A Way back

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Huo after a touching reunion, felt he had so much to share so much to tell. Alas, he would not be able to do so because right after his parents said "We love you." they began to fade away.

"Wait, what should I do then" Huo asked his parents.
"You know best, his parents told him"
And they like transparent ghosts, faded away. Huo was rendered speechless. Even though a man a few words, he could express all his feelings. There was a sadness but also something that felt whole even when they finally went away. It was as if the years of loneliness that Huo had been removed.

And he went out of the house and looked above and saw the dark blue sky and thought the sky was saying something to him. He was a skeptic and didn't believe in fate. But he did sometimes doubt whether choice and reason could always lead to a desired outcome. He wondered if his biological parents , just like Demark, were there in sky, in the clouds. He wondered how beautiful it would have been to meet them again. He would also want to meet Git again and thank him for his heart warming letter.

But just like Demark, he knew his responsibility. He knew he has a job to finish. And he after the travel to this other dimension realized it even more. So he decided he had to do what he had to do.

Find a way back. He started to roam the place a little bit more. He saw a dark cave under a mountain. He however safely assumed that it didn't consist the creatures it would normally consist of when it is in the real dimension. So it didn't take much courage to walk in. As a man who normally didn't feel fear, this expedition back home would be difficult he guessed not by the landscape, but by trying to find the right portal back home and pinpoint the location of that portal.

Once again Huo looked to the sky seeing the shapes. He imagined listening to the music, the music probably would be tragic but also of hope. It would also be of fulfillment like getting missing piece of the puzzle and looking at the puzzle. And that would give a whole understanding of it. And the clouds started to convert to black and Huo assumed it would start to rain. But as the rain started to fall down Huo like Demark in the other dimension didn't feel wet.

Then Huo saw a figure walking in the darkness. For such a landscape he seemed to be wearing clothes that seemed less warm . Then again any person wouldnt feel cold in this dimension.

He was carrying a stick. A long one. The stick seemed to be used to support his weight. However it looked like he was walking effortlessly. He seemed confident, as if he knew this part of the jungle.

The strange man spoke "Doesnt this place feel like home"

" Yes it does." Huo replied.

The beauty penetrated Huo as he not only saw the great hills from the high altitude of the mountain but also imagined that the place would be covered with animals, those flying through the mountain passes, white bird hidden by color to survive from hungry eagles. He would imagine the herds of animals seen at specks from a distance. Then he would imagine the great migrations the animals, like the white birds, would migrate from one place to another.

And , of course the migration would not be easy. There would be a lot of obstacles. But after a decrease in the size of the flock or group in the 1000 mile journey, you would see the group receiving the food that it craved, especially during shortages in the winter. White fogs and dense material covering the sky would not stop these birds. A sign that obstacles were as large for any animal during their lifetime. Animals had a difficulty and tradeoffs too.

The birds after eating their fill would return back to their homeland in order to breed. This was the cycle of nature and how it worked. The beauty of it was magnificent and these thoughts always made Huo value life. It's influence on him was profound.

It was a sign to keep on moving until you find the destination. Of course we had to explore in order to find the necessary resources. But returning home every once in a while wouldn't hurt at all.

The beauty came with all the challenges. But reaching there sometimes would remove all the attention to wear and tear and would bring awareness of the eternal. The awareness of the everlasting. And it was something that bought many different types of animals together.

Huo kept on moving to find the way back.

After a long walk he still didn't feel tired. He felt the destination was in sight. He deeply hope his goal of returning would be successful.

He had forgotten about the man who was following him. He was so engaged in his endeavor that he had forgotton about the strange man from the shadows. The man asked had him if he want to stay. And Huo said he had to return back not only for the sake of his family but for the sake of his motherland.

The person nodded and said that he could relate to the feelings.

The person said "Not long ago, a young man had visited a alternative paradise like you. It was a place where people dream of. But he choose hardship over relaxation. He choose love over ease of life. And someone I know is writing his story right now. That someone who writes is the one who travels between dimensions."

Huo looked upward. He was in deep contemplation. "Different dimensions, huh."

Then a sharp noise disturbed his train of thought and seemed almost magical. He looked where the sound was coming from and saw a portal.

"Thank you for bringing me here. Now I know what to do" said Huo.

The mysterious man smiled and then faded to the color of the sunset and eventually left nothing but a very small trace and wisp of smoke.

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