-Chapter 17: Harper-

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No matter what I did Maple's temperature stayed the same. I booked the doctors for the next day at 10 am and I was hoping that it wouldn't be too late. I had never felt nor seen someone with a high tempreture like Maple's. I sighed softly and crouched next to her wrapping my arms around her rubbing comforting circles on her back going anti-clockwise as she was throwing up for the third time that day.

"What did you do except over training to make yourself this ill?" I asked. She shrugged her shoulders.

I clipped the hair that was in her face back so she wouldn't get sick in it. I didn't like seeing her like this.

"I'll go make you some soup" I suggested, she nodded her head and I went down and made soup, everyone was downstairs now talking and watching TV.

"Whose the soup for?" My dad asked.

"Maple. She's over trained and is now ill, she's currently throwing up" I explained, everyone looked at me, Bailey clearly looked worried and ran up the stairs to his sister.

I followed with the soup in my hands and I saw Bailey hugging Maple. He kissed her head before she kicked us both out so she could get dressed. I placed the soup on the desk as Bailey sat on the bed clearly worried.

"She'll be ok Bailey I'll look after her" I said softly trying to calm him. He looked at me and nodded his head before going back down, Maple came back out a few minutes later and lay on the bed. She was pale and clearly tired. I kissed her head and gave her her soup, she looked at me and put the soup on the side and fell asleep.

I was confused but didn't think anything of it. I went downstairs and started to make everyone lunch since I was the only one that wasn't busy. Everyone but Maple sat at the table and ate lunch. We all sat in silence as we finished up, I took the empty plates and did my chores to kill some time. Byvthe time I had finished it was 2:35PM I went back up the marble stairs to check on Maple. She hadn't eaten any of the food I had given her.

"Baby you need to eat.." I whispered trying to hide the fact that my voice was cracking bacause I was holding back tears since I was worried about her.

She shook her head, "No I'm fine, I'm not hungry" She explained. I sighed in defeat and lay next to her. She smiled and kissed my cheek, her breathe was minty so she must've got up to brush her teeth not too long ago. I smiled as I stared at the ceiling. I could tell that Maple was looking at me but I kept my attention on the plain boring wall as though it was intresting.

She curled back up and fell asleep. It was too early for me to go to bed but there was nothing else to do. I was bored out of my mind so I decided to just sleep even if it was too early.

I woke up at 5:22PM to the cound of Maple throwing up, I went to her and sat behind her holding the front part of her hair, she smiled greatfully at me as she lay on me resting her head on my shoulder, I kissed her forehead and wrapped my free arm around her waist. The peacful moment was ruined by Maple throwing up in the toilet again, we both chuckled a little as we both thought that she had threw up at the worst time.

After a few minutes she flushed the chain and got up, she looked weak and skinny as if she had lost some weight ehch worried me since she was skinny in the first plsce. She stumbled to the sink and I watched as she washed her shaking hands and brshed her teeth the best she could. I sighed and got up, I took the toothbrush from her and helped her brush her teeth as she was shaking too much to do it herself.

"Thanks" She said quietly.

"You're welcome.." I said, a silence followed soon after, "Heyerm.. do you eat..? You've lost some weight and it's worrying.." I continued. I saw her eyes light up but I could tell she was trying to hide it.

"I've lost weight?" She asked with some excitment ahowing I sighed and nodded my head.

"Yes.. But you need to eat.. You can go back to the gym when you're better but please eat.. for me..." Her eyes saddened as she realised how important she was to me. She took my hands and put them in her shakey nes.

"Ok.. I'll eat" She agreed. We went back into the room and she took the apple that I had brought up for her. She ate all of it within a few bites and I could tell that the color in her face had started to come back. Maybe she wasn't ill from over-working... Maybe she was ill cos she hasn't eaten I thought.

I smiled at her and she smiled back. The time went by fast and it was 7PM when we both decided to get something small for dinner. We had 2 slices of Pizza. I ate all of mine but Maple left half of hers. I was ok with it though since she had eaten an apple before hand. She went and got her PJs on and climbed back into bed next to me. We put on a film and Maple suggessted we watched 'The Counjouring' so we did and it was actually pretty intresting.

Maple clearly enjoyed it. After the film had ended, she started telling me all about Ed and Lorraine Warren the 2 most famous paranormal investigators. Ed died in 2003 whilst Lorraine died quite recently in 2019 (It's true, you can even search them up if you don't believe me).

We both soon fell asleep and that night Maple didn't throw up once, we both slept a peaceful night and nothing woke us up until morning.

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