-Chapter 10: Mr Clark-

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It had been 20 minutes since the three girls had left for school and it was 8:50 I had to be in work at 9 so I grabbed my brief case and stepped out of the door turning around to lock it.

"Dad don't lock the door" I heard my daughter's voice from behind me.

I turned around to see Harper, Bella and a sniffling Bianca, "Hello girls, why are you back you've been gone for only 20 minutes" I said checking my watch.

"Sorry Father but something happened and we need to stay home..." She said looking at her bodyguard. I nodded my head in understanding and got into my car, I waved goodbye to the girls and headed off to work.

The entire drive to my office I kept thinking about what may of happened to make Bianca cry. She's a strong kid who doesn't show emotions so it was unusual for her to be like that. I just hope that she is ok, I know she will be and I know that my daughter would look after her, so would Bella.

I sighed as more emails came through, my eyes were sore from having to stare at a computer for hours on end. Finally, work finished, I logged off my computer and exited my office locking it behind me. As usual I was the last one there so I had to turn off all the lights in the building. It was about 11pm and I walked into the cold night's air. I got into my car and started the travel home.

I pulled up into the driveway, I looked at the house for a few seconds, all the lights were off but I could see that the TV was on in Harper's bedroom. I got out the car and entered the quiet house. I headed up to Harper's bedroom and opened the door, Harper and Bella were asleep but in the far corner I saw Bianca with her knees tucked up to her chest, she was hugging them tightly.

I slowly went into the room and went to her and pulled her gently pulled her into a warm embrace. I felt her flinch and tense up, "Shh it's alright Bianca... It's ok..." I whispered in a soft voice.

"C..Can you call me Maple? May for short...?" She asked sniffling and stuttering quietly.

"Anything for you Maple" I replied, I helped her up and took her down to the kitchen. I got her a bottle of water which she happily excepted, I heard a quiet growl coming from Maple's stomach, I smiled and did her a ham and cheese toasty. I put the toasty in front of her.

She waited a few minutes before deciding to take small nibbles at a time.

"Why do you wanna change your name?" I asked softly.

"Well since I'm part of the Smith family and it's the name my parents gave me and the name my grandparents called me I wanted to change it so I had no memory of my so called grandparents" She explained sadly. I nodded my head empathetically knowing the pain of being hated by family members.

"I mean if you and Harper ever got married feel free to take our name if you'd like" She smiled and nodded her haid, "So why were you crying?"

"Well there was this one boy who tried hitting on me and when I told him I was gay he spat insults at me and said things like, 'no wonder why you're parents left you'" She continued to explain what this boy did but she never told his name.

"What's his name?" I asked.

she let out a shakey sigh,"Jack Wood"

I nodded my head. He's the biggest jerk I've ever met, and I have met a lot of jerks both children and adults but Jack was at the very top of the list, "It's ok don't listen to him" I told her rubbing circles on her back.

"I told the entire school that I cut and I was abused..." She whispered looking down at the marble counter. I sighed softly trying to think of what to say.

A few moments later Harper tiredly walked down the stairs, "Where's Bianca?" She asked.

I looked at Maple then at Harper, "It's actually Maple... she doesn't want to be called Bianca anymore" I explained.

"Ok then where's Maple?" She asked yawning clearly tired.

"I'm here go back to bed I'll be up soon bubs" Maple said softly trying not to let her voice expose her crying.

"But I want to cuddle" Harper yawned once again, Maple let out a soft chuckle.

"Alright then, come here" As soon as Maple said that Harper waddled over and sat on her lap resting her head on Maple's chest. Maple kissed her head and rubbed circles on her back comfortingly.

"You're a good girlfriend Maple, and I can't wait for you to be my daughter-in-law" I said winking at Maple knowing that Harper can still hear,

She let out a soft giggle as she played with Harper's dirty blonde long hair, "I love her so much sir..." Maple said to me resting her chin on Harper's head lightly.

"I know you do and please call me David Maple"I told her.

"Alright, Well I'm gonna take her to bed and head to sleep myself, night David"

"Night Maple"

And with that Maple picked up Harper and carried her up to bed, she stopped halfway up the stairs, "Oh by the way, I'd never hurt your daughter... ever" She stated still looking straight ahead.

"Good, glad to hear that now go to bed" I smiled as she continued her way up the stairs and entering Harper's room. I heard footsteps above me as Maple turned off the TV and tucked Harper into bed. I smiled at myself and decided to head up to bed myself and go to sleep next to my wife.

I turned off all the lights and went upstairs grabbing a quick shower, the perfect tempreture water rolled down my back, I stayed in the shower for 5 minutes before drying off and getting ready to get into my bed and fall into a deep slumber just to repeat my usual day tomorrow.

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