the temple

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Something didn't feel right or familiar once Demark opened his eyes. There was something strange something there that didn't feel right when he opened his eyes.

The priest was now wearing a black robe. The priest had dark black eyes matching his robe and also holding a black stick. The priest looked strange from afar. A kind of darkness in stark contrast with the light which was entering from the sides of the temple.

Demark felt a chill pass his spine as he thought it would be unpolite to stare. So he approached the priest directly. As he got near the priest he realised that the priest was not the same as the one he had seen the day before.

Something strange was coming from the direction of the priest. The priest had more dark blue eyes than black. This was the first time Demark recognised the exact colour of the eyes. But it wasn't the dark blue eyes that made the priest strange.

As Demark blinked he saw that the colour of the priest eyes change. The pupils turned red and Demark was left staring at the priest with disbelief.

"Hello little one." said the priest. Demark felt the temple shake a bit. Demark despised being called little. But he accepted it as he wouldn't want mess with a red eyed priest especially that which could control the tectonic plates.

"Hello, sir" replied Demark. He was quite courteous and showed respect to the priest even though he was quite shocked and couldn't believe his eyes. Yet something mysterious about the priest made him want to stay. Perhaps Demark was so curious that made him want to stay. Perhaps not showing he was uncertain would make the priest normal like he was the day before.

Soon the priest would be normal. Thought Demark. However in stark contrast to his expectations, the priest started levitating slightly above the ground.

Demark rubbed his eyes. The priest was still levitating. The priest started levitating much above the ground. Demark looked at the ceiling at an angle he had never seen before. The ceiling was made up of wood and paintings of nature and its components. The colors of red , blue and brown splashed over one another as a result looked chaotic and organised at the same time. The colours were relatively dark. The priest, while levitating blended his dark colours as if seeming as one with the ceiling.

Demark soon realised his mouth was open. He closed his eyes shut and opened them like he did earlier now paying attention to the floor. He abruptly realised that the floor was not able to reflect the light coming through the lateral part of the ceiling. Was this the end? Was this how everything going to finish? Was this the last time he would be able to analyse the situation?

The massive Hall that could hold a thousand people had suddenly turn into something empty, hot, and dark. How could such a place hold so many innocent people and contain a beautiful library and garden at the top?

Demark did the most logical thing after that. Well second most logical thing. He stood his ground. The most logical thing would be to run. But that might have grabbed the attention of the red eyed priest. So maybe standing the ground was the most logical thing after all.

Demark after all his experiences with the priest now for some reason still wanted to go to the rooftop. He quietly hoped that the priest would settle down and all would be well.

The priest was now meditating and praying . Demark guessed. The priest seemed like he had now no other desire and didn't seem to be paying attention to Demark.

However the priest presence could be vividly felt. Darker colours around the priest became even darker. It seemed dark outside even though it still wasn't the time for the sun to set.

Yes, the sun seemed to have set. And all those days which Demark had spent thinking, waiting for the sun to go down to return home in his village. He recalled the beautiful reflection of the the twilight in the river. The smell of spring, the growth of flowers and the songs of birds. How much he valued light! And now it was getting completely dark in the temple.

How important is sunlight in our world! Thought Demark. He had learned it took 8 minutes to travel from the sun to the earth. So when Demark looked at the sun wearing goggles he knew that he was looking at the past. The sunrays from 8 minutes ago. And with each passing minute Demarks future would become a past. Time was a relative thing as well as a beautiful thing. People in the present would make assumptions based on the learnings of the past and the consequences of those actions would affect the future.

Heat was also given by the sun. One would expect that with darkness as in the night it would be cold. But opposite to what was expected, room was extremely hot like sitting next to a blazing fire. The heat seemed to have radiated from the direction of the priest. Demark looked in all direction and found a common theme.


It seemed to have made the holy place not appear to be the ideal place for worship, let alone prayer. And as mentioned previously, and worth mentioning again the priest blended into the dark as if he was part of it himself. Something sinister in stark contrast to the innocence, the purity of yesterday could be felt by Demark.

Demark closed his eyes again and counted to 3. When he opened his eyes he no longer saw the priest have red eyes and wear black robes. The darkness of the temple had settled down. He felt grateful that the light was coming from the lateral portions of the temple could be reflected. The sculptures looked vivid like before.

And importantly the priest was no longer levitating. The priest seemed to be the same friendly priest from before.

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