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"What is your name?" Taehyung's soft voice perks the wolf's long ears. He neglects it and continues to take small bites on the bread.

"Why don't you...uh" Taehyung hesitates, sitting on a stone. "Why don't you shift and tell me?"

The wolf's silver eyes darted at the omega immediately, narrowing it as he chews on his meal. The midnight was chill, but taehyung only felt warmness inside him—he does everytime when he's present with this food-thief.

"It's not like i can see you though" The omega cautiously reminds, the alpha notices there was a concealed sadness in his voice.

He patiently waits, but the wolf curtly ignores him. "You won't tell me?"

Just as instantly, he hears knocking on the ground. Taehyung sulks, looking away with a small huff. The wolf was being petty.

"But...what will i call you then?" He asks, voice taking a edge of impatience.

The alpha snorted, somewhat seemed like a mocking chuckle. It's as if the wolf doesn't want him to call him by his name or anything.

"If you won't tell me then i will make up a name for you" Taehyung says and bites his lip regretfully, did he just threaten the wolf!?

The wolf's eyes widens, snarling in dread. He doesn't want any pet names to be called. The sudden response made the omega flinch but perceiving his unwillingness, he could only laugh in mischief.

Taehyung playfully narrows his eyes and remains adamant, "I will"

A series of hisses and growls of protest was heard from the wolf, making taehyung to giggle at it.

As days passed, the alpha was getting soft and amiable with him, fear of getting attacked by him was fading out of his heart slowly, yet some parts of it still remains in his cautious mind.

"Mm~" The omega hums, rolling his beautiful eyes and pondering hard for a suitable name.

"I have many names in my mind—from the stories i read" Taehyung speaks his mind, the wolf grumbling beside him. Tossing the platter and making protesting noises, but nothing bothered the omega.

Ignoring his tantrums, the omega continues to think, "But those names aren't real"

"Your name should be something real" The wolf huffs, moving away and dropping himself on the ground in a snit.

A smile adorns taehyung's lips, "Jarer"

The wolf raises his head, tilting it in confusion of what he heard.

"The first imperial alpha" Taehyung smiles pleasantly while the wolf stares at the omega's radiant face, intrigued.

"I read he was so kind and mighty" The omega says, pausing a bit and sensing the presence of the wolf on his left. "Apart from my parents, only you have shown kindness to me"

"So i think that name will rightfully suit you" Taehyung smiles kindly.

The wolf blinks, then slowly gets near the omega and licks his face affectionately. Taehyung suppresses his genial giggles, "I will call you Jarer from now on"

He receives more wet licks on his cheek, bursting giggles past his plump lips. Taehyung's hands instinctively raises up but he stops before touching the wolf's face.

"Can i touch you?" The omega innocently asks for his permission. The wolf immediately presses his face more closer to the omega.

Taehyung beams and lets his hands touch the big face of the wolf, flinching a bit at the unfamiliarity then relaxes as he softly runs his fingers along the black thick fur.

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