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Trapped in a glass and unable to move. The assassination which was conducted by the previous sniper of Lyson was not completely successful yet. Git despite his age was still breathing and was rushed to the hospital. Git was assured by the doctor while rushing him to the emergency room, that it wasn't a big emergency and that he would heal.

But when the wound was examined they found his chances of survival was very low indeed. The doctors asked for a guardian so that they could operate without the risk of being lashed out by the general public. 

General Huo visited the hospital and said he would pay the fees for his operation."

He talked with General Git.

"I don't know whether I can make it or not. And the prices of the health have skyrocketed year by year." said General Git.

"You will survive. Don't worry about the money." said General Huo. 

General Huo held his hand and said confidently " This hospital is among the best of the best."

The doctors and nurses took Git to the hospital room. And Huo sat waiting in the waiting room. He took a seat and slowly closed his eyes.

There was a mobile he was carrying. But he was patient enough not to use it. He knew communication was important. But he knew the value and importance for a mind to rejuvenate too. 

So he contemplated during his stay and waited. It was something he learned during his training and practiced it as a soldier during his free time. He had gained a lot of power and he believed that if he could manage the mind there would not be any regrets.

There was the time when he was so alert he could see the dream and remember it. He saw wide open blue skies without clouds. He reckoned it must have rained because he saw a rainbow. But then again it was a dream. Some predicted the dreams could predict what happened in the future. Some predicted it gave insight and knowledge of omens in the universe. But many scientists in the field of psychology believed that it was the explanation of the unconscious. Therefore it was the summation of past experiences and emotions and hence people would experience the present and feel emotions according to the experiences of the past.

The need to calm himself down as a life of a soldier was a difficult one. Trauma and risk of further trauma was a common vision. But at these moments he would remember his beautiful childhood although full of struggle was fun and educating allowing him to adapt with the difficulty. He had a childhood worth envy. And he hoped everyone had such a childhood. Having been educated in a very strong and famous school where they took only the best of students.

But it was not just the school that made General Huo's childhood a great one. He did all the assignments way before the deadline and he was a straight a student.

What he learned was learned by hearing. He use to sit at the front of the class and listen to the lecture. He was very good at mathematics and could make mathematical calculations very quickly. With mastery over arithmetic, advance algebra, and calculus he was assessed to be a very good engineer in any category.

But he desired to go into the army. He wanted to take part in the complex and important politics of the country. He wanted to become a patriot if nothing else.

And he wanted to work in his village. He had a wife before he participated in the war between Lyson and Silva as the decoy group. And now waiting for Git to get better he had a 7 year old child. Both of them lived in the village.

He didn't need a mobile to remember their faces. Even after a long time the faces of his wife and child were vivid in his memory.

He not only used his vivid imagination in remembering important childhood memories but also in creating battlefield situations in different scenarios such as those of the desert, forest, mountain areas and open fields. He could imagine deploying troops, creating bases and imagine how much space the troops and base would occupy. His imagination with his exceptional mathematical skills was his reason he could rise among the ranks.

Science was developing at a rapid clip. General Huo would avoid using fatigue-removing drugs and believed that the secret to success would be independent on body manipulating pills. 

Robots and drones seemed to dominate the field and latest equipment of the military always touched the interest of General Huo. He liked to assemble and disassemble many times to get a sense of how they were made and he would pray he could get a chance to use it in the battlefield.

Military industrial complex would be long lasting as Silva had combined it's excess steel with Lysons research capabilities. Capital and investments would cause the inflow of money because of the rareness of the such weapons and their dire need for it.

And when he opened his eyes he saw news reporters and crowds of people. The results for the operation had arrived. He got up, moved through the crowd asked the doctor. He found out that the same general who had instructed him so densely in the art of warfare no longer existed or in other words no longer alive.

Git had breathed his last breath on the hospital bed.

Hou had faced different losses. Losses of comrades losses of friends. But he hadn't faced a loss of a mentor a person he looked up to. In the heart of General Huo General Git was a hero. Someone who had patience and brought the imperialist Lyson to its knees.

General Huo therefore felt a different kind of sorrow. He didn't shed tears for he had in his lifetime shed a lot tears.

General Huo was to be promoted and deeply needed the counsel of General Git.

In that sense in making such decisions, he was alone.

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