-Chapter 6: Harper-

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Bianca left the room to go get cleaned up, I was processing what just happened, "We kissed" I said stating the obvious.

"Wow I wouldn't have known apart from the fact I saw it with my 2 eyes" Bella said sacastically.

"What if she doesn't like me?"

"Then talk to her, just say I had to go 'cause my dad wants me home then facetime me, I'll stay on mute then that way I can be there with you as well but Bianca wont know!" Bella exclaimed. I thought for a moment before nodding my head.

So with that Bella left and I called her as soon as she did, she muted herself and I let out an audibul sigh, I went to Bianca's room and walked in without knocking. I looked at her, she was sitting on her bed stairing at the wall tears rolling down her face. I gently knocked on the wall then walked over to her. I wiped her tears away, "We need to talk..." I said, Bianca looked at me and replied with, "Yes we do"

"Did the kiss mean anything to you?" We both asked at the same time.

"Yes it did" We were still in sync, we gave each other shocked looks. "That was easier than I expected" I thought out loud.

"What exactly are we?" Bianca asked me, I smirked and leaned in our lips a few centimetres away from each other. I leaned in closer closing the gap. I pulled away, "Does that answer your question?" I saw Bianca smirk then she shook her head, I smiled and pulled her into a kiss that was loving and better than the other 2.

We both pulled away at the same time, "Will you be mine Harper?" She asked me, I rolled my eyes at her.

"No I kissed you 'cause I hate you" I said sarcastically, "Of course I'll be your girlfriend Bianca" I smiled brightly at her and she returned the smile, "Come one lets get you cleaned up" I suggested, Bianca nodded her head as she followed me back into the bathroom.

Together, we managed to get the blood off of her face and kuckles. I bandaged her hands up after I apllied some cream to help the bruises say their goodbyes quicker. She somehow managed to crack her nose back into place and we put a big plaster on it to keep it in place.

Bianca took off her shirt where she had belt scars and self harm scars along her stomach and back, my smile faded and Bianca noticed, "Hey... they're old... I don't do it anymore and my grandparents cant hurt me anymore either" I nodded my head and applied cream on he back sides and stomach.

I bandaged her up to help the cream soak in instead of getting everywhere. I gave her her shirt back and she put it on. I looked at her and hugged her, she wrapped her arms around me protectingly. It was like it was us two against the world. Which in theory it was since she was protecting me and meant to be my bodyguard.

My dad came up, "girls time for bed" he called from outside the door.

"Ok sir" Bianca said, I looked at her and rolled my eyes.

"How many times Bianca-? Call me David-!" My dad yelled.

"Ok si- David-" she changed her sentence when I gave her a gentle poke in the arm. She looked at me and gave me an awkward smile. I walked out of the bathroom and got changed whilst Bianca continued to tidy herself up.

"Can I come out?" I heard her ask.

"Yep" I replied. I was curled up under the duvet as she walked out.

"Night Harper" Bianca said as she was about to leave.

"No. Stay with me" I paused for a second, "please-" she rolled her eyes.

"Fine but I'm going to get changed first" I nodded my head and she left the room.

It took her 10 whole minutes to finally arrive back into my room. I could tell my eyes lit up as she walked back into my room and curled up next to me under the blanket.

We both smiled at each other before finally falling asleep. Bianca fell asleep first. She had been asleep for about 30 minutes before I finally let myself sleep.

One of my parents must have came in during the night because when I woke up the curtains were closed and the door was slightly open letting the light pour into the room.

I looked at the sleeping girl next to me who was breathing slowly. She looked so calm and peaceful.

There was a knock at the door, "come in" I whispered. Bella entered the room and I felt my cheeks heat up.

"Yolo!" She yelled as she entered I looked at Bianca to make sure she was still asleep, thankfully she was.

"Please be quiet Bella" I told her slightly annoyed. She looked at Bianca and nodded her head.

I carefully got up and went and got ready. By the time I was done Bianca was still asleep with Bella trying to wake her up.

"There's no point she won't wake up" I told her. She huffed and stopped trying to wake her up.

I went to Bianca and kissed her cheek, "babe wake up" I whispered in her ear. She instantly shot up blushing like crazy, I let out a small laugh as she rolled herself up in the blanket like a burrito and tried to go back to sleep.

"You need to wake up Bianca- you have your job to do" I said feeling bad that she still had to work for me.

She sighed, "fine only if you give me a kiss" I rolled my eyes and gave the half asleep girl what she wanted. Bella looked confused and shocked.

'I'll explain later' I mouthed to her as we all walked out the room. Bella nodded her head and we walked down for breakfast. Both of my parents had a smirk on their faces, I knew what they was smirking about but my girlfriend didn't.

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