-Chapter 5: Bianca-

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The end of the school day was getting closer and so was the weekend even though it was Wednesday. All day I had kept getting dirty looks from Lily. I wanted to punch her in the face but the rules were that 'I can only hit them if they were a threat to me or Harper', which theoretically, Lily was. I hated her so much and I could tell the other girls did too they just didn't want to admit it. I kept glancing at the clock during our last lesson which was History. I had a bad feeling that something was going to happen after school.

I made sure to keep a close eye on Harper and Bella (mainly Harper) I wanted to make sure they were both safe from the evil snot rag Lily Taylor. I could've done a lot worse then just break her arm and I wish I did, but I couldn't risk getting told off by the school on the first day even though Mr Clark said he had told them I was allowed to fight for self-defense purposes only, which in my defense breaking her arm was in self-defense.

The bell finally rang and everyone left he room, there was only me, Bella, Harper and of course Lily left in the room. We all finally packed our things away and left the classroom quickly to try and lose Lily. The three of us walked out of the building with Lily following us. Harper had suggested that Bella came round so she texted her mom at lunch to tell her that she was going to Harper's after school. We made our way to Harpers house, the two girls were in front of me and I was behind them, I got the impression we were being followed.

Harper turned around to see if I was still following, which I was, then her eyes trailed to behind me. I heard someone panting a few millimetres behind me. I felt a fist collide with my rib, I hissed in pain as I heard my rib crack which most likely meant she had cracked my rib. Bella turned around to see what was going on, another fist collided with my body causing me to hiss in pain again. I turned around to face Lily who was punching me with her right fist since her left was curently in a cast. She once again lifted her arm going in for a punch, I predicted that she was going to punch me in the nose so I ducked and kicked her in the shins which made her let out a deafening scream as she held her shin. I took the advantage and punched her in the nose breaking it, she managed to get back up and punch my lip which made it bleed but I shrugged it off as I collided my fists to her cheeks multiple times. When I stopped, I thought she gave up so I turned around, she grabbed my arm and turned me around punching my nose which she broke.

I sighed, I grabbed her shirt and pushed her into the concrete wall, she coughed up blood as I kicked her in the shin again causing her to fall on the floor, I continued to kick her in the sides, stomach and back. After I finished, my knuckles were bruised and covered in a mixture of my blood and her blood.

"Come on" I said to the others and we started to walk back to Harper's house. I knew that Mr Clark wasn't going to be happy to see me in this state but no one will leave a fight without getting a bruise here and there and possibly a broken nose. We walked into the house and Mr Clark was sitting in his armchair reading the newspaper.

"Hello Harper, Bella and Bianca" He said looking up from his newspaper then looking back down just to look back up at me, "Oh my gosh! What in the Lord's name happened!?" He yelled. I flinched slightly.

"Sorry sir it won't happen again" I said bowing waiting for a slap just like my 'grandparents' did.

"Stand up sweetie" He told me his voice now softer, "You were doing your job and that's all I asked for you to do"

I smiled at him and nodded my head, he pulled out $1,000, "Here take this" I looked at him shocked.

"No" I said sternly, Bella and Harper looked at me shocked since no one ever tells David Clark 'no', "When I applied for the job I said that I'm here to protect not here for money" I continued.

"Yes you did, but you also said you needed it" He was trying to outsmart me.

"I know what I said sir but keep your money" He paused for a moment before put his money back in his wallet.

"Go get cleaned up"

I nodded my head and went upstairs into the bathroom, the two girls followed me up.

"What was that about?" Bella asked slightly confused.

"Long story short, Bianca is my bodyguard" Harper explained cleaning up the blood off of my face, I saw her blush slightly when we made eye contact and I winked at her.

"And I feel like you guys will be something more in a few weeks~" Bella quietly cooed. I glared at her and I knew she was intimidated.

"Bianca stop it, she's not wrong" Harper muttered the last part but I heard it and I bluhsed.

"Just kiss already" Me and Harper both knew she was joking and thought we wouldn't actually kiss so me and Harper winked at eachother and slowly leaned in and kissed each other. Her lips were so soft, they felt perfect against mine. Bella was shocked. Even though me and Harper were kissing as a joke, I wished it wasn't a joke. I wished it was real, that it meant something. We both pulled away slightly blushing.

"I'm gonna go take a shower" I said, I couldn't even make eye contact with either of them so I just looked at the floor. They were silent so I just walked out into my room. I sat down on my bed looking at the blank wall. I wanted the kiss to be real but maybe that's not what Harper wants.

I never thought about what gender I liked but it became quite clear to me that I like Harper.

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