-Chapter 13: Jack-

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There was something about Jason that gave me a feeling that no one ever has. I know he's trans and that he used to be Bella but I don't care.

I get butterflies every time I see him. I wanted to protect him with everything I have.

"Jack?" I heard, "Earth to Jack" I looked at Jason who had a worried expression.

"Hm? What's up?" I asked cluelessly.

"You zoned out and you worried me" he replied.

"Oh.. sorry Jase"

After a few minutes of silence the two girls walked in, "well well well, if it isn't Bianca Smith" I started.

"Actuall it's not" She said to me started, I could see that she admired the confused look on my face, "The name's Maple Smith"

"Sorry" I mumbled, "Well well well, if it isn't Maple smith" I said saying it in the same tone as he did the first time. Maple rolled her eyes and smiled. I saw that Harper was jealous clearly Maple did too because she wrapped her arm around her waist keeping her close to her. Harper looked at Maple and smiled as she rested her head on Maple's shoulder.

"That's a little gay" I said, it was meant to be an insult but it was the truth.

"Erm, was that meant to be an insult?" She asked I sheepishly nodded my head and She laughed.

"Shut up don't be mean Maple!" Jason said defensively.

"Ooo~ Are you protecting your boyfrend~?" Maple said with a smirk.

"He is NOT my boyfriend!" Jase was bright red.

"Yet~" I said without even thinking.

Maple and Harper looked at eachother then us two boys, "We ship it~" They said at the same time. Both of us were now strawberry red.

Maple and Harper laughed at our reactions, "so between us Jack, are you gay?" Harper asked. I glared at her as if I was telling her to shut up.

"Are you?" Jason asked clearly nervous.

I looked at Jason. I leaned in closer and kissed him. Jason was bright red but he gladly kissed back, I put my hands on Jason's neck. And Jason held my wrists gently.

His lips were so soft. They were like clouds. I think Maple and Harper were slightly shocked, "alright we get it-" Harper said from besides her girlfriend. Both of the us pulled away, I had a smirk on my face and Jason was blushing, blushing hard, he looked down trying to hide it but did that work? Nope.

I looked at Jase and gave him a kiss on the cheek, "stop kissing the poor boy!" Maple said holding in laughter.

"But-" I started. Harper looked like she had just figured something out.

"Excuse you Maple-! At least he gets kisses!" She exclaimed looking at her girlfriend. I smiled.

"See I'm just showing my love through actions" I said. Everyone looked at me as if I said something stupid, "what?"

"You just admitted you love me" Jase said quietly.

I went red, redder than wine, "well... I love you too" he said as he pulled me into another kiss.

We pulled away, just in time too since the teacher came in, we sat down at our desks. Me and Jason's was at the back corner and Maple and Harper's desk was next to ours.

The teacher had started the register.

"Maple Smith?"


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