-Chapter 2: Harper-

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We were casually walking in the busy streets of Padstow until a girl who was at least a year younger than us bumped into Lily, she was not happy. "Get her Bella!" Lily yelled as she started running after the girl, me and Bella looked at each other and followed her and the girl. The girl was quite tall for her age she must have been 13 if she was a year younger than us, she had beautiful brown fluffy hair that was chin length, her eyes were as beautiful as her hair they were a lovely chocolate colour, she was beautiful. She was quite thin and it looked like she hadn't eaten for years. Even though she was running away from us I could tell she wasn't afraid.

I started to think more of this mysterious girl, I slowed down keeping my eyes on her, "Oi what you thinking about?" Bella asked me quietly as she matched my pace.

"That girl... She's perfect" I replied not taking my eye off the girl but I knew Bella had a smirk on her face.

"Someone's got a little crush~" She teased me I rolled my eyes and we both managed to catch up with Lily and the girl.

The girl tripped down a hill, her hair collected twigs as she summer salted over and over again causing her face to get scratched and dirty. I wanted to help her. I wanted to hold her in my arms. But I couldn't. The girl picked herself up and hissed in pain as she did so, yet she continued to run but she had a slight limp. Lily started chasing her and so did me and Bella. The girl found a tunnel and hid me and Bella saw this but Lily didn't.

Lily was getting angrier and angrier. We had definately left Padstow by now.

We made it to where the girl was hiding and Lily started talking, "Bella you go that way" She said pointing to the left, "Harper you go that way" She said pointing forwards, "And I'll go this way" She said pointing to the right.

We all splited up and I went to the entrance of the tunnel but didn't see the girl, I let out a small sad sigh, "I hope you're ok little one..." I mumbled under my breath. I stood back up and started looking around again. 30 minutes had past and there was still no sign of the girl. We had all met back up in the spot where we had split up, "It's OK Lily we'll get her tomorrow" I said, I only said it because I wanted the girl. "It's not fine Harper so shut you damn mouth!" Lily growled at me, her teeth were gritted together, I instantly stopped talking and looked down.

I silently walked away from the others, I knew that the girl was probably somewhere in Neqway, it wouldn't surprise me she was a fast runner. I watched as the other 2 went home and sat leaning against the tree. Maybe if I stay here then I'll be able to find her! I smiled at the thought.

It started to get dark so I got a bunch of sticks all different sizes and made a shelter that was big enough to fit 2 people inside. I lay down and looked at all the stars. They looked like little fairy lights that people sometimes hang up around their room or around their beds, I smiled and I felt my eyes get heavy. Just as I was about to fall asleep I heard twigs snapping nearby. I sat up and rubbed my eyes, I grabbed the stick that was near where I was laying just in case someone came to attack me. It took a while for my eyes to get used to the dark but eventually they did.

"Hello? Anyone there?" I yelled quietly, I waited a while and there was no reply, I sighed, "Where are you girl...?" I asked. I knew she couldn't hear me she was probably still in Neqway, "I'm sorry..." I wasn't talking to anyone specific, I was talking to the world, "I shouldn't let Lily control me..." I felt warm water streaming down my face, I wiped away a few tears but I couldn't get them all, I fell onto my knees as I let quiet sobs escape my mouth. I was scared. Scared of the dark. Scared of being alone. Scared of what might of happened to the girl.

I looked down and started punching the small mud puddle that had formed from my tears hitting the soil. The leaves started to rustle and twigs started to snap again, I didn't look up, I didn't want too. I felt two arms wrap around me protectively, "Shh it's ok, I'll help you find your girl" I looked up to see who the soft voice belonged to and it was the girl. I let a childish smile spread across my face, I instantly hugged her, "You don't need to help, I've already found her" I said sheepishly.

The girl let go and gave me a confused look. "I... Sorry let me introduce myself, I'm Harper" the girl moved away from me slightly probably thinking I was going to get Lily or something, "Don't worry the others went home I was waiting to see if you'd come back so I could help you... you look like you haven't eaten in a while" my smile faded back to a frown.

"I haven't eaten in years" She replied blankly, "I'm Bianca, Bianca Smith"

I stood up, "You're part of the Smith family?" I asked shocked, Bianca gave me a small nod, "I.. I didn't know! I'm so sorry! Please don't kill me... Don't send me to Clair and Mark" I said in a panicky tone.

The girl stood up and placed a hand firmly on my shoulder, "I would never send you to my grandparents... they are horrible..." I looked into Bianca's eyes to see if she was messing with me but there was nothing there, "That's who I ran away from" She continued. I let out a sigh of relief knowing that she wasn't going to send me to them.

The Smith family wasn't that big. There was Daniel and Ella Smith who died in a car crash, their child Bianca Smith then Bianca's grandparents Clair and Mark Smith. Clair and Mark Smith are horrible people they kill people for the sake of it. They are torturers. Murderers. vile.

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