-Chapter 23: Maple-

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I woke up to Harper's arm still wrapped around me. I still couldn't believe that she had said yes to me. I smiled and kissed her cheek. I went into the bathroom and got changed. Suddenly, I remembered about the forest and that tunnel that had a door. I wanted to investigate but part of me thought that it was dangerous so I didn't and Harper would probably worry.

I smiled as I looked at myself in the mirror. I sorted out my hair and it was extra fluffy since I had washed it the night before. I walked out of the bathroom and into the bedroom quietly making sure not to wake up my girlfriend. I sat on the couch that was opposite the bed. I grabbed my laptop and started doing some written work.

Since bot of my parents and grandparents are dead me and Bailey had inherited their work. We took it in turns to read and write emails. I was typing for about 30-45 minutes when Harper woke up.

"What are you doing?" She asked me with her morning voice which was still as cute as the first time I heard it.

"Just some work" I replied slightly frustrated, I didn't take my eyes off of my laptop until Harper came to me and closed the laptop and placed it next to me on the couch, she slowly sat on my lap and massaged my shoulders. I looked up at her and smiled.

"It's not good to look at a computer screen for too long, you'll strain your eyes" She told me sypethetically. I sighed and nodded my head feeling a little less tense.

"I know I'm sorry hun its just that work is getting busy and I want to send as many emails as I can" I explained softly, I played with her long ginger hair as I spoke. She gave me a bright smile and gave me a quick kiss on the lips before getting off of my lap and getting changed. She came out in a red crop top, black ripped jeans and a black jacket wrapped around her waist, I smiled at er appearence (and I probably blushed too)

The wedding day came quicker than expected, it was October 15th and I was about to marry the most prettiest girl I've ever laid my eyes on.

I watched as Maple and Jason went into the car that had picked them up to go to the hotel where Harper would be getting ready for our special day. Me and my brother stayed at the house. Kyle had gone out with his girlfriend and Mr and Mrs Clark were out on a date.

"Damn, my younger sister is getting married before me" Bailey said.

"Hey! I'm only a few minutes younger!" I yelled slightly causing him to laugh I rolled my eyes at him as I adjusted my tye.

I inhaled deeply and slowly exhaled, "Ready?" My brother asked. I nodded my head and we jumped into the limo that had pulled up a few seconds before. I was nervous. Anxious. Excited. All in one.  My leg was bouncing in the car I didn't know if it was from excitment or anxiousness. My brother kept giving me worried glances.

"Hey it'll be ok" He woud tell me every so often. I would just nod my head and look out the window. The limo stopped. We were there. My brother got out before me and helped me out. The guests had started to fill up their seats but there was no sign of my bride. I looked at my brother and he nodded at me. We walked down the isle and stood where the minister was waiting, he gave me a soft smile which I returned. My brother stood next to me since he was my best man. Everyone stopped talking as music started playing.

Everyone turned to look at the door, sowly, the door opened. Of course we let Jason be the flower boy, he threw flower petals everywhere, "My besties are getting married" He said to this old man which was my dads friend, he laughed quietly and Jason joined me.

He winked and mouthed 'congrats' which made me smile. The music picked up a little more and there she was.

Her arm in her fathers.

Her dress was amazing.

Her make-up and hair was breath taking.

She was breath taking.

Her father walked her up the isle of the Church and finally she made it to where I was.

I looked her up and down from head to toe, she smiled brightly at me with tears in her eyes. I returned the smile and took one of her hands and kissed it. Her father looked at me, I couldn't tell what his look meant in some way it was comforting but it was also quite scary.

The minister started talking, "We have all gathered here today in the presence of God and these witnesses at the invitation of Harper Clark and Maple Smith's wedding." Everyone clapped softly and smiled. It was hard to take my eyes off of Harper but I managed to force mysefl to look back at the minister, "Harper, Will you have this woman to be your wife; to live together in the holy covenant of marriage? Will you love her, comfort her, honor and keep her, in sickness and in health, and forsaking all others, be faithful to her so long as you both shall live? If so, answer, 'I will.'"

I looked back at Harper as she spoke the words, "I will"

I turned my attention back to the minister when he started to speak again, "And Maple, Will you have this woman to be your wife; to live together in the holy covenant of marriage? Will you love her, comfort her, honor and keep her, in sickness and in health, and forsaking all others, be faithful to her so long as you both shall live? If so, answer, 'I will.'"

I looked at Harper and smiled, "I will"

The minister let us say our vows and we did, "I promise to love you and give you as many cuddles as you want when you see an animal on TV get hurt" Harper told me, everyone laughed including me and Harper.

"And- and I promise no matter how smelly you are- I- I will-" I said between laughing not even beeing able to keep it together, "I will give you my love and attention" I managed to finish I was still holdinh back laughter.

As me and Harper exchanged rings the minister said, Though small in size these rings are large in significance. Made of precious metal, they remind us that love is not cheap, nor common; indeed love is to be cherished.

I put the ring on Harper's finger first then she copied my actions.

By the authority vested in me by the state of Padstow, Wales, I now pronounce you wife and wife. The minister started and took a deep breath, "You may kiss the bride!" He yelled excitedly. My and Harper looked at each other and leaned in to conect our lips.

Everyonw clapped and cheered as we kissed.

We were finally married.

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