The part before The End

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It was cold when Huo came back. So he decided he would heat himself jogging around the place.

Just before he had arrived he had smiled at the strange man who seemed to be in charge of the strange land. He had wondered if he would ever return to the mysterious place that the stunningly hypnotizing portals. He had kept on falling through the portals in a speed others might have found nauseating. And after the long fall he had finally fallen into a realm, different from his own yet connected in a not so common way.

There might be many pieces to the puzzle Huo thought. But it would not necessarily make the world better to find out everything in the world, despite an overwhelming feeling of curiosity. Sometimes you have a live with a broken piece of puzzle.

And with uncertainty comes fear but also a sense of adventure. And with risk we might find the paradise we search for. At the chance that people may prosper or may fail and even face death both humans and animals still continue their daily and seasonal routine.

And now Huo after finding the portal had finally arrived back home where the battle raged on. Bloodshed larger than the world war in your dimension.

It had started to rain. Many soldiers were seen on the ground. They were covered in blood mixed with the rain water. Rain drops colliding their faces as if the rain was saying "wake up". But soldiers from both sides Lyson and Silva didn't have their way in this circumstance. People once lost their lives wouldn't wake up.

But Huo was back and this time he saw the peculiar figure hiding behind the bushes. Huo saw it shining towards a direction many were not looking. In fact none of them were looking at that specific way. Huo knew only he could see it.

Huo ran towards the light and soon realized it was not his comrades from afar. He took out his gun and started shooting at it. The bullets seemed to do no effect.

"It is useless. Bullets have no effect on me." the man in white said.

"What about grenades?" Huo asked.

Before the man responded there was a blast behind him. And he tore into many small pieces.

Huo, after that rapid encounter went near to inspect whether the enemy was dead. He checked his breath and realized he wasn't breathing anymore. It was a relief. The soldiers on the battlefield, who were also under the priest spell seemed to be free.

Then Huo as if faintly realizing what happened started to check on the battlefield. No more men were dying vaguely. It seemed as if a miracle had occurred in the eyes of the soldiers.

The death of the priest soon reached the ears of the president. After all it was his brother. The sadness was there after all. The sadness seemed to be the overwhelming emotion to the President instead of thinking he lost such a strong ally, he thought he lost a brother who couldn't be replaced.

A brother who knew the president was anxious about the result of the war. A brother who was so strong he could single handedly change the course of the war in the frontlines. The brother who wished him all the happiness and kept himself in danger for the sake of the presidents happiness.

The honorable priest body was gone. Torn into shreds. The rumors that the priest had been killed by the most talented general of the war itself. The body would not get it's proper burial. There would be no people to attend the ceremony.

And you would think the president would be overwhelmed by emotion, be filled with revenge and sadness. You would expect him to be filled with a added uncertainty about how the war is going. But the president was so used to the feeling that nothing seemed to sway him anymore. Being an atheist he never believed he would ever be reunited with his parents and brother.

He went to the door and went a few steps outside until he could see the sky. He had questioned himself a lot. Before, when the battle had tilted towards Silvas's favour, when his brother was still alive he had doubted his country could win the war. Sensing this concern the priest had sacrificed his safety in order to make his brother and in other words his guardian feel happy and confident on himself. The priest thought it was the least he could do was to help his brother, the president.

Now the president was totally alone. Of course he had the people of the original Lyson behind him. But he had lost everyone who were closest to him. He had lost his parents. And now he lost someone he cared about so much.

But he knew there was no end to it. Once a war starts one side may surrender when it starts to overwhelm them. But many people choose to die fighting willingly to the end carrying the belief that the sacrifices made by their comrades will not go down in vain. Or in other words giving meaning to the death of the comrades.

The president knew until the war was over he would not reveal his emotions as he had a duty to fulfill. It was everything in the past that prepared him for this moment. And when the time for the broadcast came, he was ready for it.

"I believe it is the challenging times that make us stronger. We have been faced with tests one after another. Most of the time we have succeeded and some times we have failed. It is our responsibility to take care of a country we have deemed important to our hearts. And we as a nation will fight till the sun exists and moon can be seen in the sky.

"The end might be near. But it is a end that has meaning. For all those who came before us. The city which feed our people. Let us rise in the name of Lyson and make the friends and foe alike remember this event for a hundred generations."

Everyone in the gathering cheered. Then the president looked up at the sky wondering whether his family was cheering too.

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