-Chapter 3: Bianca-

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I made my decision and turned back round. It was midnight by the time I had finally made it back into Padstow, back into the woods. Everytime I took a step a twig would snap and the leaves would rustle. I saw someone looking around holding a stick, they must've heard me. They fell onto their knees and started crying and talking to herself about finding her girl, I didn't like seeing them upset so I went to them and hugged them.

I wrapped my arms around her protectingly, "Shh it's ok, I'll help you find your girl" she looked up to see who my voice belonged to. I saw a childish smile spread across her face, she instantly hugged me and I was very confused, "You don't need to help, I've already found her" she said sheepishly.

l let go and gave her a confused look. "I... Sorry let me introduce myself, I'm Harper" she said. I moved away from her slightly thinking she was going to get her 'boss' on me or something, "Don't worry the others went home I was waiting to see if you'd come back so I could help you... you look like you haven't eaten in a while" her smile faded back to a frown.

"I haven't eaten in years" I replied blankly which made Harper clearly sad and worried, "I'm Bianca, Bianca Smith"

She stood up, "You're part of the Smith family?" she asked shocked, I gave her a small nod, "I.. I didn't know! I'm so sorry! Please don't kill me... Don't send me to Clair and Mark" she said in a panicky tone.

I stood up and placed a hand firmly on her shoulder, "I would never send you to my grandparents... they are horrible..." I looked into Harper's eyes to see if she believed me or not. There was nothing there, "That's who I ran away from" I continued when I realised she wasn't going to talk. She let out a sigh of relief knowing that I wasn't going to send her to them, "I wouldn't want to send a pretty girl like you to them Harper Clark" She looked up at me shocked.

"How do you know my name?" She raised one of her eyebrows.

"Well your father, David Clark, put up a poster. He's hiering a bodyguard for his daughter and I thought I'd apply for the job" I said not even caring how old I was.

"But you're a year younger than me!" She tried to argue back, I hummed in response and shrugged my shoulders.

"Can you take me to yours so I can take the interview?" I asked getting slightly annoyed. Harper sighed and nodded her head, "Follow me I guess."

I followed her out of the woods to a mansion, I knew the Clarks were wealthy but I didn't know they owned a mansion. I watched as Harper opened the gate to the entery of her lawn, in the middle was a white water fountain that had vines going up it and the fences were tall so no one could tresspass. We made our way to the front door and she opened it.

The lights were off so Harper turned them on, there was a man sitting in an armchair that was next to the firplace that was facing the door, "And where have you been Harper?" The man asked.

"Sorry Father I was waiting for someone in the woods" Mr Clark nodded his head, "Alright off to bed"

Without another word Harper closed the door and left me alone with her father, "Ah Bianca Smith, glad to see you, come, take a seat and we will start the interview" I nodded my head and sat down opposite Mr Clark.

"Right how old are you?"


"Hm intresting" He hummed, "Why did you apply for this job?"

I thought for a moment, "To protect someone... even though I need money, protecting someone is more important" I hesitated at first but gained confidence as I continued to talk. I saw a smile on Mr Clarks face.

"You my dear, just got hired for a job" I smiled at his response.

"Thank you Mr Clark" He smiled and nodded a 'you're welcome'

"Your room is upstairs to the left next to Harper's" He explained.

'Wait I'm living here too?' I thought. I nodded my head and went upstairs. I saw Harper's door was closed and I wanted to say goodnight so I lightly knocked onto the door.

"Come in" A tired voice said, I entered the room to see a tired Harper curled under her blanket half asleep, I smiled at her, "I just wanted to say goodnight and to let you know that I'm your bodyguard" She smiled tiredly back at me and patted the bed next to her, "I'm cold and as you are now my bodyguard you can keep me warm" I rolled my eyes as I went to her and climed into bed next to her wrapping my arm around her waist to keep her warm. She rested her head on my shoulder and soon fell asleep.

I closed my eyes and I saw the tunnel again, I saw the door. I needed to see what was behind it but with school and this new job it would be hard, maybe I can persuade Harper to come with me over the weekend, either way she has no choice she has to and will come with me. I soon fell into a deep sleep.

I woke up by being violently shaken, I tried to push whoever was shaking me away but I was too tired to. I opned my eyes slightly to see Harper, my eyes shot open as I quickly ran out of the room. I sighed and went into my own room. Mr Clark had got me the school uniform and thankfully he got me trousers. I would hate it if I had to fight someone whilst wearing a skirt.

Me and Harper went downstairs and had something to eat, "You're allowed to fight Bianca but only if someone is hurting Harper or yourself" Mr Clark explained.

"Don't worry sir, they wont be able to lay a finger on us" I smirked at my comment, Mr Clark nodded his head.

"Akright you two off to school now, bye" He said practically shoving us out the door.

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