The Confrontation

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Huo went to investigate what was happening on the frontlines, what was happening to the soldiers. Before he could reach the destination he heard a voice. It came from a soldier who had lost his limb.

He heard a screaming voice saying that some creature that was apparently invisible to Huo was doing damage to the soldier and apparently nothing the soldier was doing could stop it.

"Sir, I used a A-K 47 machine gun. But it could not stop the monstrosities."

"Monstrosities!" Huo exclamined. "there is no animal on earth that an armed Silva soldier can't take on"

But the soldier didn't reply. He looked straight at Huo. And he was gone. Huo jumped into the battlefield where the soldier was last seen. Then he began to see it.

The hollow eyes and the glowing face. But he also saw the portals. He shot at the monstrosity but didn't manage to even make a scratch. He was shocked at seeing what a bullet straight to the head would have normally killed any beast but not this one.

He saw the white milky portals which where oval and guessed they must lead to some pathway. Demark many years ago had passed through those portals and arrived at a new destination.

Huo knew he couldn't run from creature. He knew he couldn't outrun it. The only thing closer than the creature was the portal.

He jumped into the portal and felt he would never stop falling. A kind of falling into the abyss. A never ending of abyss. He felt he reached terminal velocity. And the force of the air was pushing him upward whereas the gravity was pulling him downwards. 

Then he saw a white light, in stark contrast with the black light. The round light started expanding until it became very wide. He could see the green vast lush forest Demark had once been in. And then see saw fire and ice together and the stream that results from the mixing of the two. He felt the air which was humid.

And he finally landed it was dark for a moment. He couldn't see anything for a while. But slowly the environment revealed itself. It was a village at the top of the himalayas or mountains. He felt the chill on his back just enough to inhibit his old wounds he got during the war but not more.

He looked at the village which was abandoned. It was quiet and serene.
He turned around it was getting darker the white getting grey reflected on a full moon. He knew he had a urge to go back and describe his findings to the people of Silva. The quiet however attracted him beyond what other people would have expected of him as usually he would be in the hustle bustle of the city and because he was a general, someone who was born to look after his comrades and win wars.

The silent sky lighted by the moon didn't leave much for the stars. 

He looked into the mysterious village and enjoyed the quiet solitary atmosphere. There was this beautiful view he saw as if looking from the top of the mountain.

The green hills on the other side along with the snow peaked mountains could be seen. And the full moon on the sky. He wished his wife and children would be there to share this experience.

Before he got married he would go out with his would be wife to the top of the hills and sit and talk for hours as if there was no end. They would look at the sunset and sometimes even see the moon when the sun wasn't so bright. The brown huge temples would be observed and glanced at for a very long time.

The cold wind used to against him as the sun came down and as Huo enjoyed the semi-darkness.

But Huo knew about the monstrosities and knew he had to do something about it. So he went to find clues in the dimension where it could be the home of the monstrosities.

As he went closer to the village he could easily distinguish between the houses because the fog was no longer disrupting the view.  Then he went inside the house

Then he saw no bodies but small tundra plants growing. There was a hearth but it hadn't been used in a while. The house was well carpeted and seemed in was made in the east of your dimension. Huo who was tired of falling and a rigorous war went to the nearest bed and laid down assuming that now since it was abandoned there was no person who would claim ownership of the bed.

And as always Huo when he was lying down started to think and imagine.

When he was younger he loved the beautiful sky when the sun was just rising. When the orange sky mixed with blue he smiled. And he would wake up every day to see this phenomenon. Blue orange light with a cool breeze when he stood out on the porch facing east to are the sun rise.

Then he would go down and eat some meal. Of course he had to make it during those days. But he knew he only had a father and no mother and his father had a responsibility he needed to fulfill.

He would sit alone on the hills in the morning to hear the bells ringing. The livestock roaming around in the pleasant perfume of the mountains.
He would roam around and hear the voices of people interacting as it was very quiet. Since it was quiet he could hear people from far away.

And he would look at the light blue sky lighted by the sun. And the clouds and drifted and slowly changed shape from one kind of cloud to another.

Then he would think and imagine about the planets and the solar system. He would wonder if like all the science fiction books published, if there external universes or alternative universe.

He wondered if aliens existed.

And I wondered too.

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