Gifts and memories

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Something to imagine, something to vanish. Something that stays within the hearts of the people especially if the gift is genuine and is given by a person who understands what kind of gift is natural.

Demark believed in the vision that people would spend time together to feel the value of life. People would value each moment and discipline themselves in each role so that they would feel fully satisfied. They would have a long term vision of each of their responsibilities, so that they wouldn't feel restricted by their schedule. They would be able to plan and organise effectively. And feel they would be contributing to their ultimate goals in life step by step.

How we all learn to cope with difficulties, don't we? And yet just when life started to get easier and more familiar, we see the difficulties something more challenges comes along. Moment by moment discipline of doing something, whatever that might be, as it deviates from our normal habits become something difficult. As the earth pulls us to the ground, so do our habits pull us from action. It is in this form that we can analyse which habits are formed from specific patterns.

Demark knew once he made a opinion on something, it was his habit to check from all directions whether that opinion was right to not.

He would know how much close the the thoughts would be to reality. Though he was young,but he would learn from the wisdom and experience of other wise people and layman alike. Learn from the contribution of the masses.

How connected are we in terms of working together! Demark would be fascinated by the things humans would accomplish alone and together in teams. Contributions such as those in science, sociology, chemistry, literature and the divine.

Understanding emotions and where they come from. The emotions of hope, interest, sadness and pain. Was there any meaning to this pain and suffering people go through? Was there a blessing in disguise?

People looked at it and try to understand it and give a sort of purpose to it. The complex feels sort of light and heavy at the same time.

But does the emotions carry meaning? And how do they arrive? How can we be free from pain in our chest or is there a possible explanation for the reason behind that pain? Demark thought deeply and reflected deeply.

Suddenly the temple started to shake as Demark was reflecting these thoughts at the end of the month. Oh no. Thought Demark.

He took his backpack with him and started rushing downstairs. He expected to see a priest levitating inside an empty hall filled with dark colours.

How can someone who is reading at a temple face all of these difficulties?

Well the answer was given by the choice Demark made in that moment. He talked to the priest and asked the priest why he had taken such a form.

The priest was astonished at the courage of Demark. He didn't answer immediately. The priest looked weary though just a little bit.

The priest seemed taken aback and even seemed amused perhaps. His red eyes glittered in the darkness giving a kind appearance most people would feel at unease.

Demark stared back. His heart was hurt. He felt his inner direction was swaying. And had the urge to leave just like he did the first time.

But then he started looking at the situation as if he was looking at it from a perspective of someone else. He imagined the situation as a movie and imagined giving a class, a lecture to a group of students at the University and learning how he faced this pain.

Blasphemy was also a worry for Demark. He had been raised with a different religion even though he had quite a vast knowledge by this time of the religion of Lyson. He knew that if he did some misconduct he would be punished. The army of Lyson supported the temple and sweared an oath to support the temple. He didn't want to show any kind of action that meant to harm the ideal or respect of the temple.

A rush of wind came right at him. And he felt a heavy blow on the stomach and on his face. Surprisingly he didn't lose his teeth. He thought. He had no super powers. At least not yet.

Then it happened. Portals started opening. The most vicious creatures started moving through the portals. It was dark even though the sun had not set. Half man half beast creatures started rushing through the portals. The portals had some kind of gravitational force that seemed to only affect Demark. The priest and the half man half beast like creatures seemed hardly affected. And the creatures seemed to have not eaten in quite a while.

Roar! The creatures seemed to have the face similar to a lion but the body of the human beings. Demark couldn't believe his luck. He was facing mythological creatures and a levitating priest. Therefore he needed to make a decision quick.

He was surrounded by several humans with the head of lions. Demark knew he wasn't going to last long.

If he wanted to escape he would have to go through the portals. And he had no idea to where the portals would lead.

He knew that he might be far away. And a month away from his family,  he missed so many precious moments he used to have with his family and with his brotherhood. What was the value of life anyway if you couldn't pass through all of the difficult times to the end?

The connections with his family, with his ancestors, he would give anything for one more moment, one more time to see their happy faces, one more moment of celebration. The kind of happiness that spread through his heart, the anticipation of something good about to happen when he was working towards a larger goal.

A burning yes inside when he subordinate his current desire towards a larger purpose.

He closed his eyes and looked up. He opened them only to find darkness. However his memories had filled his heart with wonder.

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