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A small petal of cherry lands on his hand, the whitish pink color of it gave a tinge of smile on his face. Fisting it to his hand, he observed the moon above with his glistening eyes.

The silver crown gleamed over his golden hair. He was once sure that he'd like wearing the royal crown of Arera when someday he'd be free from the curse, someday when the pack rejoices and accepts him as their imperial prince.

He was wrong, no part of him enjoyed the crown sitting on his head. He enjoyed nothing.

In a second, the crown was thrown against the wall, the diamonds clanking against the stones. His blue eyes shone gold in rage, his scent lingering with a smoky edge.

"Am i interrupting?" The calm voice of xumaire subsides his anger.

He harshly wipes his tears off and turns to politely bow at him. "No, my Lord"

Namjoon smiles and steps closer, "Shall we sit at the pavilion?"

Taehyung nods, though confused of why the xumaire was here, he follows and takes a seat opposite to the alpha.

The alpha always seemed calm, despite of any situations. Taehyung watches him for a moment, puzzling his mind over his silence.

"Did you get to know something?" He tried not to sound hopeful.

"Doesn't it mean, 'have you found him' ?" The alpha chuckled, he was trying to lower down the tension aloft in air.

Taehyung only pursed his lips, his hands clasping together on his lap.

"If yes, then no." Namjoon said, "But words are spread that he was seen traveling far from the forest, towards the boundaries of other pack"

Taehyung's heart leaped, "Which—Which pack?"

"Gregaria pack, of course" The alpha immediately added, "He's half-gregarian"

Taehyung chose to speak nothing, he knew his voice would come out too broken. If jungkook left Arera, then it's understandable why the guards can't find jungkook since a week.

He can't point at where he's missing to understand jungkook. On why exactly he ran away from him. He didn't have the joy in his beautiful eyes when he knew his curse was broken, it was more of pain and shock.

Taehyung's lips trembled, "Then the alpha of Gregaria might help us to find him—"

"We aren't in good terms with Gregaria" Namjoon shook his head tensely, "Spies say they're up for a war against the western pack"

The omega frowned, "Against Nelthria?"

When the xumaire nodded his head, he raised his doubt, "Aren't we supposed to interfere if any such violence is plotted? Every pack follows and answers to Arera"

"True" He smiled grimly, "But sometimes we don't interfere"

"That's not true. We always interfere to make sure peace is maintained"

The prince's objection gave him a small laugh, "But is war the only thing not in peace?"

Taehyung stared at him cautiously, speaking to a clever man like him always tends him to be wary of his words. "I don't understand"

"War is the outcome of the never ending conflicts. Sometimes war is what ends it all to attain peace"

The omega shook his head, "I don't agree. Negotiations can be made. War is not the solution as it takes a lot of lives"

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