-Chapter 12: Maple-

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The only thing I didn't tell Jason was that he was having both top and bottom surgery. When we got home he was smiling and he looked a lot happier.

"Do you think you'll be able to go to school tomorrow?" I asked Jason, he looked at me, his eyes shining brightly.

"Of course!"He yelled clearly excited.

"I guess non of us are straight huh?" Harper laughed, we all agreed to what she said since it was true. We all laughed for a few minutes until Mr Clark came in with pizza, I instantly felt sick. It wasn't because I didn't like pizza it's just that I hadn't really been eating properly and everytime I did I would just throw it up. Luckily, no one knew about it.

"I've got you guys some pizza" He called from the kitchen.

Harper and Jase got up and started eating, whilst they did that I decided to quickly run upstairs and get changed for bed. I curled up on my matress and I found myself in a deep sleep a few minutes later.

During the night I woke up due to the pain in my stomach since I didn't eat all day, I decided I'd go get a small snack so I went downstairs and grabbed an apple. I headed back up the stairs quietly munching on my apple. I walked past Harper's room to see that she was asleep on her bed, Jason asleep on the other bed. I smiled and put the rest of my apple in the bin.

I quietly snuck into Harper's room and lay next to her, hugging her. It didn't take long for my eyes to get heavy and for me to fall asleep.

I dreamt about what the next day would look like, if people would wonder where we went.

I woke up to Jason and Harper tapping me, I tried to gently slap their hands away but it didn't work, "ok ok I'm up" I groaned. They both smiled as if they were proud of themselves.

"When are you going home Jase" I joked.

"I'm not going home... my parents are transphobic and homophobic.., I told them yesterday and I wasn't allowed back home so Harper said I could live here" he explained.

"Oh my, I'm sorry Jase..." I said feeling sorry for the boy, "anyways I'm gonna get dressed" as soon as I said that I got my clothes and went into the bathroom.

I put on some black ripped jeans with a black turtle neck top and a red and black checkered shirt tied around my waist.

I went back to the others to see that they had also got changed, a few weeks ago we all went shopping, I didn't get anything, Harper got a few black pencil skirts, Jason got a load of hoodies and trousers.

We all went down the stairs and I grabbed the keys before either of them could, "babe give them here-" Harper told me, I smirked and ran out the house bumping into a tree.

I heard laughter coming from Harper and Jason, I put my hand on my head and rubbed it, I casually walked away from the tree. The other two came running towards me.

"Are you ok?" Jason asked me.

"Yeah I'm good don't worry" I replied looking at them both. Harper cleaned a piece of dirt off my face, "thanks mom" I said jokingly rolling my eyes.

We all laughed for a little bit more then we finally made it in front of the school, there were people all over the place. I saw Jack in the corner leaning against the wall of the school.

"I'll be right back" Jason said, me and Harper smiled and nodded our heads.

We watched as he went over to Jack. Harper smirked and I just looked at her as if I saw it coming. I rolled my eyes and dragged Harper into school, I went to the head office and told them how my name was now Maple not Bianca. They changed the register so my name was Maple Smith instead.

I smiled and the bell rang, me and Harper walked into our formroom where people were sitting on tables talkiking, throwing paper at each other. I looked in the far corner and I could see Jason and Jack talking, I walked towards them with Harper.

"Well well well, if it isn't Bianca Smith" He started.

"Actuall it's not" I started, I admired the confused look on his face, "The name's Maple Smith"

"Sorry" he mumbled, "Well well well, if it isn't Maple smith" He said saying it in the same tone as he did the first time. I rolled my eyes and smiled. I saw that Harper was jealous so I wrapped my arm around her waist keeping her close to me. She looked at me and smiled as she rested her head on my shoulder.

"That's a little gay" He said, I think it was meant to be an insult but it was the truth.

"Erm, was that meant to be an insult?" I asked he nodded his head and I laughed.

"Shut up don't be mean Maple!" Jason said defensively.

"Ooo~ Are you protecting your boyfrend~?" I said with a smirk.

"He is NOT my boyfriend!" Jase was bright red.

"Yet~" Jack said without even thinking.

Me and Harper looked at eachother then the two boys, "We ship it~" We said at the same time. Both of the boys were now strawberry red.

Me and Harper laughed at their reactions, "so between us Jack, are you gay?" I asked. Jack glared at me as if he was telling me to shut up.

"Are you?" Jason asked clearly nervous.

Jack looked at Jason, he leaned in closer and kissed Jason. Jason was bright red but he gladly kissed back, Jack put his hands on Jason's neck.

Me and Harper were slightly shocked, "alright we get it-" she said from besides me. Both of the boys pulled away, Jack had a stupid smirk on his face and Jason was blushing, blushing hard, he looked down trying to hide it but did that work? Nope.

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