-Chapter 20: Harper-

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I woke up laying in the hospital bed. Everyone was awake and ready to leave, they were just waiting for me.

"Goodmorning princess" Maple said to me as she looked up from her phone. She looked so much better. All of the needles and tubes that connected her to the machines were out and she was in clean clothes.

"Morning" I mumbled still half asleep. The boys just waved at me as they continued to play connect four. I got up and grabbed my clothes on the way to the bathroo  to change. Once I changed I went back out to everyone. They boys were packing the game away.

They are like children not 14 year olds.

I went to Maple and sat on her lap facing her, she looked at me and smiled before prepping kisses all over my face making me giggle. Bailey looked over and just sighed.

He had started to except me being Maples girlfriend and we were pretty good friends. We normally just talked when Jase and Maple 'argue' which is a lot more regular than you think.

"It goes at the bottom Jase not the top of the bag" Maple stated.

"But that makes no sense!" Jason fought back.

"Yes it does, if everything is on top of the box then it wont open where as if it was on the top we will loose pieces therefore it goes on the bottom"

"No" Jason sighed angrily.

"Yes" Maple had clear frustration in her voice.

Me and Bailey looked at each other and we both knew we had to stop there arguing.

"Split it up" Bailey said.

"Come on Maple it'll be fine I wanna go home" I whined trying to make her feel bad so she would leave the game at the top and just let us go home.

She turned around and hugged me, "Fine, for you" She mumbled. I smiled and we all headed out of the hospital and into the  car where my dad was in the drivers seat. Jason sat at the passengers side in the front, Bailey sat by the left window in the back, Maple in the middle, and I was by the right window in the back.

My head was resting on Maple's shoulder and her head was resting on mine. Her hand moved as if it was trying to find something, eventually, her hand gripped onto mine and held it gently rubbing my knuckles with her thumb. I smiled and hugged her arm with my other hand, I slowy fell back asleep.

I woke up here and there but kept my eyes closed. I eventually woke up all together but I was still too tired to open my eyes.

"You really love her don't you Maple?" Bailey asked.

"Ye.. I really do, she's the most amazing person I've ever met" I heard my girlfriend say.

"Hey Bailey?" She asked in a confused tone.


"How are you in Jason's and Harper's year if we are the smae age?"

"Oh, I was really smart so they moved me up a year"

"Makes sense"

"Also, happy 14th birthday" Bailey said.

"You too, wait what?"

"Its October 28th" Bailey laughed at Maples expression.

"Oh right"

I felt Maple lay her head on mine again. I smiled and the car came to a stop. There was a lot of horns paping and people yelling. It was the usual bank holiday traffic in Wales. Everyone was either going on holiday or going home from holiday. Sometimes I hate living in busy places, it's not really my thing. You get lost easily, people bump into each other and overall it's just really loud and crowded.

It took abou an hour to get back to the house. I was still 'asleep' when we pulled up and I felt 2 arms pick me up and carry me to my room, the dip in the bed indecating that someone lay next to me made me realise that it was Maple who had carried me. I lay my head on her chest and wrapped my arm around her.

Her heart was beating at a steady pace, her chest would rise and slowly fall back down with every calm breath she took, her arms were relaxed around me and her entire body felt less tense. I felt like it had been ages since she had been relaxed like that.

She started whispering sweet nothings to me like 'Everything is ok' and ' I love you so much never forget that princess'

I am really lucky to have her and I'm happy I found her. I don't know where I would be without her.

Lily would probably still be alive, I would still be here frienf a long with Jason but becsause Lily was transphobic and homophobic then he would've still been Bella.

I'm glad Maple killed Lily, she was a terrible person, a terrible friend. I can't believe I fell for all of her dumb pathetic lies. The more I think of her the more I realise how much of a baby, a winp, a loser she was. She bullied people because she was angry at herself. Stupid.

And withou Maple then anything could've happened. She fights off the bad peope, the people that try to hurt me so without her, I could have been alone, scared, injured.

Or worse.


I was snapped out of my thoughts when I felt a warm blanket wrap around me. The TV turned on and I heard a crackling fire. I smiled sneakily so Maple wouldn't know I was awake. I heard her sigh and felt her chest rise and fall as she did so. She was still so calm and relaxed that it made me calm and relaxed.

I soon heard quiet snoring coming from the 2 guys from downstairs, they had probably fell asleep on the couch. There was people talking downstairs most likely my parents and brother.

I heard small quiet snoring sounds coming from Maple as she fell asleep listening to all of thenoies. I heard crickets in the distance along with owls and mice and birds.

Eventuall, all of the sounds lurred me into a deep sleep.

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