The beginning

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How did it all start? The wish of the masses or the individual personalities. The wish was that everything would function without war. However, no matter how large that wish is, we inevitably end up in a series of conflicts.

A constant worry over survival.

But how does it relate to a beginning? Ever heard of a thing called predestined? Something that means we are meant to face certain circumstances in a certain way and means we do not influence our end. Meaning that we can't change our end. Well, there is a beginning and an end for all living things in this universe. Is there a continuation?

And if we have lived long enough we have seen the beginning of many things in our world, our multidimensional earth. Whether it is directly or indirectly. We have seen the beginning of our universe, through our imagination or the help of TV. We have seen how life begins also through our own eyes or other sources. The egg of a bird cracked by the baby bird growing into a crow, a pigeon, or an eagle. 

I say we because I have seen it too. But mostly directly,  as bird watching was my favorite pastime. Birds that are green on trees with green leaves are hard to see by the naked eye. Or the colorful birds in South America. I love taking my interdimensional spaceship and traveling to alternative universes to different periods.

I have to say most people say their memories are their biggest limitations. Nothing exists before the establishment of their memories. Many people may claim that their memories begin at the age of 3 and more vividly at the age of 4. People can hardly remember being born and crying. And as we grow older we may fall victim to neurodegenerative diseases which make us forget all the wonderful memories which we have carefully piled up together. The photographs, and the videos imprinted on our hearts and minds.

Demark was one such person in the midst of many. He is part of the beginning of this story, but of course, he is not part of the beginning of the universe or before the beginning of the universe. He comes after the birth of the sun, after the creation of our earth and when the earth had cooled down and miraculously laid at a certain distance from the sun, which allows all forms of life to prosper.

Demark was born after countless ancestors had contributed to the shaping of certain portions of the earth. Whether it was creating a shelter to live in or it was destroying small areas of the forest to grow crops to survive. Later as ancestors grew to have the luxury of the field they had to deal with raiders who would come as if they owned the land to get their pay.

So the ancestors' mercenaries of their own to protect their land and later generations hired people from their villages since they would feel more connected to the land. The ancestors were smart indeed and Demark was a living reminder of that. Demark was alive as his ancestors survived.

Demark was used to the village's way of life. He had seen unity whenever an animal attacked all the villagers would gather together to drive the danger away. But he had also seen the quarrels as people with good relationships still would fight for land, food, and belongings.

Though people of the village never raided each other no matter how large the quarrel was. There was a kind of affinity,  a kind of bond between the people.

The village was under the protection of the capital of the country. The capital was called Lyson.

Lyson had a population of ten million. And trained soldiers to protect the land under the control of the capital. The capital would allow the village to be secure for grain. After all the soldiers needed to be well-fed to be able to protect and follow orders.

Demark had traveled to the capital. Seen the lively atmosphere. He had also seen the slums by the river, where he also had the opportunity to spend a week. He saw that the slums were devoid of electricity even though as the days passed he would later realize that the places beside the slums were in no way lacking electricity. 

Slums were dark and even if they were near the river, were lacking water supply. How on earth did people live here? Thought Demark. At least his village had reservoirs of water. The river beside the slums was so dark that you could hardly see the reflection of the buildings.

On the first day, Demark met with his relatives. His paternal relatives, the son of his father's brother greeted him merrily. They drank bean soup with rice that day. Demark learned that day that even though people had trouble getting by, lack of food didn't seem to be a source of worry, especially if you bought food that was found in large quantities in the capital. Apparently, Lyson, the capital had no shortage of certain products, as there was a constant inflow from the villages and suburbs.

As I said, Demark had his ancestor's genes, an analytical mind, and an ability to find reason and survive even in the most horrendous circumstances. After all his ancestors lived in caves.

And they still survived through the winters. The cold.

The temperature in the city was quite good in fact. Neither hot nor cold. It had a certain charm to it. Lyson was probably attacked for its beautiful climate. Demark guessed. And he was right. The air was without doubt polluted in the slums but in the core of the city, in the residential areas, it would be considered ideal air quality.  The industrial areas were at a certain distance from the residential areas, therefore there was no smoke.

Demark's cousin had told him that he had to travel to the industrial areas.  How unfortunate. Denmark thought. Spending a lot of poor air quality without doubt affected his health.

But there were more unfortunate events that a person usually faces. Demark soon, like his ancestors would learn about this too.

A person always has a spring to prepare for a long winter.

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