Hell On Earth

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What is hell? Did you read about it in the scripture? Did you imagine the pain you felt while you were ongoing a punishment? Where you able to imagine how it would feel like to be burned and undergo different types of punishment? And even that kind of pain and punishment might be caused by hungry and insatiable demons and fiend lords feeling for giving the pain.

It is a specific kind when we rationalize that those who break the divine rules might suffer. As we near the end of the story we realize that the journey that we made together, you reading this story and me describing what might be two full generations of people until now is coming to an end. We talked about a lot of things. We talked about the two sides that needed each other deeply but didn't want to compromise their sides. We talked about a military super power in which not only science and research were valued but the ability of the people to do science and research. We talked about the journey of Git from the beginning to the end. We talked about Demark and his tragic story, about his family and his purpose.

Purpose can be swayed though and through true emergency a person may choose to change his priorities. Demark returning home to serve his previous nation was quite symbolic and emotional because his acquaintances, even though they where not so close, knew Demark and his story. They knew about the incident regarding the fire. They knew he would be safe and have a stable income overseas. Yet he had chosen to come back.

Demark wasn't the only one. Many people of Lyson had decided to come back their services. Hearing this news made the president, who was still hiding very happy. Therefore it was good news for the revolt that was occurring. 

Shellings and bombs blasting could be heard in the far distance from the president's home. Teams in small groups had started their hit-and-run tactics. The beauty was that a less formidable force could be able to get an edge in a asymmetric warfare.

And when it was dark, the priest without telling his brother went to the front lines and opened up the mysterious glowing portals from which creatures of stealth and power raised. And these mythical creatures did not only have characteristics of those of the carnivores of earth. But they were from somewhere else. They were the nasty, unforgiven and fantastic in a strange way. And anyone besides the master of the portals would fall victim to the viciousness after they gazed into the depth of their eyes, or shall I say eye sockets, for they didn't have any eyes.

When you looked at them, to only those who looked at them would they show a kind of glow, a kind of red blackish glow that would stand at stark contrast to the deep black lightless eye sockets and would seem to the person as a living nightmare.

And the only person the priest knew who had survived this blasphemous nightmare was Demark himself. As he had gone through the portals which he could access and took a leap of faith. He reached another strange dimension in which the way the natural principles of nature didn't work such as hunger and reproduction.

And he saw what paradise, the ultimate goal of human beings looked like.

Now Demark looked up and thought how a brilliant blue sky might turn pitch black on a moonless night and the stars would compensate the darkness but would not be able to guide a person in the dark. It was like candle lights in the sky when Demark went into deep thought and meditation. The practice was something you know, as I had mentioned it before, that he had accumulated by sitting near the long rivers and looking at the waves and how water flowed.

He thought as all of us go on journeys, as all of us have adventures, the water also goes and travels to the sea. He was lucky to have a fast flowing wonderful river near his home.

But now he had taken a side and there was no turning back. As people believed there would be paradise, some people believed that is was achieved when the best minds were given freedom to do whatever they wanted in self interest. They believed as a consequence the world would be the best. And some believed that that it was the struggle and joint effort of doing it together, the joint effort of the masses.

Many books and literature have been written to define and distinguish these two ideologies from each other. And therefore the value of these two ideologies is vividly visible. It was also seen in your dimension in which even borders were set up to divide the two areas which followed the ideologies.

And such debates of such ideologies continue today and may even escalate to what we may call war.

And war was happening between these two giants near the equator of the earth. With the nuclear capability to destroy the earth, twice, Silva had the clear advantage but they couldn't use it on their own land since now the land that once belonged to Lyson now belonged to Silva. So they had to be satisfied with smaller bombs and assault rifles. They had to use conventional warfare.

And now the war and the shooting had started. It had been for glory and independence for Lyson and preservation and resources for Silva. There had been a lot at stake.

However, there still was something hard for people to fantasize. If there were such strong creatures that the priest could summon, wouldn't it be hard to counter such deadly tactics. Wouldn't it be hard to fight any hidden monstrosities that seemed as the manifestation of the devil itself? Wouldn't it be like hell on earth?

And the spread of blood had begun and capable as he was, Huo didn't have a clue of what was coming.

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