-Chapter 15: Bailey-

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I watched as my sister pulled Harper in for another kiss. I wanted to pull Maple away and hug her but Jason noticed and hugged me from behind. I sighed and turned around hugging him back.

He smiled happily as he gave me a kiss on the cheek. The two girls pulled away and 'awed' at us. I glared at them to tell the to leave us alone so they did. I looked back at Jason and smiled, kissing his head.

He giggled, "I love you Bailey" I looked at him surprised, "Why do you seem surprised?"

"I didn't expect you to say the first 'I love you' in our relationship but I love you too" I replied. He looked up at me and smiled, he gave me a peck on the lips and lay his head on my chest. I played with his messy fluffy brown hair.

I saw a phone flash as if someone had took a photo but I didn't care I just cared about the small boy in my arms. I saw the two girls go upstairs holding hands quietly laughing. I smiled knowing that my sister was safe and happy again.

I rested my chin lightly on Jason's head. Even if he was trans I really couldn't care less. He's my World and I'd protect him like I would protect my sister and I hate to admit it but I would also protect her girlfriend.

I rubbed Jason's arm gently and softly, as I kept whispering things like, 'You're amazing' and 'You're my world' in his ear. He smiled and rubbed circles on my back. I had been feeling tense for a few days and having Jason with me, I felt calm and at ease.

I gently picked up Jason bridal style and as I carried him to the couch I planted kisses over his face making him giggle. I sat down keeping Jason curled up in my arms, his head still laying on my chest, I grabbed the TV remote and turned it on. Someone walked through the door, "I'M HOMEEEE!" they called out. They sounded male and a lot older but not too old maybe in their 20's. I had never heard their voice before.

Harper came running down the stairs followed by Maple, "KYLE!" Harper yelled. I turned my head to see who this 'Kyle' guy was. He had ginger hair like Harper's that was shaved on one side and sweeped over onto his right, his hair had waves in it. He was wearing a shirt that was stuck to him showing off his abs and six-pack. It looked like he had just came back from the gym.

"Hey you!" He said ruffling Harper's hair, "Is this your girlfriend that you keep talking about?" He asked, Harper nodded.

"Hey Kyle" My sister said, he gave her a polite smile.

"So how did you two meet?" He asked.

"Long story short I'm Harper's Boduguard Girlfriend" My sister said proudly. I looked back at Jason who looked sad but was trying to cover it up.

"If you think I like him more than you then you're wrong, my heart belongs to you and only you" I whispered softly in his ear. He nodded as I held him tighter and kissed him on the head. I turned my attention back to the TV.

A few hours went by, me and Jason stayed in our position only to get up for a drink, snack, or the toilet, the girls were in Harpers room and Kyle was in the kitchen talking to his parents.

"So have you got a Girlfriend?" Mr Clark asked.

"Erm- no I'm not popular at all, I just keep to myself. I tried making friends but they all laughed at me when I told them about my depression"

"Oh hunny..." Mrs Clark said.

I was shocked after overhearing their conversation. I wanted to help but at the same time I didn't. It would be quite strange for a 14 year old to help a 20 year old. I sighed and looked at the sleeping bean on me. I carefully picked him up and carried him to our room. I tucked him into bed giving him a kiss on the forehead. I went down into the kitchen ignoring the conversation the three adults were having and I made him a sandwhich for when he woke up, I wrapped it in some cling film and grabbed two bottles of water. I carried them all back to our room, I placed the food over on the desk and the drinks on my bed stand.

I took a quick photo of Jason and gently threw my phone onto the floor. I curled up next to my sleeping boyfriend and played with his beautiful brown messy hair until I fell asleep.

Our limbs had tangled in our sleep. His left leg was in between my legs and my arms were wrapped around his body whilst his were resting in the middle of us resting against both of our chests. I woke up rubbing my eyes to see that Jason was still asleep, I gently shook him, "Wake up" I said quietly down his ear, he turned over takin the blanket with him, "Jase wake up" After a few minutes of trying to wake him up he finally opened his eyes and looked around the room.

"I made you a sandwhich it's on the desk" I told him, he smiled gratefully at me, I couldn't help but smile back. He tiredly got out of bed and wobbled to thr plate of food, he picked it up and made his way back to the bed. He ate peacefully taking small bites at a time. Once he had finishied I gave him the water that was on the side, he gladly accepted it and drank a large gulp. I looked at the clock and it was '23:45' (quater-to-twelve/11:45 PM) "You can go back to sleep" Jase nodded at my statement and fell back into his deep slumber.

I put the plate and placed it back on the desk, I put both of our phones on charge before decideing to head back to sleep after I had chnaged into my PJs. I also changed Jason putting him in one of my Yellow hoodies and some loose shorts.

I curled back next to him like how we was before and soon followed Jason's steps and falling asleep.

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