Death Is All I Know

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You would have guessed there is no perfect certainty in many things in life. Take death for example. When we die, how we die is completely uncertain. The only thing that is certain is that we will die.

A wise man in your dimension once said "I know I know nothing." what he meant by that is the awareness of our ignorance and the limitations to what we know. Death that required the sacrifices of some or many.

Demark was fascinated about the topic of death. Many wise men in his dimension had talked about death. And now since he was learning about health he started to learn even more about death. The ways it could occur.

Cancer and cardiovascular ways might cause problems. There could be problem in the gastrointestinal system. Or it may be autoimmune. It might be part of the nervous system.

Demark was pondering about one of the smallest life forms still surviving in the harshest environments. And how these had very short lifespans but maintained their life integrity by replicating.

Therefore it seems life can be maintained right? Not exactly. Each bacteria has the potential to replicate into millions potentially billions of bacteria. And the bacteria of the same source have very similar needs and require very similar resources. So they compete with another until a steady population is maintained.

Fire and ice both can cause death. Fire causing burns and high temperature causing dehydration leading to death. Enzymes can't function in certain temperatures so when exposed to the cold the body tries to warm itself. It uses food which has been digested in doing so. When a person doesn't have enough reserve to increase his temperature so the enzymes can work, he suffers from a condition called hypothermia.

Disease is not only cause by internal problems, but also by transmitting. It might be infectious. Bacteria and virus might be responsible for different diseases of the body ranging from common cold, flu to HIV. It may be transmitted by air, water, or the mixing of fluids of two different individuals.

Death according to some philosophies give meaning to life. What are you willing to die for? We have to realize that we care for something that much that we might die.

I realize I have survived eons and my thought processes is the sum of judgements I have made throughout these eons. And that I have seen death of my loved ones and those of others.

Without death without a end would there be a purpose? Looking at the eternal and never ending. And having an end. Which is important? Which brings peace to a person's mind?

Of course death is certainty. Death is unavoidable. And some philosophies have said with the acceptance of death people learn about life.

Death gives life its value and since we have limited time on the earth we use our time wisely. It is of value when we look at our lives with limited time to live and to live with other people to fulfill our duties.

Surely the death of someone affects our lives and we do remember the difficulties a person passes through before he ultimately dies. The person does and the way he dies can remind us and can inspire us of what we can be. We are very lucky to have such acquaintances, friends or family members in our lives.

Death can be and inspiring thing, leading away or towards it can inspire us toward greatness and give us incredible power to break our habits.

Death of course causes sorrow but it also causes us to learn from our mistakes and if the inevitable is inevitable causes us just to accept it. 

If spirits were real, people have guessed in the creation of a spiritual dimension and many philosophies in your dimension have a thorough culture and definition into the spirit realm.

People have guessed since they don't know for sure that ghost and spirits live in the afterlife. And people do believe that a person goes to either heaven or hell by some religions and is reincarnated by some religions.

But there are philosophies that believe in the materialistic quality of the body such as that the body is made up of certain elements and these elements are recycled and used in the creation of life.

And that leads to speculation and insights. Do we remain as a part of the universe? At least we can say our body, and organic and inorganic chemicals are reused to create parts of different species or become part of soil which the plants use to grow. Or it could be that the animals, in some cultures, eat the dead bodies after a kind of ritualistic offering. 

So in the spiritual perspective we see ultimately the body is cremated or buried. People believe that the spirit drifts off depending on how we lived our lives. Or it goes into another human being after being born.

Nevertheless people are used to try to believe the spirit exist. Many scientific thinkers have denied the existence of spirit using logical methods and observation.

However there are some who are still trying to prove that spirits do exist. The weight of a spirit was tried to be measured by a group of people.  This was done by measuring the weight of a dying man and immediately measuring the weight after he died. If the person lost weight there would be no other conclusion that the spirit of the body consisted weight until proved otherwise.

Death is something that gives value to time. Since we know our time on earth, on this planet, is limited we try our best to live it out I'm the fullest way possible. We look forward to the ways and suddenly when time seen as limited or not available fully in the future, when it is seen as time would end then we tend to fully appreciate the unseen values of your life.

And as a very wise man said in your dimension that reason behind seeing things and feeling things that was there after findin the value of time is love.

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