-Chapter 19: Maple-

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I lay on the bed and scrolled through Instagram. I felt the bed dip so I looked to the side and Harper had lay next to me. She gave me her famous childish smile, I rolled my eyes at her and lay on my side to look at her. I wrapped my arm around her waist and slowly wiggled closer to her and kissed her. She immediately kissed back.

The door opened and me and Harper instantly pulled away, "Stop kissing all the time!" My brother yelled.

"It's not like we never walk in on you and Jason kissing" I replied.

"We barely kiss.. And I wish we kissed more.."

"So you're jealous of me and Harper kissing?"

Bailey looked down and nodded his slowly.

"Why didn't you say so?" Jason said from behind him.

"Because I was embarresed and I didn't know what to say.." My brother admitted.

Jason turned himaround and crashed their lips together. I got up and closed the door we heard stumbling then a door lock. I sighed and climbed back into bed, I went back to how I was last time and kissed her on the head.

A few weeks later, Iwas doing a lot better. I was able to got back to the hospital and get the feeding tube removed. When we got home I ran up the stairs with Harper and excitedly kissed her, "It feels good to kiss you without that dumb tube" I said once we pulled away.

She laughed and hugged me tight, "Well I'm gonna get changed and go for a run then work out in the garage" I said trying to escaper her tight warm embrace.

"You can't you have to rest" I rolled my eyes at my girlfriend and kissed her head.

"I'll take it easy"

Of course I won our 'battle' and I was allowed to go on my run and train if I promised to eat and go slow which I kinda did, I skipped the 'go slow' part since that's boring and doesnt do anything in a fight.

I found a club where we learn to fight so I went there every day when and if I had time. Most of the time I won but I got a lot of bruises from it and everyday I would come home with several new bruises all over my body.

But that day I came home with more than just a few bruises. My ex-bestfriend was there she turned on me in primary school and started to bully me. I forgot how strong she was and how much damage she could do so I, without thinking, attacked her. She of course attacked back which led to us fighting. I managed to knock a few of her teeth out but she sprained my wrist, fractured my ankle and knocked me out.

The ambulance was called and I was rushed to the hospital. I heard the heart rate monitor beeping as I slowly opened my eyes and blinked. The room was blurry for a split second but went crystal clear after, I looked around the room and saw all the machines and Harper, Bailey and Jason. Nurses were walking by and one came in to check on me.

"Guys I'm fine I promise" I said as they all came over and asked questions. They all backed up a little, Harper came back and kissed me on the head, "Harper-" I started.

"I know I know, I'll give you the space you need" Before she could move I grabed her arm and gently pulled her back and hugged her. She climbed onto the bed and Lay next to me, I looked at the two boys and they came over too. They sat on the edge of the bed and Bailey lay next to me whilst his boyfriend lay on him falling asleep.

I smiled at them all and looked at my knuckles, "It was worth it" I muttered but Harper heard.

"No. I'm not letting you out of my sight you're 13 for god's sake" She exclaimed as she gently hit my arm.

"Are you forgetting what I've been through? A small knock out like that seriously aint gonna stop me" I sighed happily.

Harper exhaled sharply out of frustration. I looked at her and kissed her in between her eyebrows, "I promise that I'm ok" She looked at me and nodded her head. We smiled at eachother for a few minutes before slowly getting closer until our lips met. Unfotunately, the nurse came back with food and paperwork.

I sighed in annoyance, we all sat up and ate something. We all had a triangle each of the sandwhich, I had the cheese string, Harper had the yogurt, Bailey had the chocolate bar and Jason had the rasberries.

"You really like rasberries huh?" I asked Jason.

He nodded his head, "Yup! They are my favourite!" He smiled happily as he finished them off. I watched Bailey as he looked at every small detail on Jason.

"You have very faint freckles" My brother mumbled, smiling at his boyfriend.

"I know. They are only faint because I try and cover them with foundation, I've never liked them really" Jason shrugged.

"Well I think they look beautiful and I love them" Bailey kissed Jason on the nose and hugged him gently lifting him onto his lap.

"Gay" I muttered.

"You're gay" Harper said.

"Agreed, but for you" I winked at her and her face instantly went bright red. I giggled and hugged her. The boys got up and went to get changed into pjs that they brought with them. They came back ready for bed and lay in the camp bed that was next to my bed.

Since there was only 1 camp bed, Harper offered to sleep on the couch but I told (aka forced) her to lay with me.

She finally gave in and got changed. She came back and lay next to me. I smiled and wrapped my arm around her. I kissed her on the head.

"Goodnight guys" I whispered after I turned off the light.

"Goodnight Maple" Jason said.

"Night sis" Bailey said.

"Goodnight Baby" Harper whispered already half asleep.

I smiled and closed my eyes soon falling into a deep sleep myself.

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