bathroom and threw up. I put my hand on my forehead that was burning up. I couldn't tell if it was because I was training or if it was because I was in the cold then trained straight after without warming up first and letting my temperature catch up.

Harper came running to me and rubbed my back, after I finished throwing up I flushed the chain and washed my hands, Harper took my temperature and I was 45.7 degrees which wasn't good.

She lay me on the bed and place a wet flannel on my head to call me down but it didn't work.

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