-Chapter 11: Bella-

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I woke up and headed into the bathroom I looked at myself realising how uncomfortable I felt looking like a girl. I decided that I was going to stop ignoring these feelings and be who I am. I grabbed some scissors that was in the draw and I cut my hair making it go fluffy. It rested above my ears and it had a lot of volume, I cut it shorter at the back so it was resting on my neck, I smiled at my hair then looked at my clothes, I needed something to hide my chest for the time being. I went into Harper's brother's room and took some of his clothes, just a plain green hoodie with some denim blue trousers.

I went back into the bathroom and got changed, my chest was bearly visible and I looked like a boy. I smiled at my appearence and I felt a lot of weight had been lifted off of my shoulders. The next stage was a name, I had been thinking for a while until I finally settled with the name Jason.

I exited the bathroom and headed downstairs, I realised I was still at Harpers. I grabbed my phone and Texted my dad where I was so he didn't worry, I also told him I was trans and that I was gay, he replied and kicked me out the house. I sighed and I put my phone back into my pocket and waited for everyone else to come down.

By the time the other two came downstairs I had already eaten breakfast and it was 7o'clock.

"Oh my god! Kyle you're back from uni? Nice haircut bro" Harper said as she hugged me.

I let out a soft chuckle as I turned around, "Sorry to get your hopes up but it's me- I'm trans and I go by Jason" I explained.

"Oh sorry Jason" she said I smiled.

"It's ok"

"Well I go by Maple now so you're not the only one who has changed names" Bianca/Maple said.

I nodded my head, "Well hello Maple"

"Yo" She said.

We all sat down on the couch talking about anything that came to mind, Mr Clark came down, "Are you girls going to school today?" He asked.

"Erm no but Bella is trans and he is called Jason" Harper explined.

"Sorry, are you boy and girls going to school today?" He asked correcting himself. We all shook our heads, "Well ok then but behave and I'm gonna be late, bye" He said walking out the door.

"Lunch!" Maple yelled before he closed the door, David came back in and grabbed his lunch and gave us a thumbs up as he left, we heard the car pull off the driveway and go down the streets.

Maple was on her phone looking for something, "What you doing babe?" Harper asked her.

Maple clicked on something and showed us her phone, "A binder.." I whispered earning a small 'mhm' from Maple.

"It's your size and should be here tomorrow" She explained, I smiled and hugged her.

"Thank you"

"It's alright Jase" She said, "When I have enough money I'll help pay towards top surgery for you"

"I will too" Harper agreed

"Thank you guys!" I said as happy tears rolled down my face.

"Anything for our best friend" They said in sync as if they had practiced it. We all laughed for a while after that.

A few months later, Maple came running into the living room where me and Harper was, I had started my voice transitioning and my voice was quite deep it was at the deepness of an average 14 year old boys voice.

"Guess what!" She exclaimed, me and Harper stopped talking to look at her, she threw something at me and I caught it, it was a present.

"What's this?" I asked.

"Open it and you'll see" She replied, excitment could be heared in her voice. I carefully ripped off the wrapping paper, there was a box and on top of it was writing, 'To Jason this is the money that you will need for your top surgery' I opened the box to see a lot of money inside. I looked up as tears began rolling down my face, "How?" I asked amazed.

"I made a fundraiser page and I managed to get everything booked for you"

"When?" I asked hoping it was soon.

"Tomorrow at 10am" She replied, I stood up and hugged her tightly.

"Thank you!"

"You're welcome, at least you wont have to wear that uncomfortable thing anymore" she said referring to my binder. We all laughed and sat back down.

"So when are we going back to school?" Harper asked.

"Can we go back Monday?" I asked.

"But that's literally after tomorrow which would be after your surgery" Harper exclaimed.

I shrugged my shoulders, "So? We've missed 2 months of school, I want to go back" Harper and Maple looked at each other and sighed in defeat.

"Fine" Maple mumbled.

The day of my surgery came quicker than we all thought, since non of us could drive Alexa Clark (Mrs Clark) drove us to the hospital, over all the surgery was 2 hours since I had top and bottom surgery done which I didn't expect but at least I was finally me.

I was laying in the chair they had put me in, I was loopy from the anesthetic they used to put me to sleep. The 2 girls came in and gently hugged me, "Hey Jase how'd you feel?" Maple asked me softly.

"I fell Great" I slurred. The 2 girls softly chuckled at me.

I lifted my arm and looked at it twice before thinking they replaced my arm, "They replaced my arm with someone elses?" I asked slightly upset.

"No that's your arm Jason" Harper said trying to calm me.

"Shh" Maple said letting giggles escape her mouth.

After a few hours of waiting for the anesthetic to fade I came back to my senses.

"Can we go yet?" I asked already getting bored.

"I'll go get the papers" Mrs Clark said, she left the room and came back a few minutes later, "Alright we can go now" I smiled brightly.

I stood up with Maple and Harper helping me waddle to the car. Luckily we got there without any problems.

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