-Chapter 4: Lily-

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I woke up from the sun being in my eyes which is always a great start to the day. I still wanted to find that girl for bumping into me, she didn't even apologise! I swear when I find her I'll mess her up badly.

I went into my bathroom and had a shower and got ready. I pulled my boots on and I put my chain on my skirt, my tights looked plain so I ripped holes into them. I walked out of my bathroom and grabbed my bag, I walked down to the living room where my mom was passed out on the couch. Clearly, she hasn't gotten over the fact that her and dad aren't together and that dad has a new girlfriend and kids. I sighed as I kissed my mom on the forehead. I left the house grabbing my keys and walked to school. I was waiting under the pine tree that me, Bella and Harper always waited for each other.

Bella was the first to arrive like usual. Her ginger hair was in a high ponytail, she had tried to cover her freckles with foundation but it clearly didn't work. Her school uniform was how it always is, her shirt untucked, her blazer sleeves rolled up, her collar sticking up, her tie uneven. I sighed at her appearence and helped her look a little better. After 15 minutes of waiting me and Bella both grew impatient. Finally, we saw Harper, she was talking to a girl with brown puffy hair that was chin length and I instantly knew it was the girl. A smirk creeped on my face as they bothcame towards us.

"Well well well, look who it is~ It's the girl that bumped into me yesterday" I pulled my arm back, my hand was clenched into a fist and I threw a punch at the girl. The girl caught my fist with her hand and snapped my arm causing me to scream in agony. The girl was definatley asking for death. Bella and Harper looked at the girl shocked and let out a small laugh as I screamed.

I held my broken arm and went to the nurses office, on the way I was thinking of ways to kill the girl. I wanted her gone. She can't ruin my reputition. My teeth were clenched whilst the nurse put a cast on my arm, It hurt a lot but I wasn't going to let it stop me from killing her. I went to my locker and saw the three of the girls going to Harper's locker. I decided to listen in on their conversation.

"Wow who knew a 13-year-old had the guts to break someones arm" Bella said.

"What can I say? It runs through my family" The girl responded, she clearly didn't care that she broke my arm.

"What family are you apart of? An assassination family?" Bella joked but the other 2 looked at her seriousy, Bella stopped laughing, "Wait..."

Before she could answer the girl started talking, "I'm Bianca, Bianca Smith" I saw smirk on her dumb little face. A dumb Smith isn't going to stop me from trying to kill her. Bella let out a gasp.

"No wonder why you didn't look afraid of Lily she can get a little feisty" Harper nodded her head in agreement.

"Who's Lily?"

"The arm you just broke belonged to Lily" Harper said, the two girls laghed and Harper smiled.

I'm going to ruin all of their pretty little faces I thought, I slammed my locker shut causing the three of them to look my way. Harper and Bella's faces lost their color but Bianca clearly didn't care. I walked over to them with a smirk.

"Well I heard your conversation and just so you know girlies, I'm going to mess you all up so bad you end up in hospital" I said my eye starting to twitch, I was fully in psycho mode.

"In you're damn dreams Lily Taylor" I was shocked that Bianca knew my full name but didn't let it show she could clearly tell as she continued, "Lily Rose Taylor" The three of them walked away. My jaw was hanging open. I quickly shut my mouth and gritted my teeth. I hated that girl more and more as time went on. I couldn't stand her.

The bell rang signalling it was time for homeroom. I stormed off to my homeroom room A220, everyone was already in class, Bella Bianca and Harper were all sitting together in the back corner. I couldn't look at them let alone talk to them so I sat in the other back corner. I took out my note book and planned ways to beat the three of them up. I paid no attention to my homeroom teacher and just kept reading the ideas I had,

Ways to beat the stupid people

-Corner them at the back of the school before school/break/lunch/after school

-Ask to meet up in the woods and when I'm done drown them all

-Just go for it

-Sneak up behind them and attack

-Kill Bianca by stabbing her

-Shoot them all (You can't out run a gun/bullet)

I put my pen back in my pencil case I smiled at myself I was proud for coming up with these ideas.


"Lily Taylor?"

"LILY TAYLOR!" The teacher yelled I must've zoned out.

"Here miss" I rolled my eyes.

"Thank you, and finally Bella Westwood?"

"Yes miss" Bella groaned as if she already wanted to go home. I just wanted the day to end so I could beat all three of them up.

I kept looking at Bianca, she started to annoy me and she wasn't even doing anything, I wanted her gone, out of the country, out of the world, dead. I just wanted her out of my life. I can't wait to see her laying in a hospital bed on life support because of me. I started laughing at myself.

"Whatever is so funny Miss Taylor, would you like to share with the class?" The teacher asked me.

"No thanks Mrs Mason" I stopped laughing but I couldn't hide the smirk that was plastered on my face.

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