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Taehyung moved up the central aisle through the choirs, accompanied by his mate and peers. His eyes shifted from his parents to jungkook, dressed in his regal attire. His manner polished and fine.

He looked no less than a king, just needed the imperial crown on his head. They both had changed into their regal attires soon after their wedding.

By jungkook's face, the omega could tell he needed time for ateast a minute but all they got was a moment to share kiss and smiles, then hastily rushed by the attendants to be ready for the coronation.

Jungkook held his hand softly and allowed his omega to climb the stairs first. Taehyung resisted to blush and moved forward.

The traditional rule asserts that the imperial shall be crowned first so taehyung stood before the throne, the queen coming forward and kissing his head.

His mother then led him to sit on the throne. The crowd hailed to his long life, for which he'd returned courtesy. He took the coronation oath as administered by the royal priest.

The priest handed him the regalia of royalty---the sceptre, orb and the imperial book. The priest said the prayer while the choir sang the tradition song of Arera.

The queen came forward, her face glowing with content. She took her ring off her finger and kissed it, then proudly putting it on her son's finger. Taehyung was then invested with armlet, golden cape and the sword of emperor Jarer.

With the regalia on his hands, taehyung was crowned by the queen with the crowd cheering "long live the high luna". The king touched his son's head, blessing him.

Taehyung wore a polite smile to the crowd, paying them his courtesy as they roared in delight. The soldiers lined around the aisles stomped their spears three times and then knelt in unison.

The crowd lowering right after them, a silence of one minute was maintained and then the priest announced to raise.

The regalia was returned to the altar. Taehyung gazed at jungkook who looked calm but rigid. It was his turn now.

Jungkook didn't move, he was meant to take his stance before the throne. Finally the priest decided to break his brooding thoughts and gestured him towards the throne. He nodded awkwardly and met taehyung's eyes, passing a nervous smile.

Taehyung worriedly watched him, his father leading jungkook to sit beside him. The alpha clenched his hands tightly, to not make the trembling visible to anyone's eyes.

The imperial omega touched his hands for a brief moment, making him crave for that comfort more. When the priest came forward to assist him with the oath, he felt the sweat dripping down his forehead.

He quickly wiped his head and said the oath, his voice at first trembling and then turning normal. The crowd was totally silent when he finished pledging his loyalty and service to the people.

The king moved forward to pass his ring, armlet and sword of emperor Jarer. The regalia was handed over to him, the sceptre visibly shaking in his hands.

His hands were sweating a lot, the imperial alpha surely had felt it and so he whispered, "You'll make a great king, jungkook. I have my trust in you."

Taehyung smiled at his father as he did lifted off a dozen of worry from jungkook. The king slowly took off the imperial crown from his head, the huge diamonds of various cuts glinting in every light.

Jungkook closed his eyes when the imperial alpha placed the crown on his head. The hall resonated with hails and cheers. Soldiers knelt and priest announced him as new high alpha of Arera.

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