-Chapter 18: Harper-

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We woke up fairly early it was 8:29 and we had an hour and 30 minutes before Maple's appointment.

"Maple eat something.." she shook her head and just got her shoes on. I sighed and got in the car, Kyle was taking us but he was taking forever.

About 20 minutes later, my brother finally decided to get in the car.

"So why are we going to the doctors?" He asked.

"Maple's not very well and I think I know why.." I replied looking at Maple. She just rolled her eyes.

"I'm fine.." she said. I took her hand and held it. I knew she wasn't fine and I knew she hadn't been eating.

Kyle drove the 25 minute drive to the doctors, when we got there we checked in and we had to sit in the waiting room for 15 minutes. Out appointment was meant to be at 10 but they had no one after the last appointment which was at 9:15 so we got seen at 9:20.

"Maple Clark?" The women called out. I saw Maple blush.

"Seriously?" She hissed at me. I just hummed a yes. She rolled her eyes and we both got up and went into the room with the doctor. We left Kyle since he fell asleep waiting.

"So what brings you here?" The lady asked.

"I shouldn't be here I'm fine" Maple said. I frowned slightly and sighed.

"She hasn't been eating and she's been throwing up.." I said knowing that Maple would be mad at me, she glared daggers at me.

"Oh.. erm.. you need to go straight to the ER..." the lady said with a worried tone. The colour drained from my face.

"What..?" Maple asked.

"If you haven't been eating for a while then you need to go to the ER. This could kill you and if you aren't treated straight away then..." she paused, "I wont go into detail..."

I nodded my head and got up, Maple following behind me, I violently shook Kyle awake and told him the situation. He nodded and we all rushed to the car. It was another 20 minutes before we got there and another 5 before we were seen.

We explained what was going on then they took Maple to a room, they didn't let me nor Kyle I'm the room with her. I was panicking a lot.

"She'll be ok..." Kyle told me hugging me tightly. I couldn't help but let tears roll down my face. I nodded my head trying to stay positive.

I ended up crying they much I passed out in my brothers arms. I woke up to the sound of Maple whining about something and my brother laughing.

"It's not fair! I don't need this stupid thing I'm perfectly fine"

"Maple it's just until you get better" my brother laughed. I sat up and looked at Maple. She had a feeding tube in and she clearly hated it.

"I'll just eat apples then I'll be ok" she said proudly.

"I don't think that would work- you need food"

"But apples are food"




"Yes they are Kyle!"

"No they aren't-"

"Break it up you two" I said yawning tired from being asleep and their argument.

"Harper's awake" Maple said.

"I would've never guessed" my brother said sarcastically. I gently smacked his arm.

"Stop it" he rolled his eyes and nodded. I stumbled to Maple hugging her tightly.

"Sleepy head" she said smiling. She kissed my head and the Nurse finally came to us.

"You're free to leave now" He said. We all nodded and left the building. We got back in the car. It didn't take long for me to fall back asleep.

When I woke up we were still driving, "stop the car" Maple said. I looked at her confused, she was looking out the window. My brother did as she suggested and pulled up.

She got out the car before any of us could stop her. I climbed out to try and follow her. She went into a shop and next thing I knew I saw sirens from police cars. Maple came out of a shop with a man who had a cut in his head that was bleeding. Maple's nose was bleeding, she had a bruise on her lip, I gasped at the sight.

The police got out of their cars and took the man. The police gave Maple something. I ran to her to make sure she was ok.

"Are you Ok? What happened?" I asked.

"I'm alright.. I just saw the shop being arrested so I thought I should stop the robber" she explained. I nodded my head and whipped the blood.

"What did the police give you?" I asked curiously.

"A medal" she said proudly. I smiled and hugged her.

"You really are a hero Maple" she smiled and kissed my head. We headed back to the car and got in. My brother drove us home.

"Hi kids" My dad said.

"Hi dad" I said smiling. He nodded his head and didn't say anything about Maple's face since he was used to it by now. Maple getting into a fight wasn't unusual. Everyday she could come home with another bruise and we all gave up trying to stop her.

"What's with the tube Maple?" He asked.

"Oh erm- it's just until I get my colour back and when I get healthy again" Maple explained. My dad looked at her worriedly.

"Why? Like why do you need it for that stuff?" He asked again.

"I haven't been eating lately and I over trained on an empty stomach" she once again explained. I sighed and dragged her gently up to my room.

I threw an apple that I took from the kitchen. She caught it and looked at me.

"Really?" I nodded my head and she rolled my eyes. She put it on the bedside table, "We've just walked through the door, I'll eat it in a bit" she told me.

I sighed but nodded my head.


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