A continuation part 2

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Do you ever travel and wonder what lies beyond what you can see? Do you think that it's magical? Something that you didn't expect but somehow had the desire.

Demark looked up at the shelves consisting thousand of books. He climbed the remaining stairs and reached the shelves. He looked down at the garden. He took a deep breath and felt the fresh air flow through his body.

Demark touched the books and soon realised that they weren't dusty as expected. The books had different covers filled with diagrams and titles written beautifully. He soon came to notice that his initial guess about the books were correct though not completely.

Religion, pictures of Gods and Demons, or conceptual God. The stories of heaven and hell, and the stories of rebirth. Detailed description of potential suffering or liberation. Colours of red and white filled the books and countless stories of the interaction between God and nature that took place.

He became so engrossed in the books that he hardly noticed the sun go down and the light bubs of the library on top of temple turn on. It was so bright that hardly anyone could differentiate whether the intensity of light had increased or decreased. It had that special feature.

After a while he took his seat near a book shelf and layed down the books he thought were interesting. Many people had already left. After a few minutes he became aware that there were less people and the light which he thought was from the sun were actually from the light bulbs.

Demark immediately remembered his cousin and thought it was best not to let him worry. Mobile phones during those days were a luxury the rich could afford. So he left the books on the shelves and set out to home.

Before he could leave the temple the priest he met before came to him. He said"In your journey, you will come across countless struggles, different cultures and unknown circumstances. Always remember this library at the top floor is always open to you."

Demark didn't know how exactly to respond to this. So he just nodded and thanked him. And set off in the way.

Demark caught a vehicle, a bus. It was headed towards the slums. When the bus came close enough he realised that the bus was full of passengers. Must the time the workers return to home. Thought Demark. When he returned back he contemplated on the fact that there were people who worked more hours than him perhaps doing overtime. He wondered how people were encouraged to work in such harsh conditions to earn money.
Perhaps it's for the extra money. Perhaps it is for celebrations and festivals at home. Thought Demark.

Thinking was one of Demark's biggest hobbies and analysing was another of his hobbies. It was Demarks favourite passtime. He was the only child with no one to play with. Though a wealth of visitors visited his home in the village, he would manage to avoid interactions between them as he would escape backdoor and go to the river. The river would be an isolated spot except for the elders who loved to fish. He would go there for hours on end and meditate.

He would imagine sand of the deserts and beaches, like the ones he heard from his elders who had once been businessmen and travelled great distances. He would think of the advantages and disadvantages of being born in such hot places or places near the sea. He would imagine the animals, the wildlife that lived in those places. He would imagine how hard the struggle for animals to survive still was.

Desert sand was yellow, and gold was gold. He would wonder whether the gold was available in such deserts. He would recall the sages saying that valuable resources were available in the mountains and deserts. He wondered if it was true.

Truth seemed to be the goal of many people. And finding out the truth from the wealth of information he had at his time was still a difficult thing to do.

He would bring himself from his deep imagination back into that present. He would look at the calm river flowing slowly. He would looked at the landscape beyond the river. Full of trees, he believed even though sands might hold some useful materials, here in his village he had firewood, one of the elements of nature worshipped in the great capital of Lyson. Certainly they were rich in that perspective. On top of that he knew that the air in the village was fresh and full of oxygen.

He would take the time in which he would think deeply about how lucky he was. Having a family, a tribe to call home. Probably all of them came from two ancestors. The tribe was probably related to each other by genes. Demark thought. There was a kind of wholeness in having a tribe. Occasionally, while enjoying his solitude, he would come across strangers who he believed belonged to the village. So he wouldn't feel threatened at all.

However he saw despite great efforts and advances, though he found that in the city many people belong to one constitution, there was a sense of isolation and threat. Not the kind of isolation he enjoyed in the village. A different type. A raw feeling. Being with his cousins removed the feeling and brought a sense of security, a sense of family between them.

Demark, back in the village near the river would think of his good memories and his bad as the thoughts flowed. Some emotions were raw and he would analyse those emotions. He believed as human beings, we had a source of dependency, a need of belonging. When there was rejection as human beings we wouldn't want to feel that emotion. So it was a part of life, a natural consequence of being a human being he believed.

It would feel like the short arm of his clock would move like his clock's long arm and soon after day dreaming for a long time, during evening he would worry his mother would get anxious of where her son went. So he would return home.

To achieve something people must dream and imagine. However there are somethings we get without imagining. We must not take those things for granted.

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