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Jungkook marched through the crunching leaves, his wolf eyes lit silver to see through the dark forest clearly. The merciless canopy of tress didn't even allow a narrow ray of moon to pass through.

He was getting impatient with every steps he took ahead. Clawed trepidation scraping the walls of his heart. He felt the two guards were walking strangely slow. They have strictly told him to follow them, meaning to walk behind and not the other way.

He just wanted to reach taehyung before the sunrise. Nothing will happen to him, he optimistically chanted to himself several times.

He would hunt down some nerisses if required. He will find a way to heal him. He will do that or he will die with him. There's nothing in between.

His life is meaningless anyway. What was he even thinking? Move to Gregara and build a home there? For whom? He didn't wanted a home or peace for himself, which was once the only thing he ever wanted, he now just wanted to feel happiness—even the smallest ounce of it-with his love, taehyung.

That's all his heart yearned.

His eyes filled with unshed tears. He blinked through the black trunks crisping his vision, clutched tightly to the strings of hope.

"We can use a break here" The guard with a grey beard announced, perching on a large rock. The sounds of his movements echoing, cluttering of his sword belted on his waist and the glinting armour.

"No, we shall reach the castle as soon as possible" Jungkook objected immediately.

He couldn't believe the actuality of this situation. There was no requirement of taking a break, atleast not for him.

The guard gave a contemptuous chuckle, "The day i take orders from a filth like you, shall be the day i slit my throat"

Jungkook didn't flinch, he usually does when such unfair revulsion is shown to him. Maybe this time, his mind was only roomed for the deep concerns.

"Do not make it difficult for me by not responding" His laughs echoed loud, "Show mercy as i can't see you against the darkness"

The older's mocks were nothing compared to the collectives of all other he had endured. He only looked ahead to the path he'd to move, misted eyes suffused with worry.

The other guard, a young one, approached him and extended a bamboo bottle. Jungkook hesitantly searched his face, already shaking his head but the guard only insisted in a kind gesture.

Jungkook reluctantly gulped down a mouthful of water and handed the flask quickly back to the guard, his actions overly courteous to be shown to a simple young guard.

He made sure his fingers don't touch with the man, they don't like it generally. But this guard didn't seem any near like the one picking his teeth right now. He even smiled.

The young guard turned and announced in a clipped tone, "We'll be moving shortly"

The old man didn't respond, maintaining his nonchalant demeanor. Jungkook stepped ahead, feeling the eyes of the guard, and leaned to a tree. He watched the path ahead, the path towards taehyung, feeling himself drawn to it.

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