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"I told you this isn't the way" Soonwo grunted, "This is the back side or something of the castle. We need to go—"

"This is the right way" Jungkook touched the rocks of the castle wall.

He took a deep breath and pushed that one piece of rock—where it all begun. The scratching sound of the rock sliding back brought a relieving smile on his face.

"What the hell!? You can't go into the castle like this? This is wrong!" The righteous guard objected.

Jungkook smiled playfully, "Well, was i not your highness a minute ago?"

Soonwo narrowed his eyes, "so you finally agree?"

"Agree what?" He peeked inside the garden, checking for guards.

Soonwo huffed, "That you're prince's lover and the to be king"

Jungkook turned to him with a annoyed expression. He had been chanting that through all the way. According to him, the words are spread that the one who broke prince's curse is the one the crown prince is going to marry—the one prince deeply loves, his chosen mate.

The denial of it was quick in jungkook's head, after all why would taehyung want him after he saw him. But deep down he knows his taehyung is not like every others. His taehyung won't ever deride any being.

But he'd afraid.

"I'm not" He hissed and hopped up on the wall, his movements nonchalant and careful.

Soonwo snickered, crossing his arms.
"What if you are?"

"Then... Then i'll punish you!" Jungkook scoffed, glaring down at the guard.

The laugh from Soonwo reached his ears, "Misuse of powers already?"

Jungkook turned and peeked for any silhouettes of soldiers. He then faced the gregarian, "Thank you. Thank you for everything, Soonwo"

He settled himself on the soft grasses of the garden. "I'll forever be grateful"

Soonwo only rolled his eyes. "I'm bored, your highness"

Jungkook smiled and slightly bowed his head for a polite gesture of thanking.

"Get in and save your prince again" Soonwo said with a small laugh. "Wait... should i—"

"No, i can protect myself" Jungkook assured him his safety.

"Then make sure you do that well" The guard advised and stepped back.

Jungkook pushed the rock back to it's position and sheathed towards the hallway, carefully making his way towards the prince's chamber.

Oddly so, there were no guards in the hallway. Though he heard certain sounds which made him quickly hide and move only after ensuring solitude.

Just when he reached, he was quick to enter the chamber and close the door with great slowness so that no sound gets into notice.

He caught the sight of taehyung sleeping on the large bed. He hesitantly approached and reached for him. "Tae?"

Upon the lack of response to his gentle whisper, he guessed taehyung to be in a deep slumber. He slowly sat on the corner of the bed and decided to check on him in silence.

His hands slightly trembled when he pulled the sheets down, a instant frown taking up his face as he only sights a bundle of pillows.

"Taehyung?" He stood up hastily and looked around the oddly dim chamber.

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