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He's sure the rock under which he's sitting had absorbed enough heat from him to save itself from the coldness—the very thing which was torturing him.

The imperial omega was shivering in the midnight, right outside the castle. He'd wrapped his arms tightly around his body to cease the strikes of chillness. He should've taken a wool cloak with him, atleast he would've been coated in its warmth.

He was waiting for the alpha. Leaning to the castle wall, facing the dark woods ahead of him. Exactly the same as he did the past two days and exactly the very same way jarer didn't show up.

He wished a change for tonight, hours passed yet he couldn't pick the alpha's scent anywhere near. Disappointment and sorrow were surprisingly flowing down his eyes as tears.

He promised.

That's all taehyung needed to think and the tears would roll down from his ocean eyes continually.

It physically ached to survive the last two days without meeting jarer. He didn't wanted to climb back to his garden and repeat the same grief.

He wanted to meet him. Wanted to ask why he broke his promise. Above all, just wanted to know if he started to think of him as a scourge too—like every others.

Taehyung stood up, stumbling as his feet got numb after sitting immovably for too long. He waited for his legs to get back to it's strength and then staggered forward.

He sniffed, trying to pick a familiar scent but he got nothing. He closed his eyes and started walking, slowly letting the forest swallow him in it's blackness.

If jarer won't make a move to meet him, then he will. He hopes he'll find the wolf near the lake. Maybe he lives somewhere near. The town is pretty close to the kum lake, he doesn't know from which direction but he's sure he'll find it out. Atleast he should try.

The silvery moon was uselessly trying to lit his way. Taehyung was heading down a narrow path in the woods, he was sniffing constantly and trying to focus on recalling his senses.

He's positive he's going the right way as he remembers the crackles of leaves that jarer's paw made. His slippers were crunching the dry brittle leaves spread over the uneven ground.

He crept through the dark woods which started seeming to be close together, making him stumble on it's thick trunk every now and then.

A icy breeze blew hard through the dark forest. Taehyung stopped and listened. Listening to the animal cries the wind carried with it. The howls and snapping beaks of blackbirds.

The scary sounds of forest did make his stomach churn in fear but it also brought relief. Silence of a forest is what should be feared, silence means a predator is near.

The smell of mud filled his nose, stinky and defecating. He recognises it, just right somewhere here jarer had made few leaps and then a turn. He found difficulty in remembering which side he turned.

The omega trudged forward, a wooden log crashed to his leg, causing him to tumble down to the wet ground. He could feel his hands and robe getting soaked with mud. Maybe this was really a bad idea-strolling around the scary forest in midnight.

He stood up and felt the way with his leg, moist and dampening. He also felt like he reached a fork in the path—confirming he should really take a turn.

He stood there for a moment, trying to decide. He followed his instincts and made his way to the left.

The trees grew even more closer. He crashed and stumbled. Tried to dodge the low branches and mossy water dripping from the leaves. He somehow made his way to a less obstructive path. He guesses it is where jarer slowed down.

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