-Chapter 22: Harper-

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I woke up with sore limbs, I was tired but didn't want to sleep. I got up and my legs were shaky. I sighed as I slowly walked (aka stumbled) to the bathroom. I ran myself a nice warm bath to relax my muscles.

I got undressed and slowly lowered myself into the tub. I heard footsteps coming up the stairs then my bedroom door open.

"Harper?" I heard Maple's voice.

"I'm in the bath"

I heard shuffles coming towards the door, the door slowly opened and Maple leant against the doorframe.

"How'd ya sleep?" She asked teasingly.

"Fine, I'm just sore" I replied rolling my eyes. I watched as Maple's face softened into a small smile.

"I'm sorry baby" she said closing the door and coming to kiss my head.

She sat down by the tub leaning against the sink cabinets. I looked at her as she was staring off into space. I lifted my hand and held Maple's hand with mine.

She snapped out of her trance and looked at me smiling, I smiled back and kissed her hand.

"BAILEY STOP IT!!" We heard Jason laughing. Me and Maple looked at each other and laughed.

Maple grabbed my towel and got me out wrapping me up like a burrito. She helped me get dry and dressed. She carried me down the stairs and lay me on the couch laying next to me.

I gently pulled her on top of me and wrapped my arms around her. She kissed my head and I smiled as she rested her head on my chest. I kissed her head and watched her slowly fall back asleep.

My brother came down the stairs and looked at me and my girlfriend.

"For a bodyguard shes not that aggressive-" he said.

"Shut up Kyle I could rip your throat out if I wanted to but luckily you're sister is my girlfriend and she would stop me" Maple hissed with her eyes closed.

"Remind me not to mess with her"

I laughed at my brothers response and just to wind him up I said, "she's a big softie she wouldn't hurt a fly"

"Ye 'cause that's why she killed Lily" Jason said sniggering.

"She did what?" Jason and Kyle asked at the same time.

"I killed a girl who was a bully" Maple yawned.

"Maple you could get arrested for that..." her brother told her. Maple just shrugged her shoulders.

"I did what I had to do"

Her brother went to jer and wrapped his somewhat muscly arms. Me and Jason looked at each other confused.

"You can't carry the anger around all the time you're safe now.."

"Bailey.., it's not that I'm angry it's just that my entire life is envolved around death, 6 months old parents died, after that I thought you died then many people died in the family it's just what I've seen" Maple explained. We all looked at her. "Whta?" she asked. we all shook our heads and after that we continued on with our day.

A few months later, me and Maple were on the balcony waiting for the clock to strike midnight, as soon as it hit midnight fireworks lit up the night sky, me and Maple instantly kissed and held each other.

Once we pulled away, I looked back at the dancing colours, I was distracted and mesmerized by them that I didn't notice get onto one knee holding a box.

"Er.. Harper.." She started, I looked at her and my jaw almost dropped off, "You've made me the happiest person alive and I want to go into the new year being engaged so, Harper Clark.. Will you marry me?"

My heart was pounding against my chest as I eagerly nodded my head, "Yes! Yes Oh my god yes! I love you, I love you, I love you!" I said as tears rolled down ,y face, she stood up wrapping her arms around me quickly capturing my lips on hers. I felt her smiling against my lips.

We ulled away from our second kiss within a few minutes. She had her arm wrapped around my waist behind as my head was resting on her shoulder. We stood there watching the fireworks, "Happy New Year love" Maple told me.

I smiled looking up at her, "Happy new year" I gave her a quick kiss on the cheek and tried to get closer to Maple so I could get warm.

She chuckled softly and picked me up bridal style. She carried me into the house and we both saw the 2 boys asleep on the couch.

"Why was you yelling sweetie?" My mother asked as we entered the kitchen, I flinched a littke and I knew Maple could tell.

"Oh.. erm.. Maple proposed to me" I smiled sheepishly as my sheeks lit up like the fireworks outside.My father put his newspaper down.

"Really?" He asked in surprise.

I hummed a 'yes' and showed him the ring, "I'm very happy and excited for you both" he gave us a wide toothy smile and hugged us tightly once Maple put me down. We both hugged back and I gave my dad a qick kiss on the cheek.

"I'm going to bed I'm really tired.." Maple said yawning trying to keep her eyes open.

"I'll be up in a minute don't worry" She nodded her head and tiredly walked up the stairs almost missing a few and falling. I smiled and followed her without another word to my dad but I knew he was smiling. I entered our room and sure enough Maple was already ready for bed and curled up slowly giving in and going to sleep. I changed my clothes to pjs and climbed into bed next to her, I wrapped my arms around her body realising she was only wearing a crop top.

I saw a small smirk on her lips, "You idiot" I whispered but Maple heared.

"I'm sure I'm an idiot, a bit like you" she fought back wanting sleep.

"Fine we can sleep"

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