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The thick suffocating air was jammed within the space of four brick walls, the horrible niff of blood and sweat was persistent. The frequent whimpers and grunts from the rebels only made the guards to press down their sword more close to their neck, suppressing them down to submission.

"Quit the rebellion and return back to your homes" The alpha's voice seethed, "this is your last warning"

His bright aureate eyes were having a hard superior glare at the rebels-around eight- three of them women and others men.

"She was your mate!" The feminine voice of the beta lady who's on her knees opposes in a whimper. Her hands were tied to her back, forehead dripping the blood while neck having a fresh cut from the sword blade pressing on her wrinkled skin.

Five alpha guards were protecting the pack alpha while the other ten guards were engaged to submit the mutinied members, each of them holding their swords against the neck of the rebels, a single move made by the insurgents and they will die in a instant by the sharp blade of their swords.

"SHE WAS A LUNATIC!!" The king roars, rising from his high seat and stepping forward in rage. "She could never be the queen"

"You cheated on her... Instead of rejecting her, you betrayed!" Another rebel raised his voice.

"I REJECTED HER" The alpha's voice hides it's desperation.

"SHE DIED HAVING NO MATE BOND BETWEEN US" He yelled out at everyone, trying prove his innocence.

"How many times do i have to explain that she was lying and manipulating you" His grip on his sword tightened, this was his pack members. The ones he vowed to protect, he could never cause any harm on them yet if they won't back away then he'd have no other choice.

"The one who is manipulating here is you, mighty alpha" The taunting tone resonated the hall, giving a chill of fear to the alpha.

"Dela" He whispered fearfully, staring at the rotund women in a russet cloak of cheap cotton.

Her eyes were dark, menacing. Her curly bronze hair had old silver fringes at the front, evil hands having stout fingers. She took slow sinister steps ahead, the guards not daring to stop her until commanded by the king.

"She was my friend" That was a pained whisper which made the alpha to lower his head.

"Dela... Please listen to me" He pleaded, his tone vanishing the dominance.

"Why? Why are you pleading?" She scoffed.

"Why aren't you using your power on me, alpha?" She spat, stopping near him a short distance away.

Her chapped lips curled, "Because you know i can kill you with a snap of my hand, isn't it?"

She flicked her fingers, lips mumbling something inaudible and in a second the guards were tumbled back from the rebels, the clank sounds of their swords dropping on the stone floor echoed the hall dangerously.

A witch always had a baleful effect on the supernatural kind, especially a powerful one who uses dark magic and holds a cold cruel heart. Dela, is one of them who's capable to terrorize the werewolfs-the kind which is indeed powerfully lethal.

Dela grits her teeth, "She wasn't lunatic, she was just a little sick"

She glanced at the rebels, her eyes softening. As her gaze shifted at the alpha, her face turned direful as she spoke, "She would have been cured with love"

"Love of her mate for whom she waited all this while" She raised her left hand, fingers spread out as she mumbles a spell. A groan was erupted from the pack alpha who was forced to fall on his knees. "...only to see him with another women who's carrying his child"

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