A thought

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What is most important needs to never be at the mercy of the things that matter least.

Different things are very important to different people. For some it might be a parent, it might be a sibling, it might be a connection and a bond. For some it is an enjoyment in creation and preservation. It might be something that gives pleasure.

The strive for something, the following, the determination makes a goal achievable. Trying to obtain the things which we have difficulty to obtain.

That which we obtain too easily, we esteem too lightly. It is dearest to only those which we get by difficulty. The ultimate consciousness knows how to place its proper place on its goods.

A star at the night. Looking at the only star. No clouds. Yet it was empty. The otherwise completely dark atmosphere was now lighted by that star.

It was this starlight that was enjoyed by Demark. Contemplating about his deep past. A kind of deep affinity towards the stary night.

Relaxed and sleepy Demark dozed off.

The village was now sleeping.

Miles to the west, there was a country planning an invasion of Lyson.

Major General Git stood planning war against Lyson.

Lyson had all the resources for war and had the production capability, the lush forests and the fertile fields, that could sustain all the citizens, the workers and soldiers. Occupying such a land would benefit the country in the west and would provide entry points to the north and south, as millions of unit currency was invested in connecting the north and south of Lyson.

The General was set to retire next year. It would be his greatest achievement to occupy Lyson, and help the economy of his own country grow.

He had seen different kinds of wars. Wars for defense, wars for resources and wars for the expansion of territory. Silva was the name of the country he was a citizen of. Silva was larger than Lyson, but didn't have the fertile soil Lyson had. So other countries were selling food in unreasonable prices, knowing that Silva would have to trade its favorite resource steel in unreasonable amounts.

In the future, Silva would need steel for other purposes. It would need it in households and it would need it for nation defense. Most importantly according to General Git, it would need it for expanding and serving national interests and ambitions.

General Git was given this assignment. He , in the morning, had talked with the commander in Chief. They had discussed about how Lyson used different strategies and tactics in warfare.

Knowing these strategies and how to counter them was essential for General Git and Silva as a whole to win against Lyson. But to bring Lyson down to its knees would definitely not be an easy feat to accomplish.

Lyson had very skilled players in strategic board games. They had won the world championship matches multiple times. The previous generations would pass on the skills from one generation to another generation. It was the secret of intergenerational success of the players of Lyson. The teachers would teach only specific students, and these students would have an edge over other students of war board games.

Silva was by no means weak in board games. In fact one of its players had obtained silver in its world championship match. But obviously when two sides are involved and one is going for glory, there is a saying that there is no place for second place.

Git definitely didn't want to be in second place in the war between Silva and Lyson. He knew war was different from board games and decisions had consequences.

A matter of life and death for those people involved. Both sides would suffer. There would be refugees, people hungry during and after the war. Therefore there can't afford not to be serious about it.

General Git was quite aware of the negative effects of warfare. Broken families, orphaned children and destroyed buildings. The possibility that there would be political instability also would influence whether both parties would go into war or not.

There was that sadness, I once saw, when a soldier departs away from his family, not knowing when he would come back. I have seen it many times. And I have also seen this sadness was expressed by sand paintings, and was rather done by someone skillful and elegant.

The bombardment of cities, the separation of husband and wife, parent and child and the uncertainty of refugees have upon living. There is a true kind of sadness that people can't hide.

Do I feel sad? I can't help but see how nature takes it course. But somethings are necessary. Like all things in life there are difficulties. A person feels anguish and loss. But also many people cope with pain and move on.

And since there is a end that gives meanings to the beginning and the process. 

Git went to the bar to enjoy a cocktail and he was very happy with loosening up the senses a little bit. He knew he shouldn't be drunk. He was wise enough to know he ought not to be drunk.

Therefore he only drank once.

General Git had developed a taste for cocktails in his 40s and he still retained the taste. He retained his particular habit starting nearly 15 years ago to his mid 50s. The sweetness and the taste of fermentation would give a twinge to his tongue and give him the happiness and fulfillment he knew he deserved through his years of labor, years of loyalty.

But after many successful operations, after many successful attempts at winning land back as well as expanding, it seemed that Silva had reached its peak.

There was only one thing remaining remaining objective in his long life and long remaining career.


Troops had been stationed. Alliances had been made. Sanctions had already been planned.

Hopes in diplomacy had been made. Treaties had been signed. Future prediction based on these had been made.

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